Abraham Levy

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    Lowell-Abraham Levy, known more commonly as Abraham Levy, is a British fugitive and con-man who, after murdering his wife Emily Levy in 1898, escaped conviction and fled the country. The murder sparked local outrage, his childhood home was burnt to the ground as a result and his name is heavily slandered in the community he grew up in. At the time of the murder, Levy was 52 years old.

    The Gold Locket gifted to Emily Levy by Abraham on their wedding day, found at the scene of the murder.

    Levy is identified by his slightly humped posture, in addition to his mustache which he is known to frequently curl at the ends whilst idle, as well as the scar on his nose which is believed to have been gained during an altercation with his adopted brother.

    A victim of bullying during his younger years, Levy was allegedly thick-skinned. Conversely, his rash wild-card attitude got him into trouble often. As a result, It's often believed this thick-skinned behavior was a farce. Unlikely to be a coincidence, criminal damage would often appear on the property of the people who had wronged him even though he claimed not to have been involved in the incidents. Levy in his earlier years was a manipulator. He's been referred to as a con-man by his former community as he often "toyed with the personality of a nice-man", only to then be doubted whenever the inexplicable criminal damage occurred.

    Early Life 

    Abraham Levy, born Lowell-Abraham Levy in 1847 during his mother (Charlotte Levy) and fathers (Lowell Levy) pilgrimage through Israel. Lowell-Abraham's mother and father were both British citizens and devote Jews. Despite this, Lowell-Abraham's mother eventually refused to address him by Lowell considering, when back in Britain, Lowell Levy dissapeared after an argument with Charlotte when Abraham was 4 years old. Abraham was never told the exact reason behind the argument and has failed to understand why his father left him and his mother to fend for themselves. Ultimately, this has resulted in Abraham also refusing to be addressed by Lowell.

    Tiberias, Israel circa 1847 - The birthplace of Lowell-Abraham Levy.
    Being the only child to be birthed by Charlotte, Abraham was a sheltered child. He didn't have any friends and was constantly bullied throughout his younger years. Charlotte often recognized the bruises when he'd come home from the store without the groceries she expected. In Abraham's eyes, nobody could relate to him. Charlotte knew he needed somebody, and therefor decided to adopt a boy named Oscar, who undoubtedly had it worse based on, in addition to father, also being without mother.

    Initially, Oscar and Abraham were distant. Oscar was nervous considering he was in a new household, whereas Abraham was unsure on how to make any friend in general. But through many-a-forced meal and shared errands which Charlotte assigned to them, they began to bond. Abraham took an immediate interest in Oscar's ability to play piano after Charlotte suggested Oscar join the Synagogue Choir, which he undertook for a short while.

    Despite the illusion Oscar put up infront of Charlotte purely out of respect, Oscar was nowhere near as devoted to religion as both Abraham and Charlotte were. Abraham eventually could see this, although by the time this was realized Abraham had already established a strong bond with Oscar which was to be valued. Abraham finally had a friend, someone who he could trust. Beyond being a friend, as time went on Abraham and Oscar became brothers. Whenever Abraham would get harassed by the other kids on the way to collect groceries, Oscar would be there. The other children would berate Oscar too, at first. This didn't last long though. With a talented piano player like Oscar around, Abraham felt like he had something to prove. He couldn't cook very well, he couldn't clean and he definitely couldn't play piano - he'd tried all that before. What he hadn't tried is fighting back.

    He is the one entrusted with the authority to give access to heaven or to cast into hell: “The one who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens a door that no one can shut, and who shuts a door that no one can open, says: I know what you have done. See, I have opened a door in front of you that no one can shut” (3:7-8)

    To Abraham, this was the key. That destined day was the last time any malicious intervention was instilled upon Abraham by that group of individuals. Abraham knows that this was the knocking for him, and he with the key was the answer. Abraham's newfound enlightenment is something he kept quiet from Oscar. In fact, Oscar and Abraham never moved tongue about this specific incident at all.

    As all men do, Abraham grew older. He met a lady, Emily, and married her, going so far to even raise a child. This stability didn't last long. Abraham molded himself around the life experiences which were thrown at him. As time went on, despite Abraham's original acceptance of the faith, he became disillusioned with religion as a whole. After all, how could Abraham accept his father as the commandments instructed, when his father couldn't even accept him? Abraham Levy not-so-solemnly slipped into alcoholism in his later years in an attempt to recover from the disillusionment which was set upon his mind.

    The alcoholic tendency he instilled upon himself tore barricades down in his mind. Abraham always knew he was hiding something, but the anger he would show when drinking was unbecoming. His vengeful state-of-mind would make itself known every time he drank. The anger would mainly be directed at his wife. He was jealous of the attention she would receive.

