Arthur Thompson

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  • Arthur Kingsly Thompson


    Standing at 6 Foot 5 Inches tall, Arthur Thompson is a semi to well built man in his mid to late twenties. His body is covered in scars from old battles and animal attacks. Unable to grow any real form of facial hair, Arthur can be seen with a 5 O'clock shadow with nicks missing from the beard from small scars. His eyes are an ocean blue with a scar cutting through the left eyebrow and just past his left eye. Usually found wearing his lucky blue vest, Arthur wears a white shirt, black suit trousers with a black flat cap. He can also be seen wearing a black and blue striped tie which he has to remind himself to keep his family close.


    Early Life 

    Age 0-10

    Arthur was born in Hereford, England to his Welsh mother, Rosemary Thompson and his English farther, Samuel Thompson on the 24th of February 1975. His father was a Magistrates Court Judge whilst his mother was a seamstress for high end clientele. Living in high society had its perks. Arthur grew up with a good education and never needed to know where his next meal would come from. His earliest years would be spent with his mother as his father would frequently make trips to and from London for work. Due to this Arthur rarely saw his father when young. Any time spent with his father involved being heavily disciplined and beaten, a typical thing for high class fathers at the time. By age 6 Arthur had begun developing a passion for medieval fantasies. He would frequently go into his garden or the nearby woods and imagine slaying dragons and monsters as the mighty King Arthur. On one of his adventures he would fall into the River Wye, due to tripping over an exposed tree root. Unable to swim at this age, Arthur struggled to stay afloat and would fight to stay above the water with all his might. As he began to lose what was left of his strength, Arthur was fished out of the river by a small foot patrol of police officers. He would awake a day later with his mother by his bedside, clearly having been there since he was brought in. His father was distant throughout the ordeal, merely watching his son in disappointment. At age 10 Arthur and the rest of his family moved into London due to his father spending more and more time away. It took Arthur a long time to settle into the big city. He missed the woods and large open fields of his old home.


    (Hereford 1875)

    Age 11-17

    Being closer to London meant Arthur’s father was around a lot more but it didn’t mean their relationship would improve. At age 12, Samuel deemed Arthur ready to start following in his footsteps. For his early to late teens, Arthur was stuck helping his father with his job: filling out paper work, organising meetings/appointments and other chores. As his father got older, he became more abusive. The beatings he would dish out to both his son and wife would become more frequent and violent. Resentment for the man grew but no action could be taken against him. As the main contributor to the family’s wealth, Rosemary dared not stand up to her husband. However she did make up for it by always being there for her son. By age 16 Arthur expressed interest in joining the British Army, something his father opposed greatly. He wanted his son to grow up in his shadow, never surpassing him. His mother however, supported his ambition in any and all forms. Going out of her way to protect Arthur from his father as he pushed harder to sway the young boy away.

    Leaving Home

    At age 18 Arthur would be accepted into the British Army under The 1st King’s Dragoon Guards. On his last day before shipping out, Arthur returned home to collect his possessions and bid farewell to his parents. Upon entering his family home, his father would be nowhere to be seen but his mother welcomed him with open arms once again. As a small parting gift, his mother presented her son with a black journal. A way to help him process his thoughts whilst alone. Before he could leave, Samuel would return home heavily intoxicated. Upon seeing his son again, Samuel flew into a rage striking Rosemary to the floor. Within an instant Arthur charged is father, shoving him to the ground. He would beat the man whilst he was down, breaking multiple ribs and nose. It took his mother pulling her son off his father and embracing him to calm Arthur down. The young man would leave on good terms with his mother but all respect (If he had any) for his father was gone.

    Army Life

    Arthur was a part of the 1st King's Dragoon Guards, a mounted cavalry regiment within the British Army. As a Kingsman, he was a part of the general rank and file of the regiment for his first few years. After serving for nearly 8 years, and reaching the rank of Corporal of the horse, Arthur would be medically discharged from the army and sent back to Britain. During his service, he would operate out of India and Africa, carrying out his duties to the fullest and going above and beyond where he could. Arthur would gain many scars and wounds in his later years of service, leaving most of his upper torso and back heavily scarred.


    (1st King's Dragoon Guards cap badge)


    Being Arthur's first deployment after passing his basic training and leaving home. He would be paired with a black and white mustang which he named Galahad, a horse that Arthur would become very attached to. It would take a few months for Arthur to adjust to independent military life. He would spend many days simple caring for his horse or trying to care for his equipment. The heat and complete difference in culture would hit Arthur hard. He would find it difficult to adjust but with time, he eventually became more comfortable with his surroundings. He would become fascinated with Indian culture, enjoying the food, their way of life and their mentality. After gaining much experience on his first deployment, Arthur would attain the rank of Lance Corporal due to his previous Lance Corporal discharging. Arthur would spend 4 years in India before being given the offer to take an extended break from the military, however he denied the offer and moved onto his next deployment, Africa.


