Ivy York

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  • Ivy York


    A small woman with mangy brunette hair, often recognizable with her wide eyes. Has the standard accent of the Butcher Creek culture with multiple sisters. A big fan of poetry, Squawk's other sisters' interests tend to clash with her own, resulting in many fist fights. Often seen in overalls and a blue blouse, lacking shoes, Squawk also has a crush on her close cousin, Gin Sonny.

    Early Life 

    Born in Butcher Creek, Ivy was the second child of triplets, with older Isabella and younger Ingrid. She had also an older "sister" named Edgar but knew very little of them as they left home with their mother. Due to favouritism, Edgar was despised by the triplets due to the absence when they left with their mother. As they aged, to prevent ridicule due to the similarity of the identical triplets, the sisters were each given two days outside of their home amongst the other residents of the creek, with Sunday everyone staying indoors. The constant and excessive noises they made inside the house in annoyance to their mother dubbed them with the names "Squeak", "Squawk" and "Squeal". The first to leave would be Squeak, wanting to explore beyond the creek alongside her fellow cousins. One day, out of accident, Squawk revealed herself in the creek, drawing the scrutiny of the other families, resulting in the family being driven out of the town, with their father passing away. Soon Isabella, Squawk and Squeal had to live on their own, searching amongst the lands of New Alexandria for a place to fully call a new home.

    Present Life 

    Having made her way to Valentine,
    With Squeak

    Fighting with Gin

    Breaking Obe out of jail

    Robbing van horn with miggs

    Robbing valentine and van horn

    Witness the court case

    Gin back in Valentine, subsequent arrest and escape during Prison Transport

    When Gin was let out of the walls of Sisika, the bond between Squawk and Gin grew, resulting in their marriage amongst a crowd of gators in Lakay, where the magician and his assistant had a great time. They would continue their shenanigans together elsewhere.

    Store robbery of *place* wasn't responded too

    Attempted robbery of Van Horn

    Chase, capture by McPickle and Detwiler

    Transport and death, shot through the heart by Jonathan Fjellhol, Henriette Fjellhol and Samti Smet.



    "Poetry or Math?"


    ● While having a huge love for poetry, Squawk is really bad at it.
    ● Ivy married her cousin Gin as part of their Magic act, and thus kept it secret in the eyes of the Creek.

    Ivy "Squawk" York









    5' 0"


    160 lbs


    September 6th, 1882


    Butcher Creek, New Alexandria, United States of America


    Butcher Creek

    Marital Status:



    Grandma - Deceased
    Gin Sonny - Missing
    "Obe" Obediah Sticks - Deceased
    Wilfred - Deceased
    Merle - Deceased
    Barney Soup - Deceased
    Banjo Coo - Deceased
    Betsy Mudd - Deceased
    Dixie Dixon - Deceased
    Marshall Hacketts - Deceased
    "Monty" Montague Dickinson - Deceased
    Lonnie Griff - Deceased
    "Rufus" Ruckus Twiggs - Deceased
    Seth Lee - Deceased
    Molerat - Deceased
    "Jebbo" Jebediah Fritt - Deceased
    "Tammy" Tabitha Grain - Deceased
    Ricky - Deceased
    Fodder - Deceased
    Jim Bob Donny - Deceased
    Mitch - Deceased
    Jibby Shankybottom - Deceased
    Wilbur Willie - Deceased
    Cassius Caspar - Deceased
    "Miggs" Bert Miggleton - Deceased
    Clyde Porker - Deceased
    Meep - Deceased
    Otis Reese - Deceased
    Jerry Miggleton - Deceased
    "Squeak" Isabella York - Missing
    "Squeal" Ingrid York - Alive
    Edgar York - Alive





    Faction Affiliations:

    Butcher Creek - Disbanded