Emerald Rangers

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  • Emerald Rangers (WIP)


    The Emerald Rangers are a close knit group, much akin to a family. Their goal is to help make sure any wounded citizens in the state are tended wherever they might be. They often travel from town to town, checking the doctors offices for any injured, and often checking in with deputies to ensure they don't require any assistance or need medical on standby. When they aren't in town they are proactively out patrolling the trails and roads of areas known to have dangerous predators, actively looking for anyone who might be injured.

    Many might call them simply Field Medics due to their specializing in trauma care, truthfully they are doctors constantly training. Their skills allow them to deal with everything from gunshot wounds to animal attacks. They can also handle high stress situations. It is not uncommon to find them in hostile and conflict situations tending to any wounded.

    Education is something they highly encourage, believing that everyone should at least have some basic knowledge of first aid. First aid classes are often held to offer the chance for any to learn what they might need to know to help keep someone from dying before doctors can arrive. Their first aid classes often consist of proper cleaning to prevent infection, slowing bleeding, and knowledge of helpful herbs that can be found in the wild.

    Many do not know but, the Emerald Rangers is a non-profit. All the medical work they do, and the classes they offer, are all out of their own pocket. They do not accept payment, and often attempt to refuse payment. They know and understand the struggles that can occur in the world, and they know that often injuries caused may not be of any fault of the patient's fault.


    The beginning of the Emerald Rangers begins at an end. The founding members, Mina Winters and Malachi Pike, were both field medics with Caduceus Cross where they received much medical training in general care and trauma care.

    Both Dr. Pike and Dr. Winters were among the doctors who aided with the sickness that plagued Valentine, and many citizens, in 1899. Much of their time was spent risking their own health to tend to the patients in quarantine. They ensured the comfort of patients by making sure each stayed warm and had a comfortable place to rest. They also made sure that each patient received the medicines that were provided so that they could recover and heal. Lastly, they risked their own safety to protect the patients. Cougar and wolf attacks were not uncommon in the quarantine area. Dr. Pike himself suffered grievous injury from an attack of no less than three cougars that had set their sights upon the quarantine to hunt.

    It was after the death of Dr. Pisces daughter that Caduceus Cross fell apart. Still feeling like family, and wanting to continue to help the citizens of the state, Dr. Pike and Dr. Winters came together to discuss a new proposition. Together they came up with the idea of the Emerald Rangers. A group which keeps growing, and learning. They work together to help to make the state a better place by ensuring that any who are injured will get the attention they need.

    Emerald Rangers





    Mina Winters

    Date Founded:

    Nov, 25th 1899


    Anywhere in New Alexandria


    Mina Winters, Malachi Pike