    Arthur spent his first 2 years in Africa learning the culture of the native people. Like his time in India, he would become fascinated with the way the people carried out their daily lives. Most of his orders would involve carrying out humanitarian operations with the local populace, which brought him closer with the tribes. During this time, Arthur would also be adjusting himself to the new responsibilities his new rank would come with. He would struggle at first with the weight of command, sometimes fumbling when issuing orders to those below him. He would eventually find his groove and, by the end of his first year in Africa, his ability to command would have become exemplary. By the end of Arthur's third year he would be promoted to the rank of Corporal of the horse for extended time of service and excellence. His third year would be relatively uneventful with no significant events taking place. He would mostly spend it further improving relations with indigenous people of Northern Africa.

    In his fourth year, tensions would begin to rise between the British Forces in the area and the local populace. This would be due to the expanding territories of the British Empire. On the 21st of August 1900, Arthur would be carrying out orders to run supplies to a nearby village. He would be leading his section of the Troop, acting as security and support for the caravan. His Lieutenant would give Arthur and his section orders to scout ahead of the convoy and provide reconnaissance on the approaching area. At around one Kilometre ahead of the convoy, the section of British Cavalry would come across a hunting party of natives. They would ride towards the brits, with bows in hand, at a great speed. This action would spook the newest addition to Arthur's section, an 18 year old man named Charles Davies, who had only joined two weeks prior. Davies would, in a disturbed panic, take a hold of his cavalry carbine and aim it towards the party. Before Arthur could give the order to stand down, Davies would fire a single shot, hitting one of the natives. Seeing their kinsman fall off his horse and with tensions already high, the hunters would begin to fire upon the section. In the chaos that began to ensue and not wanting to lose more men just standing there, Arthur would give the order to return fire and charge the hunting party. The skirmish would be quick but due to the hunting party's greater number only Arthur would remain. Heavily injured, Arthur would return back to the convoy who by that time would have caught up with him. Due to his injuries, he would be medically discharged from the army and sent back to England to recover. By November of 1900, Arthur would have fully recovered but would not have the full use of his right hand.

    A Brief Visit Home

    After being released from the hospital, and having nowhere else to go, Arthur would begrudgingly return to his family home. Upon knocking on the door, Arthur would be greeted by his mother who would embrace her son. He would be led to his old room where he could briefly stay whilst his father was out. His mother would treat him whilst he was there, clearly trying to make up for the nearly 8 years she had not seen her son. Making sure he ate well and giving him fresh clothes, Rosemary would barely leave her son's side as she would listen intently to all the stories Arthur would tell. When Samuel returned home and laid eyes upon his son, Arthur would prepare for the worst however he would see that his father would hobble around the house on an ornate walking stick. His father was pushing fifty-seven years of age and the injuries he had suffered in Arthur's departure were taking its toll. Arthur would move to greet his father before Samuel would begin to scold him like he used to. In a heated argument, Samuel would kick Arthur out of the house throwing his bags onto the street with him. His mother would run out to her son before handing him a large wad of cash and a ticket for a ship leaving Portsmouth for America. Arthur would gather his belonging's and make his way to Portsmouth via train. He would stay in Portsmouth for about a week, simply prepping himself for the long journey ahead of him. He would spend six weeks at sea, struggling with sea sickness for the entire journey. By January 1901, Arthur would arrive in the state of New Alexandria. He would step off the boat and see a horse being unloaded. It would be his horse, Galahad, that he served with during his time in the army. He would greet the horse like an old friend and walk off the dock, beginning his new life.

    Present Life 



    Surrogate Family
    • Tony Dale (Brother)
    • Flynn Delaney (Brother)
    • Jackson Murphy (Brother)
    • Wenna Loveday (Sister)
    • Maddox Loveday (Nephew)
    Current Employment
    • Round Table Firearms - Owner & Gunsmith
    • Whispering Oaks Ranch - Blacksmith
    • The Rose & Crown - Head of Security


    “Fair Enough”
    “For the King!”


    Character Journal

    Character Theme

    Arthur Kingsly Thompson









    201cm / 6′5″


    90Kg / 198lbs


    February 24th 1875


    Hereford, England



    Marital Status:



    Mother: Rosemary Thompson (Deceased)
    Father: Samuel Thompson (Deceased)




    "Glass Jaw", "The Brit", "Excalibur"

    Faction Affiliations:

    Round Table Firearms; Whispering Oaks Ranch; The Rose & Crown