Summer 1903 Election Information

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Robert Barlow

Democracy Manifest
State Representative
Aug 12, 2021
Wichita, KS
(Flyers containing this information have been distributed to all notice boards and government buildings in New Alexandria.)


We are holding our Summer Election of 1903 for the office of State Legislature for three (3) State Representatives, as well as the Governorship.

The State Representative election will be open pool, where the top 3 candidates during the election will obtain the position of State Representative. The Governor election will be separate in a 'runoff' style, where a candidate must achieve a 50%+1 vote or else another round of voting between the top 2 candidates will take place.

State Representatives are responsible for drafting and passing State Laws, Acts, Edicts, Procedures, Resolutions, Criminal Punishment, Endorsing Civil Appointments by the Executive, and is a check on executive power in these regards.

Representatives shall have a 4-month term, ending December 16, 1903.

*Parties interested in registering for representative should sign up here.*

The Governor is responsible for overseeing the entire Government Structure, including but not limited to: keeping communication between the branches of government healthy, productive, and positive; hosting State Sponsored Events; Holding meetings that are relevant to the Office (both IC and OOC), Signing Bills passed by the Legislature into Law; Appointing Government Officials to position with endorsement of the State Legislature; Suppressing Treason and Secessionist movements; Addressing Native American Affairs; keeping and enforcing law, order, and maintaining tranquility among all citizens and bringing outlaws and criminals to Justice on behalf of the victims. Experience in high office is recommended, but not required, as the internal workings of government are fairly complex and may be daunting.

The Governor will have a 4-month term, ending December 16, 1903.

*Parties interested in registering for the Governorship should sign up here.*

If you are considering running for either public office, remember that you must be responsible and mature as you will be representing the State Government and its People.

Candidate Registration Requirements:

No felonious charges on record, or has otherwise gone through the Clean Slate Act (criminal record expunged).
Must be a citizen of New Alexandria for at least one (1) month.
(OOC: Active member of the community, and must not have a ban for at least 3 months.)
Have filled out the proper registration forms.

Registration: Friday, July 12, 1903 - Friday, July 19, 1903.

Campaign: Friday, July 19 1903 at 8 PM EST - Friday, August 2, 1903 at 8 PM EST.

Voting: Friday, August 2, 1903 at 8 PM EST to Monday, August 5, 1903 at 8 PM EST.


Please understand the position you are running for.

THIS IS A SERIOUS RESPONSIBILITY, both in-character and out of character and IS NOT A TITLE OF PRESTIGE.

We don't mind non-serious / fun character campaigns to keep things entertaining, but when it gets down to business we need to be solid and serious on the OOC and IC level, which is why we are tying votes to a player and their character at this time, not just one or the other.

Public / State office will change a character / your experience in our community. You will be expected to be the embodiment of professionalism of which these offices demand and require. Every action and decision you make will be dissected and criticized, and there will be people that will be rooting for you to fail. Your character's 'social life' will change, your OOC life within our community will change, as you will be expected to sacrifice your time to address matters at an OOC level (forums, meetings, discord, etc.), as well as at an IC level.

This is a grand experiment that we have implemented and have found successful thus far; an organic Government of the people, by the people, and for the people with checks and balances of which is rarely attempted within a Roleplay Community, and we (Management) are hoping it goes smoothly with as little staff interference as necessary.

The position calls for In Character Campaign and election and presence.
Out of Character considerations on behalf of the effects of any legislation/act/edict passed.
The Federal Government (Management) reserves the right to veto, alter, over-rule, or adjust any current law if deemed necessary (historical practice, OOC checks and balances).
The current Governor and Representatives will shift into an advisory role for the incoming government during the 1-week transition.
There will be NO OOC CAMPAIGNING, either in public or private mediums. THIS IS STRICTLY IC AND IC-MEDIUM ONLY.
Corruption that damages the reputation of the office shall be met with impeachment procedures, and may ultimately be met with forced permanent punishment (capital punishment up to and including permanent death of the character) if found guilty of corruption (Constitutional and OOC considerations), and you accept that responsibility. The Corruption Rule does apply to both State Representatives and the Governor positions.
Management reserves the right to impeach or remove and

replace elected officials who demonstrate they are unfit for the office and position, go inactive, rule breaks, etc.

Robert Barlow

Democracy Manifest
State Representative
Aug 12, 2021
Wichita, KS
The candidates for office are:

Richard Chain
Hon. Haver Ford
Sec. Imogene Harrison
Sutton Sprig
Bellamy Quinn disqualified: criminal record
Roland Cyril disqualified:
Registered for two offices
James Lemoyne: Must complete registration at a sheriff's office

Josephine Church
Rep. Lee Colt
Levi Faraday withdrawn
Gideon Stott withdrawn

Roland Cyril disqualified: Registered for two offices
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