Carmen Winchester

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  • Carmen Graves Winchester


    Carmen Graves Winchester was a lightly tanned athletic female. Her face bore freckles and moles. Her natural hair color was a chestnut brown. Oftentimes, she was found to have her styled up and out of her face. Her hair would gradually change over the course of a few months, ranging from a light blonde to a dark brown.

    At 23 years old, she stood at 5' 4'' at 120lbs. She was known for her figure, leading to the creation of her portrait in the St. Denis Art Gallery, giving her rise to fame as The Ass of St. Denis.


    Early Life 

    Chapter 1: The Family

    Carmen comes from a wealthier family line. Carmen’s mother, Cordelia “Crystal Aureille” Graves was of French descent, working as a midwife. She assisted her husband, of Russian descent, Doctor Caedmon “Dimitri” Graves. Her parents added Winchester to their name when they made the decision to move to California from France. They feared that the French surname Graves would scare away patients seeking care.

    Barry Edward Evergreen, née Von Striecher, eventually Barry Winchester, was her adopted younger brother. Her father took Barry in when she was only a child. She never questioned her father’s reasoning, but she treated him like blood. As time went on from his adoption, Carmen and Barry looked into his past. This led to them reconnecting with Barry’s blood sister, Syona Von Striecher, the first child of Aldwin Von Striecher from Germany. Syona and Barry were her best friends growing up, though they spent many years apart throughout their lives. Carmen was the eldest of the siblings as she was older than Syona by two years, and older than Barry by four years.

    Her family held pride in the fact that there have been generations of physicians and caretakers.
    While Carmen was proud of the work her family has done, she was aware of the lack of transparency within her heritage. Files have gone missing due to unexpected fires. Specific patients have been treated with no questions asked, yet others are questioned to no end. But even when those patients were sent away, her family was still paid. When Carmen asked her father about this, she was shut down; he threatened to kick her out for being a disgrace to the family.

    Chapter 2: St. James Infirmary

    At the age of 12 years old, Carmen was sent to St. James Infirmary north of San Diego. The Catholic boarding school was located in an isolated desert, giving her no way to escape. At the time, her father and mother claimed that it was for her own safety, in order to get her attitude in check. After two years of living there, Carmen received notice that Barry would be joining her at the academy. Syona on the other hand was not officially adopted by the Winchesters. This allowed Syona to return to her mother’s side of the family, natives of the Ojibwe tribe.

    Carmen’s lessons at St. James Infirmary included arithmetics, writing and reading, history, religion, medicine, cooking, and by the request of her parents, Russian and French lessons. Carmen’s headstrong tendencies were noticeable during her time at the academy. She strived to be the best in her class, wanting to prove to her parents that she was capable. But even after years of being there, her parents refused to let her come home. The nuns were only able to allow her permission to leave the academy grounds to explore the nearby town, but Carmen still had no proper way to get back to San Diego. The infirmary became Carmen’s home among the sandy shores.

    Carmen’s effort to be the best only lasted so long as she began to resent her parents’ choice to send her away. At age 15, she experienced the start of her rebellious phase.

    Present Life 


    The Collective: Section I

    Men of Mayhem

    Ford & Sons and NAHRA

    Carmichael Co. and Third Eye Agency

    Silvers Security Association

    St. Carmen's Clinic



    "God damn, horse."


    Carmen performed a song, detailing her life and death to Gemma Richardson, Eddie Collins, and Two Swords at the St. Denis theatre.

    Her journal is buried alongside the first journal of Two Swords.

    Carmen Graves Winchester









    5' 4''


    120 lbs


    May 26, 1876

    Death Date:

    October 14th, 1899


    San Diego, California


    French, Russian

    Marital Status:

    Single (Previously with: Seth De Ville, Logan Black)


    Barry Edward Evergreen, née Von Striecher
    Syona (née Von Striecher) and Logan Booth,
    Two Swords (née Thatcher Ford)




    Meadhbh agus drochdheoir of Ragaireacht.
    The Viper.
    The Rodent.
    Vice President to the Duck Gang.
    Sister Bear.
    Mother of Mayhem.
    The Ass of St. Denis

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Collective: Section I,
    Men of Mayhem,
    Ford & Sons,
    Carmichael Co./Third Eye Agency,
    Silvers Security Assoc.,
    St. Carmen's Clinic