Ivy Black

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  • Ivy Black


    A small, athletic built young lady with a very pure soul was very kind to all she met. Not once did she come across as judgemental, & she always put everyone else first before her own. She is on the short side, with a built right arm, & a prosthetic red oak wood left arm that straps across her body, you could always find her wearing her beanie on her head & occasionally eye glasses when she was intensely focused on treating her patients with her medical belt on her at all times. When approached by other people, she would come off timid, stubborn if she needed to be.. you could always find an axe on her or around.

    Early Life 

    Ivy Moore was born around the outskirts of the mountains & lakes of michigan after her deceased twin brother Ivan. Upon birth, Ivory Moore, died giving birth to the twins. Ivy was growing up to be more like her father, at the age of 10, being worked like a dog to be the youngest lumberjill up near, her dad's homestate Alaska. She traveled from camp to camp working & taking on small lumber jobs.. & she had no choice of having a childhood like other kids. When she was 14, she stood up to the former cult her Uncles, & dad were apart of that she didn't understand, to protect a young native boy in a northern tribe. The men always played their harmonicas each night, & she watched as the boy was murdered in her face, & she was angry/ traumatized when harmonicas played from then on. Alongside that she was brutally tortured, & beaten by her alcoholic dad, who regrets not saving her brother, & she looked exactly like her mother. Around fall of 1899, she ran away from her father as she had enough of the abuse, as he tried to kill her in the woods on the way to New Alexandria, leaving her to survive in the woods alone for a few months. Ivy stabbed her dad in the leg prior to running away, not knowing how to use any gun. She knew everything there was to know about wood, & fished off whatever rivers or lakes she could find to survive.

    Present Life 

    Coming into state she was very prone to getting hurt alone fending off wolves, cougars, a bear, & always getting hurt on her own. 5 days after she came to state she got a letter from Alaska letting her know of the passing of her father's death due to suicide, & his obituary, sent to Strawberry. She found a group of people, as she called them the Misfits. Who helped her around the state, criminals or not she tried her very best to protect & aid her friends. During her time in state, she learned to hunt, & kill animals, still always having happy accidents every so often. However, one night she was losing her mind emotionally & physically she wasn't willing to hurt anyone, to tell the truth of what she was feeling leading a very crazy local shooting her injured shoulder prior to that from wolf attacks. She was warned if she didnt let the shoulder heal or she got really hurt she risked losing it. That night she almost died, losing her left arm & forever teaching her to never runaway as she fell madly in love with her former wife Ghouli. She learned to fish even with one arm, always thinking about her past & focusing on her future of becoming a doctor not long after reading multiple letters from her family. Before she passed, she took care of many many people, & tried her best to save everyone, not focusing on her own self. She found a family of people along the way that protected her as she tried her best to do what she could for the state as a whole when it wasn't in a good place. FInding out her Aunt was coming to state, & finding news that Ghouli might be put to death infuriated her & pushed her to death, she was very lost & its very clear her emotions were out of her own control at that point. Her whole goal the entire time was helping people, & now being buried at one of her favorite places to fish, its safe to say life is unexpected & everyone was very kind to Ivy for most part, & she impacted others.


    She worked closely with Mountain Medical, becoming great friends with trainees/ Deputy Bloom Thomas & Ismay Ellison. She also worked with King the closer to her death. She looked up to Surgeon General Jaena Shaw & her partner Lauren Taylors.


    On March 14th 1900, Ivy had previous traumatic injuries that affected her mentally to the point of hiding all her anger & emotions in. Her dad threatened her growing up, as Iris remembers there being poison around the time of his death. It is very likely he was targetting ivy as he just couldn't bring himself to do it in person. Ivy died from a heart attack the day of huge amounts of stress built up in her body, as well as the poison being around her for so long. Ivy carried old letters with traces of the poison since she found the secrets in strawberry. This means that Ivy's father left knowing the poison was there the entire time around Ivory's house, leading clues to Ivy's death.


    "Hey Stranger" "Heck"


    Ivy named her second horse, "Spectre" after losing her memory for over a day, & Prospector Jenkins helped her regain it back flashing his lantern in her face, reminding her there is light in a very dark tunnel, feeling honored he looked after her, she named the horse.

    Ivy Black











    110 lbs.



    Death Date:






    Marital Status:



    Ghouli Black - Wife - Alive, Iris Moore - Aunt - Alive, Irvin Moore - Father - Deceased, Ivory Moore - Mother - Deceased, Ivan Moore - Twin Brother - Deceased,


    Mountain Medical Trainee (Doctor)


    "Ivory" "Lumberjill"

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Misfits