Jeremiah Jackson

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  • Jeremiah 'JJ' Jackson


    Jeremiah was the State Marshal of New Alexandria from February - July 1900

    He is a fairly average built man with darker complexion due to his mother being a native. His features are mostly warm and welcoming, and he tends to dress quite fancily.

    He leads the department with respect and a stern stance on crime in the state of New Alexandria. He does whatever he can to help his deputies fight for the people and uphold what justice they possibly can.

    While he can seem fun to some, he takes his position very seriously, because he knows how much power he holds and how much his people rely on him.

    Early Life 

    Utica (1868-1878)
    Jeremiah was born to a Native American mother and an American "settler" father. He was raised by his mother in a reservation in the state of New York, near Utica, alongside his siblings until the age of 10. He was taught how to hunt with bow and arrow as well as some basic insights into the native ways. But when "settlers" razed the reservation, while Jeremiah was in Saint Denis to visit his father, the Chief of Police, his mother managed to take the siblings on a train south towards Lemoyne in order to get to Jeremiah and their father. During their travels the siblings and their mother became separated, and this would prove to be the last time that any of the siblings would then see their mother.

    Saint Denis (1878-1885)
    Jeremiah was very distraught after losing his mother, but his father did well taking care of the kids after she was gone. He had a well paying job in Law Enforcement, many valuable connections and a big house for the kids. However, this didn't stop Jeremiah and Elias from getting involved with some of Saint Denis' less finer folk. The further into the life of crime that Jeremiah and Elias fell, the more they strained things became for Natalie as well. After some years of this life, Elias was brought in on charges that would see him serving several life sentences. During this, Jeremiah would find himself almost stuck running with his gang, even if he tried to see his way out, he would always be dragged right back in. One day, his father found the evidence that the department had gathered on Jeremiah and his crew, and decided that he was not willing to fail yet another son. He offered Jeremiah an out, if he promised to change his ways. He accepted.

    New York City (1885-1890)
    After experiencing the worst things life had to offer in Saint Denis, during his teens, Jeremiah traveled to New York City to attend Police Academy, in order to make up for his past mistakes and make his father proud. His willingness to make it out of his past life of crime fueled the fire to do good and complete Academy without too many problems. He was hired on as a street officer in the City, where he'd find himself working for a few years to prove himself. During his time away from Saint Denis, Natalie would go on to marry a rich man, and later then remove herself from the family for good.

    Saint Denis (1890-1899)
    Jeremiah would see himself receiving a transfer request, put forth by his father, in Saint Denis. Here he would continue to prove himself over the years and reach the rank of Detective, which would have him take charge of inner city investigations. He kept furthering his career as a Law Enforcement officer until one day when he applied to take part in the State Marshals Office upon the formation of New Alexandria as a state.

    Present Life 

    After being hired on as a State Marshal Deputy when the state of New Alexandria was formed in early 1899, Jeremiah found himself outside of the city working Law Enforcement duties, for once. He would help the department in setting up the basics needed to ensure safety and prosperity for the citizens of the state. After making it through the initial months of his new position he also assisted in establishing the New Alexandria Sheriffs Department in April of 1899. Jeremiah would be offered a position as Undersheriff in the Eastern Office. Here he would serve alongside his fellow deputies as the department rapidly came into fruition.

    He was offered up a position as the Eastern Sheriff of New Alexandria Sheriffs Department in August of 1899 and served there until February 1900 where he was promoted to State Marshal of New Alexandria. His tenure in the Marshals Office lasted until July of 1900 with his departure to New York.


    New Alexandria Sheriffs Department, New Alexandria Marshals Office


    "Howdy fellas"
    "That's right, that's right"

    "Calm down"
    "Stop escalating"


    Jeremiah Jackson













    January 23rd, 1868


    Utica, New York


    Native American

    Marital Status:



    Natalie Jackson (sister)
    Elias Jackson (brother)
    Lily (half-sister)
    Jessie Jackson (daughter)


    Retired Undersheriff, Sheriff and State Marshal



    Faction Affiliations: