Conor Bohannon

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  • Conor Bohannon


    He is an athletically built, slightly above average height white male. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He's 33 years old and has some slight wrinkles. There's no scars on his face. and he often supports a full beard. Conor doesn't like being overly well dressed. The most he's comfortable with is a frock coat or shotgun coat. If he has to wear a fancy suit or tuxedo he will be complaining about it. Offer him a top hat and he might just shoot it. Though calm in demeanor, he can be short fused. Especially when it comes to protecting his wife Rose. Conor has his demons, he has a love for cards, and hankering for whiskey.

    Early Life 

    Conor was born in August of 1868. He grew up on a ranch outside of Fort Worth, Texas and thus he was well acquainted with hunting, farming, and raising cattle. His father, Lindbergh Bohannon, was a decorated Captain in the First Texas Infantry Regiment. He taught Conor and his younger brother, Jeremiah, how to shoot well, maintain their weapons, hunt, and ranch. His mother, Mary, was a well learned woman, who knew how to read and write. She took an interest in some basic herbal medicine, providing help to their neighbors. She passed these skills down to her sons. Though Conor never took to it. He can identify some medicinal plants but really doesn't know what to do with them.
    In 1884, a neighboring ranch started troubling the Bohannons. Rustling their cattle and trying to push in the fences. This caused what's known as a range war. Alongside his father and ranch hands, Conor helped fight against the aggressive and bigger neighboring ranch. It was his first taste of violence, one that would lead him to being a gun for hire. In the winter of ‘84 they lost this ranch war, the cattle became suspiciously sick and many of the herd died. Knowing that the bank would take the ranch, Lindbergh sold the remaining cattle and the ranch. They moved to a house in Fort Worth. Lindbergh, old and gray, works the Stockyards some but is mostly retired.
    The brothers set out in ‘86. They found work in the oilfields in East Texas, first as laborers. After demonstrating their skill with a gun while repelling a robbery gone wrong, the brothers became gun hands for the oil company. Working security for the rigs. They would send money back home to help their parents. They didn't stay in East Texas but for a couple of years. His brother met some Pinkertons in ‘88 and went to work with them. Conor hasn't seen or heard from his brother much since then. When his brother left the oil fields so did Conor. He went to work for the railroad guarding payroll cars and offices. While surrounded by fellow gunfighters and rough outlaws, Conor picked up on more gun skills. Some of the older gunfighters taught him how to quickly draw his revolver and place shots accurately. Telling him “Leave the fanning and trick shots to the dime novels and Wild West Shows. Speed is good but accuracy and calmness is final.” The old gunfighter taught Conor another skill, gambling. Which he has a love for now. After the spur lines were finished, Conor left the railroad.
    Conor came to the New Alexandria territory in ‘93 while helping protect a wagon train of immigrants.
    Captivated by a land so diverse in terrain, he decided to stay. Feeling as if he could see an example of all of America in this one territory. He found work at Emerald Ranch in ‘94. While helping the ranch drive cattle into Valentine, he met a young woman, Rose. She was a maid that worked at the Saints Hotel in Valentine. After a few months of courting, they fell in love. They got married in the Valentine church. He briefly stopped working as a gunfighter for her. As she was concerned for his safety.

    Present Life 

    It is his dream to one day own his own ranch. Though he is starting to feel that, it may never come to fruition if he only ever works for ranches or works as a laborer. As it pays little and the work is hard. So he has set out to seek fortune in other ways. His eye set on becoming a bounty hunter, and gunmen once more. He has found work as an agent of Holmes Private Detective Agency. Helps his wife with their stage coach business for extra cash when cases and investigations are slow. Heaven knows what else awaits him in New Alexandria.


    Holmes Private Detective Agency.


    "This feller here is Junior Agent Mark 'The Kitty Kat' Shephard."


    Has bad hearing in his right ear.
    Has a few stories about his time in Fort Worth as a kid including Hells Half Acre, the White Elephant, and Jim Courtright.

    Conor Bohannon











    180 lbs


    August 23rd 1868


    Fort Worth Texas



    Marital Status:



    Rose Bohannon (Wife - Alive),
    Jeremiah Bohannon (Brother - Unknown),
    Lindbergh Bohannon (Father - Alive),
    Mary Bohannon (Mother - Alive)


    Investigator for Holmes Private Detective Agency
    Stage Coach Guard for Saints Stage Company


    none yet

    Faction Affiliations:

    none yet