Guppie Gang

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  • Guppie Gang


    Although they may call each other family, the “Guppie” gang is a group made up of various families and orphans. They are extremely loyal to each other and whilst they may not be family by blood, they will protect each other no matter what.
    It started with the "Storm Twins."
    The twins grew up in an orphanage alongside many other members of the gang. As young children, they were beaten brutally many times after failed attempts to escape the orphanage. Eventually they grew bold and decided to burn the building down, leaving those who hurt them tied up inside, so they could finally escape what they called hell.

    They took a few of the other children with them and began their life on the run. They started off with petty theft just to survive but very soon became braver in their crimes, robbing banks and holding up trains. They were always on the move and always on the run from the law. Whilst they claimed to only commit crimes in order to survive, deep down they enjoyed the attention and the thrill of the chase.

    They all have real names but usually just
    refer to each other using their colours. They use the ''fish theme" as an ode to when they first got started and it has served them well since.


    If you are ever taken by the fish, they will tell you a story.
    Their origin story.

    And whilst each fish tells a slightly different version, the following always remains the same.

    Early Years

    They all grew up in an orphanage together. Some had been there since they were babies, whilst others had been left there later in life. They grew up with the harshest forms of discipline. They were beaten with hot pokers, or left in a room for days with barely any food, or a number of other cruel punishments. Often, it was not those who misbehaved that were punished, but those around them. Some of the more frequent troublemakers - J/Yazz, Addy, Adrian and Blake - would frequently try to run away, but to no avail; they would be dragged back to the orphanage to face the horrors and tortures once more. Eventually they had had enough; they stole matches and rope from the supply closets and hatched their plan.

    In the middle of the night, those in charge of the orphanage found themselves being awoken by small children tying them up and dragging them to the main hall. The children bound them to chairs and laughed as they struggled to get free. Then they watched as the four children lit matches and their wooden chairs were set alight. Soon the floor of the orphanage caught fire. The fire spread quickly to the rest of the building, and the four children ran out with adrenaline pumping.

    As they ran past the dorms they stopped for a moment. They made the decision to wake up some of the other children, and together they escaped. This was the first game; those who escaped had won and would never play again, and those left inside had lost and would never do anything again.

    The original four knew that they must flee the scene - any possible survivors would tell the deputies what they had done, and they would be hung. They convinced the other children to follow them, promising them protection and a haven from anyone who wished them harm. Many followed but none knew what they were really signing up for. Blake had managed to steal some funds from the orphanage before it became ashes, and they used these funds for some time, but it wasn't long before they started to run dry.

    They knew they had to do something to support the rest of their new family. So they started small, stealing food from shops and pickpocketing rich gentlemen and ladies walking the streets. But it wasn't enough. There was too many of them to feed and not enough money. It took some convincing, but they managed to get some of the other children to help them in their endeavours. With this increase in numbers, it now meant they could hit bigger targets. They started robbing stagecoaches and general stores before moving onto banks and trains. They used their youth and innocent appearance to trick people into trusting them before turning on them, which brought them great success.

    It wasn't long though before they garnered the attention of the local deputies and sheriffs. They had stolen enough money to buy a small house to live in, but the deputies had been told of their location. Many of them had bounties at this point and none of them had any intention of turning themselves in and leaving the rest of the family behind.
    Thankfully they had an early warning from one of the girls, Zeva. She told them of the planned ambush the night before it was due to occur.

    That night they sat around a table to try and come up with a plan. There was plenty of moonshine to go around from a recent escapade. To this day, no one quite knows who brought it up or why anyone agreed, but they came up with a strange idea; to try and confound their would-be captors, they would dress up in their favourite colours and introduce themselves as coloured fish. Hopefully those who turned up would be confused for just long enough that it would give them the edge.

    To their surprise it worked (somewhat). The deputies who arrived were confused and the orphans were able to gun them down. Luckily there was no casualties on the Guppie side, but they didn't want to take any risks. They packed their bags, sold the land, and moved onto the next town.

