Jacob Loveday

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  • Jacob loveday


    Jacob Loveday Formally Stark, After taking his Wifes name in marriage. A very British man who talks about england a lot and drinks a lot of tea and ironically his close friends are also English. Jacob has been down all walks of life, From the other side of the law, to a Humble blacksmith to a Fully qualified Doctor and than Practice Director. Being Married and having an Adopted Son.

    Early Life 

    Jacob's Early life was surprisingly Humble, His family owned a small farm outside Nottingham which had been in the family for generations, Hardships was fought and tough times was surly met along the way but they scraped through. Tough times became tougher Before the farm began to struggle due as the family got older. Jacob noticed these issues and as he loved and grew up on the farm he did not want to see this fall apart but what did he know, He was only 16 at the time. He started to realise the older he got, ' was this the life for him?' As he got closer to 18 he walks into his local market and saw an advertisement for a boat to the "New World" which excited him a lot as he had heard about America and how it was a fresh start.

    After that he started to save every penny, Even got a job as the local newspaper boy just getting as much money as he could to secure one life-changing ticket, Until the day he did, Two hard years of money making finally get him his ticket to which he used and set sail off to the New World. The boat journey was hard and tough but he pulled through and after the long journey he finally set eyes on the promised land, His new start. His new future.

    He arrives, Weary from the Journey but excited. The Sights of Saint-Denis, Almost a breathtaking view. Arriving at night allowed him to see the beauty of the city, the Beauty of a city for which he did not know, He now had only one hundred twenty-five Dollars to his name But the chance to start fresh for which he was ready to take on. He made his way into the city meeting new folk at the Bastile asking where is the best place to get started and make a living, Most of them said head to Valentine. Valentine can be a popular place if you want to find folks looking for work. So he went there and got told about all sorts of ways of making money. Before he shortly ran into a group in the saloon, A bit shady but Jacob was for the most part way too confident. He approached and asked them what they do and they mentioned "MoonShine" It seemed they were a group of moonshine running from the swamp.

    After meeting that group he ended up sticking with them, Doing moonshine runs which was a hard job not only for the laws interested in catching people doing it but also for other groups and gangs wanting to make a quick profit from people making Moonshine, The more Jacob hung around with the group the more involved he got, Before long that group was his only purpose he was a full member. Full member meaning he was also involved in other matters, Jacob ended up getting into the Deep end of the group. At one time Jacob had to do the unthinkable and take his first life, But he was blinded by the group he now only knew as family. Well, he thought they were family at the time.

    Later on after Jacob had done so much for this group and started to realise that, Maybe this group was only using him he decided that's it, Time for a change.

    One day Jacob did his usual, He went to the grain field to make an honest day's money as he had started to study Blacksmithing and crafting, Something he had not done in a long time a new purpose. After arriving he ran into two strangers, Strangers he was unsure of due to him and his paranoia about his past. After a short amount of time, he decided to speak to the two people. Introductions were made and he realised these are two kind people, He ended up speaking to them for ages about life and Jacob, of course, told them he was trying Blacksmithing and Crafting and that if they ever needed anything they should reach out.

    With that Jacob Introduced himself properly, and then they did the same. His first Normal encounter, He even ended up making a Lance knife, His first ONE! for one of the women at the field to which she took and he was most pleased with his work. After he finished the knife the other woman approached him and told him about a Job, This could be the moment, This was the moment. Jacob had the chance to change, A change he so needed. He took her up on it and sent a letter to Finley McCoy. At the time the Head Blacksmith of the McCoy Veterinarian Clinic asked about the Job he was told about, A couple of days went by and nothing was done before the day. The Day his life was uplifted. He received a letter back, She wanted to meet.

    Jacob rushed down to their Ranch, Macfarlanes Ranch. What a site to hold, Such a warm feeling riding in for the first time, Fully unknowing that he would be welcomed and live here for a long time. He met with Finley and then met Her wife Raven, They both welcomed him with open arms, He was them as Mentors, He told them his past and how he wanted to stay away and they kept it private, to Protect him. He was in their Debt.

