Colton Moreno

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    Theme Music: "Starting Over"


    Colton's rugged appearance strikes that of an exceptionally seasoned man, with a concrete hint of testosterone in both his gestures and his nuances. He has a full head of lustrous, thick black hair that often appears scruffy or unruly, though it has sometimes been found to be cut short in the past. Under common circumstances, he bears a clean-shaven face but he has often been seen with a bit of 5 o’clock shadow or a soul patch to complete his attractively rugged look. His eyes are a deep shade of blue that sometimes appears to turn to a crystal blue colour when he is in or around a large body of water. His other facial features such as his nose and mouth appear to be average and in an appropriate proportion to the rest of his face. When he offers his own charming smile, he flashes a set of well-taken care of teeth. The rest of Colton's physical appearance appears to be average when compared to the rest of society, judging by their colourful history of a Civil War taking its toll on society in many different ways. He looks as though he weighs roughly 225lbs of solid muscle, appearing to have his muscular build refined down to a science. He stands at the above-average height of 6'2", towering slightly over many others with a few exceptions.

    Early Life 


    Colton Moreno was born in the City of Chicago on November 20th, 1877 to Mary and Rip Caine. The Morenos led a humble, honest life in Chicago and were very well known and respected by the community they both served. Colt’s mother, Mary, was a schoolteacher for Chicago Hoyne High School that was known for her love of sharing knowledge. Colt’s father, Rip, was a police officer for the Chicago Police Department that protected the community with his life. Colt’s mother taught him to read and write at a young age. She also taught him basic survival skills such as cooking and sewing. She taught him what she could about compassion, but those lessons were often lost on him at a young age. When Colt was the ripe age of eight years old, Mary came down with a bad case of pneumonia. Doctors did everything that they could to keep the beloved educator alive, but Mary’s health failed her in the end.

    The lessons that Rip imparted on his son were more masculine in nature. Colt had a revolver put in his hand as young as four years old and took his first hunting expedition when he was five. His father also imparted lessons on fishing and building fires. While Colt was very well-loved at home, he was taught how to survive on his own should the need ever arise. Colt's childhood took a turn with his mother’s death as his father was left to raise him alone. This would forever alter the course of Colt's raising, as Mary was the compassionate one between his parents. Rip was a loving father but he lacked the compassion of his dearly departed wife, Mary. He raised his son to be a fighter and a survivor. After his 22nd birthday, he made the difficult decision to leave the nest and explore.

    After a year of exploring the United States, doing odd jobs along the way to survive, Colton settled on the State of New Alexandria. He thought very often about how the survival skills that his father, Rip, taught him were instrumental in him making it this far. His father gave him some money to survive, but that would only last so long between room, board, food, and drink. When he arrived in New Alexandria, he found his way to Saint Denis and made the decision after a few weeks to settle in the area. After deciding to settle, he thought about exploring within the state outside of the city.

    Present Life 


    After several months of working between the Cumberland Lumber Yard and the Mount Hagen Mines, Colton met U.S. Deputy Marshal Wayne "Daffodil" Dagouter by chance one day in Valentine. He was carried by a goodhearted local to the Doctor after a pack of wolves scared his Kentucky Saddler, Athena, and left him for dead. The Doctor had left for the day, leaving Colton locked in the upstairs recovery room. Wayne helped him out of the room and helped him find his horse for hours the same day. They become friends and after putting out a public telegram for work as a wrangler, Wayne introduced Colton to his wife Lillianah Dagouter who hired him as a wrangler for Daffodil Ranch. Among other tasks, he has wrangled a beautiful chestnut and white American Paint horse for Daffodil Ranch and is in constant search for an elusive Red Arabian.

    The Arikoan
    While in search of the Red Arabian for Lillianah, Colton had unknowingly wandered into the protected lands of the Arikoan. He had been told that the Arabian horses graze southwest of Lake Owanjila, but he had sighted horses as far north as the tip of the river leading into the lake. This lead him across the river into the Big Valley, which was the territory of the Arikoan. A man on a horse had approached him as he scoped out some horses grazing on Arikoan lands and began asking questions. The status of the lands that he was searching on was brought to his attention immediately by the man that revealed himself to be called Raven. Raven explained to him where the boundaries of the protected lands were and told him about the Mother Tree. Raven told Colton that if he ever wanted to speak with a member of the Arikoan, he only needed to wait outside the burning fire by the Mother Tree.
















    November 20th, 1877




    Marital Status:



    Rip Moreno
    - Father
    - Alive
    Mary Moreno (née Bergeron)
    - Mother
    - Deceased


    Daffodil Ranch, Wrangler



    Faction Affiliations:
