The Bird's Bakery

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  • The Bird’s Bakery
    making the state sweeter, one treat at a time



    What We Do

    The Bird’s Bakery is a bakery offering a wide array of baked goods. From staple foods like bread, cookies and biscuits to more elaborate pastries like raspberry pie and carrot cake - Kiwi tries to offer a different assortment of treats each time she opens, ensuring variety and a nice mix of everyone’s favorites.
    TBB is available for orders for Businesses, events and individuals. TBB also tries to open regularly in both St Denis and Armadillo, giving both sides of the state a chance to snag some baked goods without needing to travel far.
    TBB outsources their ingredients whenever possible, buying ingredients from ranches and other Businesses, supporting them in turn.

    Opening Hours and Locations

    The Bird’s Bakery is trying to adhere to a somewhat regular opening schedule - opening on Thursdays in the St Denis Candy Shop, and Saturdays in the Armadillo Bakery - when she is not stopped by a cougar attack, that is.
    To truly give everyone a chance to try her pastries, Kiwi opens up in St Denis somewhere between 3pm and 5pm EST, and in Armadillo from 4am to 6am EST whenever possible.
    The Bird’s Bakery also supplies orders all over state!


    The Bird’s Bakery started with a simple idea. Kiwi McMalish was the occasional bartender at The Four Horsemen Saloon, but often found herself a bit directionless and restless. She baked for friends as a hobby, sure - but she wanted something more to do. She noticed a lot of people in state needed a pick-me-up, and she remembered how much joy her mother’s baked goods would bring. She was hesitant to the idea at first, but after many enthusiastic responses from friends to the idea of opening a bakery, Kiwi decided to take the leap. Utilizing some family recipes from her mother, she practiced even more with baked goods, even trying new recipes she gathered from old cookbooks from friends.

    Her first opening in Armadillo was a great success. With a lot of support from friends and locals who came to visit, Kiwi was very surprised at the massive amounts of love. This passion for baking she’s had since she was young, a passion she shared with her mother, was now spreading joy (and sweetness!) across the state. Since then, she’s baked an overwhelming amount of pastries - especially her staple items of doughnuts, raspberry pies, and carrot cake, which people can’t seem to get enough of.

    Disclaimer: though the Bird’s Bakery’s baked goods are said to be delicious, they’re not so delicious to have killed St Nicholas. Dietrich Hedrick just really, really loves raspberry pies.

    The Bird’s Bakery





    Date Founded:

    28th of february, 1903


    Traveling (utilizes the Armadillo Bakery and St Denis Candy Shop for openings)


    None officially, but her amazing friends sometimes help her gather grain and they get paid in pies.

    All menus and business cards were designed and printed by the wonderful employee of the Four Horsemen printers.