Derek McGee

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  • Derek "Dee Dee" McGee
    Profile music


    Has a short and slim stature. Ginger hair and freckles.

    Early Life 

    Born in 1883 in Glasgow, Scottland. His mother is from Belfast and father Glasgow. His father was a sailor when he was young but got fired for being a drunk. His father hit him and his siblings from very young age. He never attended school but instead had to stay home and help his mother. Beating only got worse as he got older. When he turned ten his mother put him on a boat to New York for a better life with his Uncle.
    While in New York his Uncle never took him in and he had to survive alone on the streets stealing food to survive. Eventually ran out of New York and ended up in Saint Denis. He was part of the "West Dock Boys" most of his childhood. Learning how to pickpocket and breaking into houses and sheds. He was eventually brought in by Red Harlow and Jack Swift after trying to steal Red Harlows bag near the market in Saint Denis. He had the choice to join them and prove himself. Or get a bullet in his head. He went with the former.
    While with the Octoposse he got tought how to ride a horse, shoot guns, read and write. In the gang he acted as a scout and proved value in cracking safes.
    Most of his time in the gang he spent in Tumbleweed. Him and the rest of the kids where never brought to the big gunfights at first to make sure the survival of the gang. But when numbers dwindled even the kids got their hands dirty. It's unclear how many people he have killed but there is at least one man being beaten to death by him in Valentine.
    At the end of his time in the gang he saw it falling apart and started to doubt the life as a outlaw. He eventually got captured in Valentine by Molly Ray.
    While in prison he read books about hunting and natives. He took a liking into tracking animals. He got released for good behavior not long after.

    Present Life 

    While being a free man. He went back to Red Harlow and Jack Swift. This was the last days of the gang. Donnie Smith had been taken by the law to Emerald Ranch. The rested backed off while Dee Dee stayed and observed. At this point Donnie was dying and there was nothing no one could do. Donnie died with Dee Dee next to him at the ranch. He was allowed to take his body and bury it in Van Horn. Taking Donnie's belongings.
    At this point the rest of the gang had fleed to Oklahoma to stay with Jack Swifts family. Dee Dee stayed in the state. He took a job at Coyote Crossing as a farmhand and later a hunter for the ranch. He had some slips and went back to do crimes with the Cross Country Boys. His old friend from the Octoposse Henry Anderson was in it. Robbing the last three banks with him and Pistol Pete.
    But this time it felt diffrent. He felt remorse for his ways. He turned himself in and was sent to jail again. And once again relesed for good behavior.
    He went back to the ranch where he not long after found the love of his life. Ellie Kingston. After that he enjoyed a calm and real life for himself. Proving that he is more then an outlaw to heart.


    Coyote Crossing (Former member of the Octoposse)


    "Shot yer mouth or aye stab yer fajce ya daft bastard"
    "Eh es wha eh es"
    "Aye ther"
    "Love ya around all tha stars"
    "Anything for the boys boys boys!"


    Values loyalty over all. Has three siblings but at least two are dead. One died at childbirth and this made his mother to fall deep into depression.

    Derek McGee













    December 1st 1883


    Glasgow, Scotland



    Marital Status:

    In a relationship with Ellie Kingston


    Mother and father unclear. His brother Billy is most likely dead Has two unknown siblings.




    Dee Dee

    Faction Affiliations:

    Coyote Crossing