Benedict Falk

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    Early Life 


    Benedict Falk was born in Blackwater New Austin, on July 9th 1849 to Mary and Shane Falk. Mary Turner was originally born in central London and moved over to America in 1845. She was trained as a nurse and found a job in the Blackwater doctor's office. In 1846 Shane Falk was traveling with the cavalry to build a new fort near the area. As the cavalry stopped off in Blackwater, Shane walked into the doctor's office to pick up some supplies and got talking to Mary. They fell for each other and decided to meet again in a few days, Shane Falk was born in Colorado and joined the army at sixteen. Shane believed in four things in life. God, America, The cavalry, and Freedom in that order. Shane was a true military man and dedicated his life to the cavalry. Over the next few years, Shane and Mary grew closer and decided to get married and have kids. Mary knew who Shane was and Shane was away for a lot of the time and she accepted what he was doing and got on with her life. In 1849 Shane and Marys's first child was born, who was called Benedict Falk after Shane's father. Mary’s parents grew ill and Mary left with Benedict back to England. Every week a letter would come to the house in London from Shane. In 1864 letter a came from Shane saying he wanted Benedict to come over to America and join the cavalry as he wasn't finding work in London. Benedict left London when he was sixteen and find his father and join the cavalry.


    After months of traveling, Benedict landed in Blackwater and walked over to the sheriff's office and ask if there are any cavalrymen around and he was looking for his father, and after some discussion, the lady at the sheriff's office told him there's a recruit regiment stand near the church. It wasn't long until Benedict got to the stand and spoke to a man there and said he was looking for Shane, and a few moments later Shane came riding down the road on a large brown warhorse and greeted his son he hadn't seen since he was born. Shane told Benedict to get on the back of the horse and brought him to a cavalry outpost in the plains. Shane had Benedict's paperwork ready to join and was signed by him.

    As the months grew cold and Benedict did his training and learned how to use a rifle and how to ride a horse properly, news came and the Third Colorado Cavalry was told to head back to Colorado. On November 29th of 1865, the Third Colorado Cavalry were issued to attack settlements of the native Americans. Benedict listened to the orders and did what he was told, everyone who walked away from that battle wasn't the same. Benedict wasn't the same after that and as the years grew it seemed to haunt him.


    Benedict spoke to his father about leaving the cavalry and to go join the cattle drives to make a name of himself and his father wasn’t happy over the fact he wanted to leave but it wanted to help his son and knew he had to go out on his own sooner or later. Benedict was given a horse, rifle, and pistol before he headed to Texas. It took a few months to get to Texas and when he arrived he saw where farmers were hiring and signed up. Benedict was the youngest in a ten-man posse. Benedict left a few days later and headed to Kansas.

    Over the next two months, the posse dubbed Benedict as ‘Falk the kid’ and over the two months, people tried to take the horses and the cattle, on a few occasions Benedict was nearly killed by cattle rustlers but saved by the other older men that worked with Benedict. Over the next few years, Benedict would work transporting cattle for a living but he soon had enough money to buy a plot of land in North Carolina to start mining for silver.


    Benedict rode to North Carolina and paid for some land where silver had been found, as soon as he got there he went to the closest town to find a wood yard and buy enough wood and nails to build himself a semi-large shed where he could live and extract the silver. About two weeks later it was done and Benedict ordered some specialized tools that would help mine the silver with. Five years go by and Benedict mined out what he could and decided to sell all the silver he had and it bagged him quite a bit of money. After he sold the land to some local farmers he decided to go back to London where he invested his money into restaurants, pubs, and banks.


    In 1897 Benedict had grown and aged, throughout his time back in England he dreamed about going back to Blackwater and setting up a business. A week into March Benedict was heading home and he saw smoke and started running, when he got home his house was up in flames firemen were trying to put the fire out. Benedict’s house and family were burnt that day. After a few days, he got the money for the insurance and headed for the boats in London.


    In 1897 Benedict had grown and aged, throughout his time back in England he dreamed about going back to Blackwater and setting up a business. A week into March Benedict was heading home and he saw smoke and started running, when he got home his house was up in flames, firemen were trying to put the fire out. Benedict’s house and family were burnt that day. After a few days, he got the money for the insurance and headed for the boats in London.

    After a few months, Benedict found himself on the dock of his hometown of Blackwater. The town had changed quite a bit and more buildings had been built. Benedict picked up his bags and headed into town headed to the bank and sorted out his new account. A man was selling gun belts and arms and Benedict bought a Lemate and bolt action rifle and headed to the stables and bought himself a horse. When Benedict was leaving he saw a man being harassed by two men and Benedict went over and told them to leave him alone. After they left Benedict asked if he was okay and they started talking. The man's name was James Tully and after a while, James offered him somewhere to stay and offered to teach Benedict about law and politics.

    Present Life 

    The following events happened in-game.

    In 1899 Benedict left James and the job to move into a few start-up Businesses, he met a man called Dallas and Kenneth that was starting a trading transport business and had asked Benedict to come help run it. After a few weeks, it was running about wasn't given a big enough return so Benedict said he would return in a few days and do more business.​


    After four days Benedict returned to Van Horn with a cart with gold panning supplies and told the workers what the plan was. After a few hours, they arrived at Big Valley and Benedict told the workers to start panning. There was gold everywhere in Big Valley, Benedict had to hire seven more workers to get the gold out. After a few weeks of business going well, a roaming tribe of natives turned up and demanded Benedict and his workers get away from Big Valley.​


    A day after the tribe had spoken to Benedict, Benedict said to the workers they weren't leaving and made sure they had rifles going out there to pan gold from now on. Benedict hired a new girl called Bell and Benedict and his crew was in St Denis and when they returned they saw Bell dead hanging off near the farm. Benedict called his allies and workers and that night the natives attacked, killing more of Benedict's men. A few days later Benedict and his crew went out and shot dead the tribe of natives near Blackwater.​


    The news came and it affected everyone. The economic crash had ruined the county and business. All the banknotes and coins are taken by the banks. Frank Devine was governor and under his management ruined hundreds of lives. Benedict ruined all his cash and business went under. Over the next few weeks, Benedict saw more people committing crimes and killings seem to be everywhere.​


    Another election went by and Addison Flanagan won, Benedict met Flanagan in New Austin during the medical relief trips. At the time Benedict thought she would do the people good and get the country back working. Benedict and so many others wrong. The country had not recovered and business was still failing. Hunger and poverty was everywhere. Benedict left after a few months and returned with men he had worked with before and he could trust to get the job done. Benedict had enough of politicians talking and no action and took it upon himself to fix what they had ruined.​


    News about a community of people moving to New Austin to set a ranch called Coyote crossing. Benedict spoke to the people there and promised he would help them. Benedict spoke to a few judges and some sheriffs about getting the law to add the ranch on their patrol route and after some days the sheriffs started to turn up. Benedict believed the people of New Austin had been forgotten about by Flanagan and her supporters. Benedict knew he wanted to change he would need to run as Governor.​



    All these politicians are talk and no action.











    July 9th 1849




    Marital Status:



    Location unknown


    Lawyer, Political Advocate



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