    Jacob went on to work at McCoy's for a few months, Working as a blacksmith in his new shed, He had all the tools and was being taught new skills by his boss Finley. He respected her so much. She could have thrown him out but she offered him a chance. He respected her and listened and learned, Before becoming a fully trained blacksmith himself after months of hard work. He stayed at the ranch until its final days, The day no one thought would come.

    It happened, All good things come to an end, Just this was never expected. His life had become so peaceful and he became a slowly respected blacksmith, Making a fortune providing for the state in the one way he could. He kept his past secret only telling one of his long-time friends in state at this point Alexis, He told her everything as he trusted her and they became very close friends.

    The day came, A normal Vet called for a pregnant horse. I went just as Security for Raven and Finley as we were always carefully responding to calls outside of the ranch due to past encounters. That being said, This day would change everything. The situation happened, Raven was Kidnapped, Finley and Isabella and Jacob were shot down trying to defend her. He did not know what would happen. I woke up in Strawberry, Deputies all around me. I was lost. Injured and lost. All the Ranch people turned up worried asking us where Raven was, We did not know. Know one did.

    It was found that she was taken by hired guns, Raven was a lovely woman, but made a lot of enemies when she ran for State Rep, it was inevitable, The day went on and no sign of raven before a telegram was sent to Holly, Raven was being ransomed up at Baccus. They rushed away, Leaving Jacob and Finley in Strawberry, We did not know anything that was happening. Later that day she was found and returned home, Jacob kept an eye on her and Finley for the next couple of days before. They decided to leave the state for a while, Unknowing when they would return.

    McCoys would not be the same after that, It felt different. Jacob Decided it was time to leave, He had met an old friend from England whilst working with Finley collecting resources, Frank Landmark, A face he never thought he would run into. He met up with him and this would change everything for the future.

    Frank and Jacob started a new life, Their old friend Tony had also come across from England, This was new, Their brotherhood at the time was as strong as ever. They decided to open a Pub. The King's Head, The three of them was extremely English, the Menu was English, and They even gave out free cups of tea to people just to welcome them in, It was great Jacob was settled and was loving his new brotherhood.

    They expanded, Starting the King's Company, A larger-scale operation but something the three of them would work on together. It was exciting They had the King's Head, King's Crossing and other Businesses with the King's name on them, They would send out telegrams like "God save the king" it was the time, Jacob never felt more comfortable with a group, A group he called his brothers.

    The Final moment before the current day, Frank and our friend Isseballe Clarke opened up "King's Cross General Practice" Jacob kept the back foot at first just doing paperwork for the company before he started to study the Practice of Medicine, Something that forged his present day! They all moved into Beechers, This place would become home to the group for nine Months come the present day, But Jacob would not know it would become his home later down the time.

    Present Life 

    Kings Cross. This was his life, Jacob started to study and learn how to become a Doctor, He studied hard and worked with other Doctors from King's Cross learning all the skills he needed. It was a good life he was now living, His brothers by his side, a Group he knew he could call family.

    Jacob left the state for a Month to go on an adventure around America, He had only been in New Alexandria, and He wanted to explore before settling down. He went around learning new practices of medicine from other doctors out of state, It could be said he found himself on this journey. Something he most surely needed. He Was gone for Four weeks. Four weeks he was gone. He needed the time away, the Stress of work was getting to him.

    Once he returned he continued his work, Before running into a woman who was picking carrots at Beecher's hope, The companies main operation centre. He walked over as he usually does to spark a conversation, Little did he know this would be his future in the making. He introduced himself and the woman introduced herself as well. "Wenna Loveday" He spoke to him, He was intrigued to get to know her and did his usual jokes this time saying "It is a Lovely Day" poking at her name, Almost Flirting, Something he had not done in the state yet. She was Perfect.

    Those two would start to hang out more and more getting to know each other over a month of just being friends, He was slowly falling for her, She was everything to him. He had King's Cross but she was something new, She understood him for him. After a month Jacob asked her if they wanted to start dating, This was the testing moment if she would run. But she did not, She stuck by Jacob's side and they became Partners, She would later go on to join King's Cross to help in the HR department with Jacob of course, they were a dream team.

