Department of Justice

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  • Department of Justice


    The State Judiciary is tasked with adjudicating matters of Law, Ordinances, and civil disputes within their Jurisdiction as passed by the State Legislation and Local Legislative Authority.


    Unlike other states in the United States, here in New Alexandria the “Department of Justice” is solely the Judiciaries department and that of the state courts.

    One of the cornerstones of modern democracy is the right to an open, transparent, fair, and unbiased trial that we may be judged against the laws of the land weighted with facts and not conjecture.

    The New Alexandria Department of Justice exists to ensure that all people of the state have an opportunity to face the evidence against themselves and provide them with an opportunity to defend themselves against charges laid against their person.

    The New Alexandria Department of Justice is also responsible for overseeing civil matters such as Civil Lawsuits, Business Licensing, Adoptions, Name Changes and so on.

    The Department of Justice is also available for alternative disputes between parties in the state and offers Mediation and then if necessary Arbitration services to the public.

    The Courts:

    The Department of Justice is broken down into 2 primary courts and an appellate court. These courts are:

    The New Alexandria Court of Appeals​
    The New Alexandria Criminal Court​
    The New Alexandria Civil Court​

    The New Alexandria Court of Appeals:
    The New Alexandria Court of Appeals or the Appellate court exists to review challenges to the verdicts issued at a lower court or to challenge the legality of the laws of orders passed by the state. This is the highest court in the state and all lower courts are beholden to the rulings of the Court of Appeals. Once an Appeals case has been concluded that ruling effectively becomes law, and all lower courts must find in the same way as the court of appeals unless the case or details are fundamentally different than the case ruled upon.

    The New Alexandria Criminal Court:
    The New Alexandria Criminal courts are the primary courts for the breaking of laws within the state. If someone is arrested for a violation of the law and charged with a crime, then every citizen has the right to plead their case and counter the criminal charges levied against them. Criminal court allows citizens to challenge the charges and evidence against them in an impartial and unbiased environment where cases are decided against the laws and the facts.

    The New Alexandria Civil Court:
    The New Alexandria Civil Courts are the primary courts for bringing case and suit against other citizens to recoup some loss or atone for some kind of damages against the individual bringing suit. It also allows a fair and unbiased environment to allow someone to defend themselves and their actions against the charges being brought by a fellow citizen. The civil courts also exist to bring cases against Businesses and institutions that have caused some kind of civil wrongs against the plaintiff.

    The Judiciary:
    The New Alexandria Judiciary is made up of a bench of Judges appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature and are completely independent of the other branches of Government. The Structure of the New Alexandria Bench is as follows:

    Chief Justice - The Chief Justice is responsible for the actions of the court and the members of the bench. As well as these responsibilities the Chief Justice is responsible for the overall administration of the court, and the training of all judges in the state. The Chief Justice also serves as the senior judge on convening appellate cases and the issuance of injunctions against legislative actions as well as driving and implementing enhancements and procedures for the smooth operation of the Judiciary.

    "Pro Tem Justice" - is a position to be given to retired judges who, in their careers, attained at least the role of "Circuit Judge". These judges are not considered active members of the Judiciary but in times of emergency or crisis, they can be recalled into service at the discretion of the serving Chief Justice. All duties and the same rank of an Associate Justice. In the event that the Chief Justice is incapacitated and no longer able to perform their duties, and no successor is available, then at the Governor's discretion, a "Pro Tem Justice" can be appointed temporarily to the position of Chief Justice until a suitable successor is found.

    Associate Justice - Associate Justices sit on the Appellate court and work to form quorums on appellate cases alongside the Chief Justice. The Associate Justices through the Appellate court hold the power to overturn the verdicts of lower courts. As well as this the Associate Justices support the Chief Justice with the general administration of the lower courts and implementation of new processes and procedures. Associate Justices are also appointed to preside over lower court cases in the civil and criminal courts.

    Circuit Judge - A Circuit Judge primarily deals with administrative tasks of the lower courts and is presides of cases in the civil and criminal courts. The primary jobs of the circuit judges are to preside over civil and criminal trials as well as assist with licensing and other ad-hoc duties of the courts.

    New Alexandria Department of Justice Administrators:
    There are many administrative tasks performed by the Department of justice, and these duties are often executed by the DoJ Administrators, they are not judges, but serve a critical role in the running of the Department of Justice.

    Judicial Clerk- A Judicial Clerk does not hold the power of a judge, but serves as a legal assistant to the judges and helper of general Judiciary administration tasks. They do cite-checking. Legal research as well as getting involved in the drafting of court documents. This is a great entrance into the legal profession for many, Judicial Clerks are also sometimes fully qualified lawyers and attorneys. Judiciary Clerks can be appointed as a representative of the court for the purposes of out of court depositions and affidavits. Judicial Clerks are also able to take payment for Judicial matters such as Business Licenses, Clean Slate Acts and payments for all kinds of civil court fees. They are tasked with helping guide and assist Government officials, citizens and law enforcement in anything related to the Judiciary.

    Written in part by Markus Underwood, James Tully and Lawrence Carnegie

    Legal Resources

    Constitution and Laws
    Legal Resources
    State Bar & Members
    State Law Library & Case References

    Department of Justice


    Chief Justice:

    William Murphy

    Associate Justice(s):

    Circuit Judge(s):

    Ash Conan
    Abraham Knox
    Alexander Detwiler

    Judicial Clerk(s):

    Fiona Swift

    Federal/Other Judge(s):

    Brock Veritas
    Markus Underwood
    Lawrence Carnegie