    Present Life 

    After the murder of his wife, Abraham fled to New Alexandria with his brother Oscar Knight and their close friend Reginald Parker. During the boat journey, Abraham suffered deep feelings of regret. He vowed to give up drinking from this point onward.


    Blackwater Docks, New Austin circa 1899.

    The Formation of the Levy-Williams Gang

    Panicked from the events before commencing across to distant shores, the trio immediately fled to the Northern trees. The three set up camp in the Big Valley region of New Hanover.
    Many weeks of camping entailed without seeing a single soul. The three hunted for food in an effort to remain as inconspicuous as possible.

    One night whilst camping, a duo stumbled across them. Abraham, Reginald and Oscar invited them into the camp. The duo introduced themselves as Michael Chapman - an individual from Britain, as well as his American associate Billy Williams.
    Abraham, a British citizen and renowned manipulator, latched on to Billy Williams' accent. Jokingly at first, he would refer to Billy Williams as "Alabama". This nickname caught on quickly amongst the five. Abraham would mock Alabama's accent, attempting to impersonate him. Reciprocally, Billy 'Alabama' Williams mockingly named Abraham "Montana". This nickname also stuck.

    The original 3 sparked private discussion amongst themselves, knowing that if two people can approach them in the middle of the night that easily - despite them being pleasant, surely someone with ill-intent could just as easily approach the camp. People weren't even necessarily the worry - Big Valley, rampant with bears, is dangerous territory.

    The two newcomers would visit the camp sparingly. However, considering there was now more than 3 people in the camp, supplies would ultimately run short.
    The three made clear that shortages were affecting the camp to Billy and Michael. To accommodate for the shortage of firearms, ammunition and food, the eager 5 realized they needed to earn money.

    Abraham tried his hand at the local lumber yard however would find the work tedious. His short temper left him infuriated with the man in charge of the lumber yard, who would often underpay him. The other camp members ran into similar issues.
    Billy Williams and Abraham Levy resorted to praying on the weak for their supplies as they found this to be a simpler method of earning funds and supplies. A common conundrum was that two was weaker than a group of a higher value - so realistically they were just as prone to being targeted as anyone else was.
    The camp experienced the sudden abundance of supplies and would question where they came from; New firearms, a whole host of food, new clothes and finally an efficient method of transport - horses. - these were bound to raise suspicion eventually.
    Alabama and Montana came clean.

    The group debated on the morality and legality of the situation, however Abraham would argue the same point repetitively to the original 3 - "why are we here anyway? You helped me escape the law, we're already criminals". His brother Oscar would fight back. Their relationship always had a recurring push followed by a pull. As Abraham delved deeper into his mental disillusionment, he dragged Oscar down with him. Oscar stepped to the side whilst Abraham, Reginald, Michael and Billy began a robbing spree.
    Abraham would put on his newfound accent, adopting the alias Montana with the intention of misleading individuals if ever confronted.

    Now with 4 individuals willing to rob New Alexandrians, they decided to hit those who they knew were making money. They targeted Mines and Farms as well as richer areas of New Alexandria such as Saint Denis.

    The Saint Denis Incident


    Saint Denis, New Alexandria circa 1900.

    As the group progressed their crime spree into richer districts like Saint Denis, they were earning more money than they ever anticipated. The greed alone suggests that Abraham was never much of a follower of Judaism as the Torah specifies that one should not aim for materialistic essences.

    Whilst walking through Saint Denis, the group noticed a woman on her own. They realized quickly that she was soon to be a victim of their crimes. As the woman, Fern Wilder, left the clothing store of Saint Denis, four men, Abraham included, held her at gunpoint. Unbeknownst to Abraham, he had met and introduced himself to her previously at a farm near Blackwater whilst he and his brother Oscar were looking work. During this first encounter, he spoke to her with a British accent. When he encountered her in Saint Denis, Abraham was using the alias Montana as well as his honed American accent. This is the first documented usage of that name in public.

    The woman warned the men that they were messing with the wrong individual as her father was esteemed judge Texas Harrington. This confrontation infuriated Abraham. They took Miss Wilder slightly north into the Bayou of Lemoyne. Abraham Levy shot Miss Wilder and left her for dead in the Bayou hoping that the alligators would feed on her.
    Fortunately for Miss Wilder, a group of people found her and brought her safely to a doctors office where her wounds were tended to.

    Montana thought the woman was dead. He was wrong.

    Fern Wilder was spotted in Valentine by the group of criminals - she was noticeably shaken up by the experience, however Abraham caught wind that Fern had potentially recognized him and made the association between Abraham and Montana. She told her partner, Declan O'Connell - founder of Emerald Security.
    Declan vowed to avenge his beloved.
    Abraham grew fearful, leading him to make rasher decisions.

    Along their travels, Montana and Alabama met Devyn Dunning. She was seemingly looking for adventure and so they included her in a task that they needed to undertake in retaliation to Fern Wilder spreading word about the situation involving her injury.
    Devyn Dunning, now named Dakota, assisted in the kidnapping of Fern Wilder outside of Valentine Telegram Office. Accompanying Fern Wilder was a Doctor, who Montana eventually shot in an effort to make Fern see the weight of the situation. Dakota also slashed Fern Wilder on her own accord, leading to more trouble further down the line.
    He considered this a warning to Fern - If she continues making life difficult for them, more people she cares about will die and she will be harmed further.

    Fern seemingly complied. She was unsure whether or not the Abraham Levy she met in Blackwater was the same man now going by the alias Montana. That was until weeks later, Abraham met her again in Valentine. She allegedly froze when she saw him. Abraham, being a manipulator, attempted to converse with Fern. He showed sympathy for her injuries and expressed friendly emotions. The only issue is that he was now instinctively speaking with the American accent she heard Montana speak with, despite Fern knowing Abraham was British. This was the nail in the coffin.

    From this point onward, everybody knew Abraham "Montana" Levy. This did not bode well. Conveniently, the doctor who he shot infront of Fern Wilder was Lieutenant Tris Chamberlains brother, as he would come to find later.

    Because his identity was now public, he began using several different aliases to avoid being ostracized by the community because of his name, even if the people didn't actually recognize him. This worked for a short while, however the robberies continued. Alabama got a name for himself in addition, his true identity was slowly pieced together based on small trinkets of information.

    At this point, the group decided to name themselves the "Levy-Williams Gang", a mixture of Abraham Levy and Billy Williams. The other members didn't necessarily adopt the names of the American States, and as such, with their identities out there - they chose to embrace it.


    Billy "Alabama" Williams
    Michael Chapman
    Reginald Parker
    Oscar Knight
    Aaron Coates
    Chester Davis
    John Shepherd
    John Paul
    Suzan Gallagher
    Louie Accardi
    Killian Dawson
    Tris Chamberlain
    Butch Marlow
    Fern Wilder
    Valkrie Haven
    Daisy Sutherland
    Hector Sutherland
    Billy Joe Barbour
    Devyn Dunnings


    "Higher or Lower?"
    "We mean no quarrel with you, sirs. We respect your people."
    "Your family aint' nothin' but dirt. Makes sense you'd be covered in it."
    "This group. Our group, is now known as the Levy-Williams Gang. Behold what is before you for it shall make us rich... it shall make us noticed. Accepted... and with that, we conclude."
    "Let me indulge you in a parable from times once passed.

    The Blackfeet Tribes have a legend that details their god, The Old Man, who created the Pronghorn on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Although when he turned this animal loose, its uncanny speed caused it to stumble and fall upon the rocks, upon the fallen timber which is so custom of them very mountains.
    Thus, Old Man moved the Pronghorn to the prairie, where it was content.

    Pronghorn Ranch may not be your home.

    However, New Alexandria is most definitely your prairie. Pronghorn will be in flames."

    - Abraham Levy to Tris Chamberlain, circa 1900


    • Abraham Levy's daughter died at birth, leaving his wife with a life-threatening sepsis infection which she miraculously recovered from.

    • Both Lowell and Abraham are biblical names; Lowell meaning "Beloved" and "Abraham" meaning "Exalted Father". Ironically, neither of these names hold true for Abraham.

    • Abraham's adopted brother Oscar Knight is regarded as a piano prodigy, able to sight read music from a young age as well as compose his own pieces.

    • After murdering his wife, Abraham's adopted brother helped him flee the law to an unknown location at the time. It was later discovered that he fled to New Alexandria and continued a his misdeeds up until his death in December 1900.

    • In November 1900, a month before his demise, Abraham Levy was subject to an attempted assassination in Valentine. The perpetrator, believed to be a member of the Hagens, left Abraham disfigured. After this point, Abraham was noted to have only his index finger and thumb remaining on his left hand. His left arm was barely functional.

    • Abraham Levy allegedly survived a gunshot wound to the heart whilst in custody in Valentine before he was broken out by members of the Levy-Williams Gang.

    Lowell-Abraham Levy











    Last Recorded at 121.3kg


    17th of July 1847


    Tiberias, Israel



    Marital Status:



    Charlotte Levy (MOTHER, DECEASED)


    Emily Levy (WIFE,

    Erin Levy (DAUGHTER,

    Uriah Cohen (SON,

    Oscar Knight (ADOPTED BROTHER,




    "Abraham Levy"

    "No-Show Levy"

    "The Coward"

    "Wife Killer"


    "Jesse Trotter"

    "Mason Fox"

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Levy-Williams Gang