    Months would go by of them getting close and closer as he fell more and more in Love with this woman, 5 Months would go by before Jacob finally asked her the question, He took her to Aurora Basin and got down on one knee and started to ask her the question. He got halfway into the sentence before a Grizzly bear charged out of the woods towards them, This was nothing new and they dealt with it laughing about the timing before he quickly got back on his knees and asked her, Yes the surprise was gone but he wanted to be with her forever.

    To no surprise, she said yes. And they were engaged to be married. They were unsure what name to take for some time, Jacob knew his surname had connections he did not want to keep around and he knew how much she loved her surname this would go untested for a while as they planned their big day.

    The change came again, Jacob was hurt, He went into a Coma for a week after a cougar attack right outside his home, His partner was worried and by his side even at her own detriment. He battled through his body healing as best it could but he had amazing people around him, and he was home. He awake to find out his long-time friend Frank had left the state, WIth that leaving the company in Jacob's arms. This was new. Jacob had never run a company before let alone a company full of Doctors. BUT Jacob was not shy to a challenge and took it on, A lot of people thought King's Cross would fall now frank was gone but Jacob made sure of it, with the management team keeping the company up and providing for the state.

    At this time Jacob had been a fully qualified Doctor in the field of medicine a life he was loving more and more. He brought the company back to its feet and the respectable company it is today.

    The Big day. The day had finally come His wedding day. It was planned for up in the snow, Up at the glacier, the Place Jacob told his partner that he will take her surname, The Loveday surname. The day was amazing, Luckily it snowed making it even more special. Everyone close to them was there his true family the family he needed and had. It was such a special day he told her his love for her.

    The day was perfect, the weather was perfect, and the company was PERFECT. That day could not have been any better, all his friends and family look up to supporting them as they tie the knot for their lifelong partnership. A partnership is as strong as time itself. After the wedding everyone headed down to the reception which was so good, Old friends catching up and everyone just having a good time as so nice, and everyone from McCoys that is still around came which was so nice to catch up and have a big group cuddle, its been so long since then.

    The day ended with his close family returning to Beechers just down the road for some last drinks and ended the evening before they went to bed and started the new day as a true family him and her.

    An unexpected addition, This being said it was a usual day at Beecher's. everyone was waking up and just talking to each other as usual talking about the day we going to have, when Wenna starts to run towards the gate heading west, Jacob and the rest looked to see someone on the floor seemingly hurt, Everyone rushed over to find a young boy on the floor bleeding. Wenna was already providing care to him so Jacob and rest joined him before getting him back to the house, A bible was found on the boy so it was returned to him whilst he was let to rest in the house as he healed from his injuries.

    After a time the boy started to hang around with Wenna and Jacob which was nice, Wenna took a massive liking to him almost caring for him. He told us he was alone and attacked by a cougar so of course, Jacob was sceptical but he trusted his wife's judgement for now. Over time the boy was taken more and more into the family. Even Jacob started looking at him like a son getting to know him more and more enjoying each and every moment with the boy.

    Jacob had some issues rise up that he did not know if he would come back from, He was ready to meet his fate but he had one loose end to deal with, Maddox's the boy who he has taken so much care towards and love towards, Although he will never say those words. Jacob pulled Wenna to the side and asked her if they are ready before taking Maddox's up the hill and told him they want to adopt him and bring him into the family. He was truly seen by Jacob as a son. A son he came to love and trust. Maddox's Loveday, Newest member of the Loveday famalia.


    - Wenna Loveday : Wife :
    - Maddox's Loveday : Son :


    "Don't get married, you just get beaten up"
    "Fuck around and find out"


    King's Cross General Practice Page

    Jacob Benjamin Loveday



    Alive or Scraping the Barrel








    210 Lbs


    01/25 1879


    Nottingham, England



    Marital Status:



    - Brian Stark : Father: Deceased :
    - Julie Stark : Mother : Deceased :
    - John Stark : Brother : Unknown? :


    Doctor. Practice Director.


    Mr Loveday, Dad,

    Faction Affiliations: