/boats | Open your boat rental menu for spawning your rented boats. |
/brushhorse | Brush your horse (does not require the horse brush item.) |
/cash | Check your cash. |
/clearchat | Clear all previous text typed in the textbox. |
/creator | Go into the character creator to edit your character's appearance. (We suggest doing this in a secluded place, as people will still be able to interact with you if you're in creator.) |
/csn | View your CSN (Character serial number). Needed for compensation requests and name change requests. |
/die | Incapacitate your character. |
/drafts | Open your draft rental menu for spawning your rented draft vehicles (Wagons, Coaches, Carts, etc.). |
/dropanchor | Drops the anchor for the current or nearest boat |
/e [emote name] | Use emote. |
/e c | Cancel an emote. |
/efav [slot #, emote name] | Favorite an emote. |
/feed[respective food] | Feed your horse the specific food. |
/feedhorse | Feed your horse. |
/gamehud | Hides game huds like blackjack - including notifications during the game |
/givecash [Player ID] [Amount to give] | Give cash to another player. |
/hidenotifications | Hides notifications (OOC still shown) |
/horsedrink | Triggers nearby horse to drink from a natural water source or a trough |
/hud | Toggle in-game HUD. |
/job | Check your current job. |
/jumptohorsetoggle | Toggle the horse you are riding between jumpable-to and not-jumpable-to. (This includes local horses.) |
/lantern | Removes horse lantern, but keeps the harness |
/liftanchor | Lifts the anchor for the current or nearest boat |
/loadskin | Reload your character's appearance. (Helpful in fixing appearance glitches and clothing issues.) |
/me [text message] | Character interactions. |
/offduty | Forget to clock out? This will set your status to offduty |
/ooc [text message] | Out of character message. Use for consent purposes only. See more information about the use of /ooc here. |
/ow | Toggle pained ragdoll. |
/pobox | Check your PO Box # |
/prompts | Hides all game prompts - disables them as well, so you will need to re-enable prompts to use various mechanics |
/pvp | Toggle PVP |
/rd | Toggle ragdoll. |
/resetui | Reset UIs |
/returnboat | Returns nearby boats to the rental owners inventory for future recall during the same reset. (Allows you to pick up your sleds!) |
/returndraft | Returns nearby draft rentals to the rental owners inventory for future recall during the same reset. |
/roll | Roll a dice. Needs to set /roll # of dice and # of sides ex. /roll 1 20 to roll 1 20 sided dice |
/scene [insert text here] | Set a scene to help describe the surroundings. You can find more info on the proper use of scenes here. |
/setdrunkeffect 1.0 | Sets the Effect strength of Drunk Effects, for those who might get motion sick! |
/shownotifications | Shows notifications |
/sidesaddle | Toggle sidesaddle riding style while riding a horse |
/togglexhair | Toggle crosshairs on/off |
/walkspeed [15-100] | Set walkspeed percentage from 15-100%. 100 is default. |
/washface | Wash that schmud off yo face (and body) |
/wipe | Clean off your character. |
/write [insert text here] | Used to write something down to show another player. |