Devastating Hurricane of 1900

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  • Devastating Hurricane of 1900


    As storms began to brew and a constant rain began to soak the State of New Alexandria in the early stage of November of 1900, those who lived in the state would wake up to crashing thunder, destructive winds and lightning as on November 11th, a massive tropical hurricane destroyed majority of the state. As the storm picked up, many were forced to let their horses go as their chances of survival was much higher then to be kept within a paddock or stall, some citizens of the state managed to board their horses in the safety of stables outside the mountains that surrounded their beautiful home. After hours of punishing winds and floods, those who.. survived woke to a ruined land. Known towns now being a fraction of what they once were, towns people knew like the back of their hand.. becoming no more then a strange place that they had to rebuild from scratch.



    Long Term Effect(s)


    Hurricane of 1900


    Event Type:

    Natural Disaster

    Time Span:



    Entire State

    Parties Involved

    Entire State