    Though they were safe for now, the threat of how close they had been to death stuck with them all. They took a vote to decide if they would remain a family and live a life of crime together, or if would they would try to live lawful, most likely separate lives. When all votes were taken, it was decided they were to become a gang. They settled on the name Tully Gang and decided to continue to use their fish names in the hopes it would continue to bring them good luck.

    Move to Silverton County
    As time passed they moved from place to place, never staying too long. Eventually they came across Silverton County, a small county filled with trusting farmers and ranchers. It wasn't worth them staying but it was the perfect place to make some quick money before moving on. A small group Sky, Yellow, Red, Black, Clown and Mud rode ahead and set up camp in the canyons.

    Disappearance of Sky Fish

    Move to New Alexandria



    Green Fish
    After deputies arrested Yellow at Fort Mercer. Purple and Green hid and went charging at them when they got a chance, but Felix Mercer and 3 other 'mercenaries' caught Green out alone. They tied him up, roughed him up and burned him on a torch briefly. Then set him free with a 10 second headstart for him to run on foot away as they chased him down on horseback. He was shot in the back by (one of them that started with a J) with a shotgun and slowly bled to death. His body was dumped in the Coronado and washed ashore days later to be found by a local.

    Red Fish

    Purple/Ash Fish

    Forest Fish

    Pink Fish

    Yellow Fish

    Bone Fish
    Bone Fish racked up a lot of notoriety as being extremely violent with law enforcement. After the fracturing of the Guppie Gang, Bone broke away from the Fish name. In his attempts to seperate himself from the remaining "softer" Fish, as he put it, he went out commiting violent crimes and robberies. On his last robbery, he chose the Saint Denis General Store, where he tied up a hostage and held the worker up at gunpoint. When LEO showed up, Fletcher and August, the hostage broke her restraints and went charging out the door. Bone shot her in the back with a shotgun, instantly killing her. With the gunshots ringing out, the deputies started a shootout with Bone Fish, who was holed up in the defenses of the store. When Fletcher breached, he shot Bone through the skull, killing him instantly. With just the name "Bone" being etched into his rifle, and the Fish part being scratched out, the deputies could not confirm for certain if he was indeed the criminal formerly known as Bone Fish. His body was identified several days later by a previous victim of his.

    Night Fish

    Moss Fish
    After Yellow's funeral, Honey set fire to the Annesburg Sheriff's Office, and started a gunfight with the deputies outside. Amidst the chaos, Honey knocked Moss to the ground and kicked her in the head. The back of Moss's head bashed into a rock, re-breaking her skull along its previous fracture (accidently caused by Grey, who hit her with the butt of his gun while trying to stop Yellow from stabbing Pink). This time the fracture was fatal, and Moss died instantly.

    Navy Fish

    Grey Fish

    Honey Fish


    The gang was originally formed under the name "Tully Gang." But after local lawmen in Silverton County nicknamed them Guppies in an attempt to insult, they decided they actually liked that better and kept the new name.

    Sky and Yellow are the original "Storm Twins"

    Yellow, Sky, Black and Clown were the ones who started the fire in the orphanage.

    Forest, Mud, Teal and Navy are the only "official" fish who did not grow up in the orphanage, having been, in a sense, adopted later on.


    Guppie Gang



    Pretty much all dead

    Date Founded:



    Depends on who you ask


    Pink Fish (deceased)
    Salmon Fish
    Red Fish (deceased)
    Brick Fish

    Mud Fish
    Brown Fish
    Orange Fish
    Honey Fish (deceased)
    Yellow Fish (deceased)
    Gold Fish
    Moss Fish (deceased)
    Green Fish (deceased)
    Forest Fish (deceased)
    Teal Fish (deceased)
    Sky Fish
    Blue Fish
    Cobalt Fish

    Navy Fish (deceased)
    Lavender Fish
    Purple/Ash Fish (deceased)
    Grey Fish (deceased)
    Night/Silver Fish (deceased)
    Clown Fish

    Bone Fish (deceased)
    Black Fish (exiled)