Fredrik Andersen

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  • Fredrik Andersen


    Early Life 

    Fredrik was born in Troms, Norway to two loving parents. Unfortunately, he was born in the middle of a famine and the mine his father worked at, had just had a failed worker's revolt. With starvation glooming over the horizon, they had no choice but to leave their hometown and emigrate to America. The boat there was rough and his mother got very sick on the way there. They made it to Minnesota, however, his mother ended up passing away, leaving his father to take care of him.
    His father lived a religious life as a protestant Christian and taught little Freddy the same thing. He taught him to always be good to others, always care and "Treat a soul like your own" and this is how they lived. They were poor, with the father working for a while in the army, and then both in a saloon and the mines thanks to his previous experience. Freddy wasn't raised only by his father however, there was a "big Texan man", who was best friends with his father. he was mostly responsible for teaching little Freddy to fight and defend himself, teaching him to only ever do it when necessary or if you're both having fun. This created a balance in morals in Freddy, between his father's teachings of caring for others like they're your own and being able to stand up for yourself. This Texan man was also the one to teach Fredrik about New Alexandria and other states, as he had travelled all over.
    Freddy soon began working in the saloon at the age of 6, learning to play the piano whilst wearing his father's hat to amuse the patrons.

    But things took a dark turn further up his growth. around when Fredrik had turned 17, his town went through some disease, a plague, it was deeply hitting his town. At first, his father was untouched by the disease, but due to his morals, and caring for others like himself, his father was at the front helping every sick person, coming with food for them, caring in any way he knew how and even putting away all his pay to help the ones in need, refusing to let young Freddy help. And due to his close interactions with the sick, he soon caught the illness himself.
    At the age of 38, with young Freddy there by his side till the last second. Anders Gunnarson took his last breaths, with a smile on his face.
    Fredrik resented his father when he got sick till he died, after so many years he didn't understand how his father could care so much about the people who only cared for themselves, some even being at fault for his little family's poor state. Once the funeral was over, Fredrik decided to leave the state, and head for New Alexandria, abandoning his home and his faith.

    Fredrik travelled down the country for 4 years, taking intervals of working in mines of different towns in different states. Through his journey, he was selfish and did everything for his profit. He didn't care for anyone and even threatened people who begged for his help. Until he reached the end of his journey, where he got extremely ill, only to be saved by a priest passing by.
    From that day on, he begged both god and his father for forgiveness and came to finally understand his father's ways, and promised from that day onwards to always.. treat a soul like his own. One month later, he arrived in Saint-Denis on a ferry. ready for his new home.

    Present Life 

    Fredrik began in the state looking for any odd job he could, both asking people and laying out public telegrams asking if anyone needed a pair of hands. He then worked for a mining company very shortly. He now works at The Four Horsemen Saloon as mostly security. He has become close friends with the work force there, and built a good relationship with the state of New Alexandria, which he calls his home.
    He was momentarily in the parish council for the good neighbour mission in Rhodes, but it was disbanded. He has now set on a new mission to try to preach for Rhodes and bring people to the joy he found in it.
    He later joined a matchmaking service to support a business, and would meet and go on his first date with Odette Dubois, and only a while later, he fell in love.
    He has also found joy in carpeting, specifically working with fixing fences at ranches.



    "It is your god-given right to have a comfy butt!" "Treat a soul like your very own" "Just remember.. it's okay to not be okay" "You know when you get sweaty from reading all dem books?"


    Favorite drink is bourbon

    Fredrik Andersen

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    February 12th 1881


    Tromso, Norway



    Marital Status:

    In a relationship, not married


    Anders Gunnarson (Father)(Dead), Freya Gunnarson (Mother)(Dead).


    Lumbering, Carpenting, Bartender, Security.



    Faction Affiliations: