Genevieve Green

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    Genevieve has long, light browns hair, that she always puts up in different hairstyles. She always have a pink ribbon in her hair, that she got after pestering Tim, the stable master at Rathskeller Fork, since she too wanted a bow like the ones he had given to the black sheep. He finally gave in and told her where she could buy it.

    Her fashion style have changed a lot during her time in New Alexandria, but she always tends to have something green on her. Whenever she's away from the ranch, she also tends to have gauntlets on her wrists to protect her from wolves and the string when using a bow.

    On rare occasions; such as when she's visiting the city or going to events; she goes back to her roots and dressing herself up; wearing skirts and fancy clothes. Since it's deeply rooted within her that not dressing up is disrespectful. The clothes she usually picked out always got approved by her Mother, so she takes great pride in that and can become quite defensive if someone criticizes her outfits.

    Early Life 

    Genevieve was born in 1877 and is from an upper-class family in New York. Even though she grew up in luxurious conditions and expected to adhere to certain social rules, Gen never showed an interest in that lifestyle. She was a curious child that was eager to learn and explore the world around her. Throughout her whole childhood her parents tried to correct her behaviours to become the perfect housewife, to increase her chances to find a lucrative suitor to carry on the family name.

    For a long time Gen would be impossible to teach, not only the appropriate social etiquette but also her educational teachings. Since Gen rather wanted to explore the world outside, her father decided to bring her with when he would hunt birds with a few family friends. The trips would sate enough of her curiosity for her to be more receptive to the teachings.

    As Genevieve grew older her parents started to grow more anxious as to her lack of interest to find a suitor. Regardless of how many social events they would attend Genevieve would never show an interest in any of the men that either approached her or the ones her mother introduced her to. In a desperate attempt to secure their daughters future, and the family legacy, they arranged her to get married into a well respected family. Once Genevieve got wind of their attempt to marry her off, with or without her consent, she packed her bags and left. She got onto the first train she saw, which coincidentally was a train heading to New Alexandria.

    Once she arrived in St. Denis it hit her that she was without money, security, her family name, protection or transportation. How her life would pan out was uncertain and for the first time in her life she felt a thrill of excitement of what would come of it. The only thing she truly knew for certain was that she would do everything in her power to avoid the mundane life that her parents had envisioned for her.

    Present Life 

    Genevieve arrived to New Alexandria at the end of February 1902. She spent most of her first days in state exploring and hunting, making a few acquaintances along the way. The 4th of March was when she went to her first orientation at Dead Crow Ranch and went on her first grocery delivery with them. During that delivery was when she truly fell in love with the atmosphere Chris and Hoof provided. The more time she spent at the ranch, the more she fell in love with the lifestyle. At first she was excited at the prospect of getting paid for her labour, but whenever she spent time away from the ranch and the people who lived there, she realised that she didn't feel right getting paid when she returned to a place that felt like home. Refusing payment is something Genevieve is still doing every week during pay day, trying her best to sneak away.


    20th March 1902​
    Dearest Miss Genevieve,

    I pen this missive with a heavy heart, trusting that it finds you in good health. It is my duty to inform you of your mother's ailing state. The physicians' pronouncements are disheartening, indicating that her days may be numbered, with the month's end looming ominously.

    In these trying times, we implore you to reconsider your current course and expeditiously return to the familial abode. Time, unforgiving as it is, waits for no one, and a delay on your part may deprive you of the chance to bid a proper farewell.

    Amidst this sorrowful period, obscure matters, unspoken sentiments, and uncharted territories persist within our familial tapestry. It is with a profound sense of traditional familial duty that I beseech you to honor us with your presence during this detached and nebulous juncture. Matters of import beckon your discerning attention before the inevitable unfolds.

    With heartfelt sincerity,
    Your Father
    Horatio Green​
    On March 31st 1902 Gen received a letter from her father telling her that her mother was on her deathbed. Even though Genevieve don’t have the greatest relationship with her parents (and she was pretty sure they would disown her for leaving without a word), she still wanted to be with her mother before she passed. She took the first train back to New York and left without a word. When she got to her parents house, her mother had already passed on. When her father told the news of her mothers death he also revealed why he had contacted her. It was not for her to solely be present during her mothers last hours, but rather to take care of all the necessary paperwork and arrange the funeral.

    During this time her Father rarely spoke to Genevieve and she had a hard time trying to sort things out. The atmosphere brought her back to her to the child she was raised to be - obedient, loyal, and not question her parents. She constantly reminded herself of the family motto that family comes first. She was once again back to trying her best to win the approval of her family. Gen took on a lot of the responsibility to arrange everything, so that her Father wouldn't have to. Going through her Mother's belongings took a toll on her mentally, especially when she found out through the paperwork's and her Mother's will that there were no traces of Genevieve anywhere, or even mentioning that her Mother had a daughter. When Genevieve confronted her Father with this, he confirmed that she no longer was a child of his or her late Mother. The great dishonour that Gen had brought upon her family by leaving suddenly without a word, had left them with no other choice than to disown her. The invitation to speak to her Mother before she passed was simply a courtesy they had extended towards her.

    "Actions have consequences, Genevieve."​

    Genevieve was gone for around 3 months, and once she got back to New Alexandria she realised that she never truly got to grieve the loss of her Mother.
    Genevieve got into her first relationship with Cedrick Matthews on September 9th 1902. The relationship lasted until December 20th 1902. During the relationship Genevieve learned that she never was in love with Cedrick, especially not in the same way that Cedrick appeared to love Gen. When the relationship ended, Cedrick left Dead Crow and Gen, feeling as if she had let down a lot of people since she thought Cedrick was well liked, kept their break up to herself for weeks. During that time Gen felt a lot of guilt since she thought she had led Cedrick on and given him false hope. When in reality Gen mostly was confused and felt pressured to be in the relationship, due to her upbringing she thought it was more important to please the people around her than her being happy or being true to herself.

    During the beginning of the new year, Cedrick came back to New Austin and started to kill people around the area, and threatened to kill Gen. Once Gen learned about his crimes, she grew disgusted with the thought of ever liking Cedrick to begin with.

    Despite her best efforts, Genevieve cannot fully let go of the impact Cedrick left in her life. She's terrified of ever admitting having feelings for someone in fear of making a mistake, or that confessing her feelings would drive them away from her. The relationship with Cedrick has scarred her a lot and left her feeling very conflicted with romantic relationships and her ability to trust her own judgement.
    During the beginning of the New Year of 1903, Dead Crow and Genevieve, specifically, suffered a series of kidnappings and robberies. Genevieve got kidnapped three times from the ranch in the span of a month, which started to make her feel incredibly vulnerable and unsafe. During one of those kidnappings, the kidnappers did not like the tone and attitude Genevieve was giving them. Being fed up with the criminal activity that Gen had suffered, she was constantly cursing and degrading the kidnappers for their chosen path, and for forcefully taking her from her home. Due to Genevieve's foul mouth they decided to teach her a lesson by shooting her in her foot.

    The injury caused Genevieve a lot of pain and misery, and for a month she had troubles getting in contact with any doctors willing to travel down west to look her over. When she finally got in contact with a doctor to look her over she found out she had an infection. The pain still being unbearable, she started to alternate between taking medication and drinking. Since Genevieve felt unsafe staying at the ranch, she decided to stay in Tumbleweed, where Christopher Aldersons' Aunties runs the Bed-and-Breakfast. Under the supervision of the Aunties, Gen didn't drink since Mariah Alderson; a stern woman that slightly terrifies Genevieve and who she respects; visibly disapproves it. Instead the Aunties gave Genevieve Laudanum, with strict instructions, to help ease her pain.

    Once the infection had gone down, Genevieve got looked by Thomas Bowdre. During that check-up he notices that her foot was deformed and that she had a fracture that needed immediate surgery. The following day, Thomas had arranged a carriage to take Genevieve to St. Denis to perform the surgery. During the surgery Thomas found out that Gen had three fractures on the metatarsal bones. She had a transverse fracture on the 3rd metatarsal, a greenstick fracture on the 4th metatarsal, and the most pressing one a non-union fracture on the 5th metatarsal. The fractures on the third and fourth metatarsal were healing well on their own, but the fifth one needed the surgical assistance to reconnect the bones.

    The surgery went well and Genevieve got transported to Blackwater Hospital to recover from her surgery there. Genevieve stayed in the hospital bed for four days, during that time she got a few visitors from Imogene Harrison, Dead Crow, and Evelyn West. Imogene had provided Genevieve with a puzzle to do whenever she was awake, and anyone who visited her she invited them to lay the puzzle with her. Genevieve, who had started to develop some strong feelings towards Evelyn West, started to grow more and more fond of her.

    It has been two months of Genevieve being in pain from her dire mistake of talking back to her kidnappers. Something that she had slowly started to learn to control a bit more, and not let her anger and bitterness get the better of her. During her recovery she has faced many challenges, such as not being able to work and for the first time in her life, truly struggling with her finances. She has grown a lot during this period of time and being forced to rely on others have helped her be more capable of asking for help when needed. Genevieve have also learned a lot about her own feelings and what she values when it comes to the people in her life. Even though she still has a lot of growing to do, she is starting to learn how to interpret her own feelings rather than running away or bury them.

    ~ WIP ~


    Christopher "Boss" Alderson
    Chris, or Boss as he's called at Dead Crow, is a person Gen looks up to a lot and who she has a lot of respect towards - even though you might not think she does given how often she teases him. To Gen, Chris and Hoof are not only the people she works for or who owns the ranch she lives at, to her they're more of a family than her real one ever was. She's forever grateful for their generosity and love they give to everyone at Dead Crow.

    Icarious "Hoof" Hoofhorn
    Icarious, or Hoof as everyone calls him, is someone Gen truly adores. Even though they don't always talk much in each others company, Gen feels a special connection to Hoof and oftentimes find herself trying to do everything to make him proud. He always have a way to make Gen feel safe in his company, at the same time as she dreads for the day she might make him disappointed.

    Imogene "Gene" Harrison
    Imogene, Gene as she's often called, is one of Gen's closest and dearest friends. Their relationship have slowly evolved into a trusting and mutual relationship, where they both are learning to depend on each other and the people around us more. Genevieve loves Imogene dearly and will do anything and everything to protect and comfort her.

    Ulrich Braun
    Even though Ulrich worked for Dead Crow, Genevieve never got a chance to get to know him until the Armadillo Rebuild at the end of July 1902. After that day Genevieve have grown more and more attached to Ulrich. The oftentimes play telegram tag, but recently they've had to resort to leaving notes by the ranches they work at since the telegram clerks in New Austen have grown tired of their odd telegrams between each other.

    It's not often that Genevieve and Ulrich get to see each other, but he has truly become a friend she holds dear and one of the few people who often telegrams her. Something that brings her much joy.

    Evelyn West
    Genevieve's relationship with West started after her responding to the call of when Genevieve was kidnapped and held for ransom by The Remnants. Evelyn was the one who was negotiating with The Remnants to let Genevieve, and their other ranch hand Avi, go without paying the full amount that they had requested. Genevieve was impressed by her hard negotiations, and even more surprised that after they hade left, her main priority was to make sure Genevieve and Avi were alright rather than taking their statements right away. After that, Genevieve's admiration of Evelyn has only grown and she view her as a very important and highly regarded friend to her.
    Gen has also developed feelings for Evelyn but has yet to confess them to her, since she's afraid of losing her as a friend...
    Elliot Oullet
    Even though Genevieve oftentimes tease Elliot, she does really value him as a friend. She has gone from finding him suspicious and sure of working with a gang, to respect the man... in her own ways. She might however never forgive him for ruining their hard work with the Armadillo distillery by "accidentally" setting it on fire.

    Thomas Bowdre
    Thomas and Gen met as vet trainee's at the McCoy's and their relationship has only grown from there. They are both great friends and work well together. They help each other out when they have questions regarding veterinary work. They don't always get together to hang out since Genevieve lives in the West and Thomas is usually in the East, but when they do they are bouncing off ideas with each other regarding their veterinary work and whatnot.
    Franklin Longmire
    Gen enjoys Franklins' company
    Is a little wary about him when there's a conflict
    Avigdor "Avi" Boymer
    Marric Warkan
    Meredith "Merry" Fitzroy
    Jackie Lumbar
    Mable BauerRocket MoodyIris Moody
    Ash WoodWinona "Winnie" Jacobs




    • Genevieve doesn't eat meat
    • Gen don't like coffee, but will drink it if she's suffering from a hangover
    • Gen doesn't drink unless she wants to forget her feelings
    • Gen is a slow learner and have problems remembering a lot of information
    • Desperado Tequila (made by Armando Alvarado) is the only thing that have made Gen black out drunk with just one shot
      • If she ever wakes up in the Heartlands near Valentine she knows it's the tequilas fault, even though she don't always remember if she drank some or not
    • Genevieve is a terrible cook; although with the right guidance she can learn
    • Genevieve's short term memory has worsened since her last concussion
    • Genevieve is clumsy and oftentimes trips on her own feet
      • Something that has only worsened since her injury in her foot
    • Genevieve's veterinary practice is named after her horse Jasper Candy Cane, who was her first horse that had to be put down due to a fractured leg

    Genevieve Green











    11th of December 1877


    New York



    Marital Status:



    Meredith Green (Mother - DECEASED)
    Horacio Green (Father - ALIVE)


    Head Rancher at Dead Crow
    Owner of Jasper's Fieldside Veterinary
    Committee Member of Committee of Veterinarian Medicine



    Faction Affiliations:

    Dead Crow
    Committee of Veterinarian Medicine