Colette Baker

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    [Theme Song] Ruth B. - Lost Boy


    The blond girl, with the blindfold on her eyes. Under it hidden her blue clear eyes with no pupils. A scar on the side of her lip. She walks around with a braid on her back or two braids on the sides. Many dresses and outfits she walks in, you either will see her with a fancy dress made by her mother or a rough vest and pants.

    Early Life 

    Uneasy life for this family, who has received this baby in a very unwelcoming behavior from her parents. Her mother was a whore and her father a drunk one, they lived in a poor cabin and were only yelling and beating each other. Only fair moments of love were shared with the baby girl, blond hair with empty eyes.

    It took years for the drunk parents to realize their daughter is blind completely and by then it was too late to return her sight back.
    She was beaten, left to starve at times as punishment, but she always found her place to run and hide, somewhere safe. She has never had a person to trust but was still depended on many because of missing sight.

    She has no education, only from stories heard around, as a roaming child, she was being used without her knowledge and so as she became a teenager, she has trusted no one, and kept herself from others. Some charity, a woman, found her roaming around age 15 and helped her to stay alive. Taught her the world through her senses, but nothing could teach her trust.
    But that’s when she took off, trying to find a better life but hell knows how she will find her way alone with her blindness.

    Present Life 


    Arriving to New Alexandria, Colette harbored at Saint Denis where she first got to start her journey.
    She spent her few weeks down there to get to know the city as it is important to know a big city for any needs, she stayed sleeping with the other stray kids, and whenever she has decided to leave town she would follow wagons and riders till she reached her destination. The first face she has met was a native boy who helped her arrive to Valentine, it was not as loud but stinky and dirty to her dislike - but there where people were. She stayed there most of the days, looking for ways of getting money just for food, is all she needed.
    It was soon enough many good people came to her rescue, the first lady who gave her the first stick was Maria Anne Spacito, a lovely old short woman who gave Colette a daily food, hot meals and the stick that served her for a long time. She has treated her from gunshot wounds made by the angry yokels but it was a friendship to begin with.


    Not too far after, she has met quite the gang of Jayjay Kray, Lottie Kingston, Henry Valentine, Twinkle and Samson Simmerson. They all went on adventures, exploring areas of New Alexandria, hiking and becoming pirates! She also has met Zoe Brown the Queen of Rhodes, and along with a few other friends, she has became the Knight of Rhodes! Along the way she met Rose Miller and Felix Avery who joined the group. Zoe was considered Colette's best friend, but things have slowly changed. Maria has slowly changed, things became different and no one has shared those moments with Colette, her adult friends like Jasper has disappeared and she felt lonely and pushed away. The little bit of hope she had was from her friends.

    (Credits to Camille Couture)

    After a bit of time Colette has been hiding as she heard rumors of her parents looking for her, she went out and met up with her friends once again. She came back to bad news and her trust was harmed again. Her friends were there to support her, and as she thought it was back to the old ways, they brought happiness to her heart. She became closer to two adults, Cokostov Dobrey and Camille Couture, and after having adventures together they came up with the question.

    "Will you be our daughter?"

    On December 4th, 1899 the adoption papers were approved by the Government, Camille and Cokostov became the lawful parents of Colette. The rumor spread fast enough, they have not lost a moment to enjoy their time together. But after a while that's when things slowly changed again. She was been pushed away from everything, she was spending her time roaming around, her father became a deputy that made him busy and her mother gave birth to her sister. Some of her friends were still around, some were not anymore, not around her. But something different happened to her, Colette has fallen in love.

    (Credits to Camille Couture)

    Colette has met Cody in Valentine first time when they went to look for a cougar with others, she saved his life once with the sawed off shotgun and she has decided she likes his company, he was the new kid in town and she waited to observe if he is a cool kid like the rest of her friends. And he was, he is her first experience in many things, sharing their past, their experience and thoughts, their likes and dislikes. And after a while they have went on their on the first date. Everything seem to work out, speaking to her father, her mother back out of the house.

    But these days, her family falls apart, the family she finally found.


    The troubles kept following them, Colette's mother been near death due to her father's actions, she has not forgiven him even her mother did. Ever since she has not seen his face, they have never spoke and only in her mind is the thought of his betrayal that will never heal. But with all the hard time there were those who made her smile, her friends, Cody Calloway and Mazie Martin. But the absence of her parents from her life returning her feelings and hate from the past.

    Realizing the power she gathered since then, a gun.

    Nowdays, Colette roams the state in stealing small cheap money, waiting for the opportunity that is been planned to be shown and known under a different name and in a whole new light. The conflict that has been raised to Mazie a while ago has been solved - used to be alone. While very unwelcome people has visited the state, looking for that blind stuttering girl. On this one store robbery with her biological mother, Anna Baker - she slowly goes back to her old path. Slowly she becomes the Colette people never knew of.


    The bonding with her mother becomes stronger every day, their crime is a never ending one. But the rage in Colette's heart hasn't stopped just yet. With the help of her mother, they are planning much more, a way to prove Colette is not the girl everyone think. After Senior Deputy Harrison Lee captures her from a store robbery she did on her own, the law now knows Colette Baker is different and is not yet satisfied.


    Knight Of Rhodes [Retired]
    Part of the Pirates gang of Henry Valentine [Retired]


    On May 9th, 1900 - Colette went around New Alexandria with her significant other Cody Calloway and her mom Anna Baker to O'creagh's Run to teach Colette how to swim. As they've put their guns down and went into the water, the two outlaws that were tailing their way to catch the three after a meet up at Emerald have taken hostage Colette and her mother. The robbery has began, it was quite laughable till the deputies has came, the word on the streets of no value to hostage life was hanging in the conversation. And this is when the outlaws has chosen to prove this point and shot Colette three times.

    She was rushed to the doctor's office in Rhodes and with many hands try to save her life, the blood filled her lung and suffocated her. As she was slowly dying out of breath, both Anna and Cody rushed to try and put an end to the outlaws but Colette has ended up with no life in her. Her last words to her mother before she was shot were "I love you".


    "I can SEE it"
    "Stop it"
    "I prefer parents that neglect more than those who abuse"
    "I'm a horrible singer"
    "It will take me ages to say it"
    "*sigh*" - after trying to say a word so many times.


    *The stuttering has started from a young age due to a head damage.

    *Jayjay Kray gave Colette a braille map at her first days in the state and taught her how to ride.

    *Each time Colette played the jaw-harp, Cokostov Dobrey, gave her 5 chocolate bars.

    *The first sheet I've done on Colette before making her in game, her name was Colette Barker, but I've missed the R and she became Colette Baker.

    *Colette's first horse was called Riley, he was a Palomino Morgan that everyone thought was a yokel's. Her saddle was craved in her name so she can recognize the horse and not ride other one. Sadly he died on January 25th, 1900 by a group of riders who crashed into them and never helped them out.

    *Cody has given Colette a gift to their first date, a wood craved cat, and an owl. She gave the cat to Jayjay Kray.

    *Colette's favorite place was the Eye Of The Creator, as she believed that there she feels like everyone else, like the spirits and ancestors, and those hands there could be of anyone like her. She used the voices to guide her till she heard nothing but wind, it's when she lost her way.

    Colette Baker









    Quite short


    Less than Average


    July 20th, 1883

    Death Date:

    May 9th, 1900


    Washington, United States



    Marital Status:

    Courted Cody Calloway


    Harry Baker - Father (N/A)
    Anna Baker - Mother


    Store Robber


    Colette, White Dove

    Faction Affiliations:
