Joseph Macintosh

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  • Joseph F Macintosh


    An older male. Heavy wrinkles line his forehead but his jawline is still as pristine as it was when he was younger. He has A ginger (Strawberry Chestnut) moustache curled at the tips, Short, heavily greying ginger hair which he keeps combed for the ladies. He has heavy crows feet around his eyes as he has a peculiar knack for smiling constantly. He always seems to be wearing a smirk regardless of the situation he finds himself in. His clothes are typical of The Ashen colours, dark grey/black clothing, apart from his vest. He had his kilt refashioned into a vest for personal wear and rarely if ever, takes it off. It represents his Macintosh clan colours. Most of his left ear is missing after it had been shot off. He has a scar across the bridge of his nose and a deep scar on his forehead just below his scalp.

    Early Life 

    Mac was born in the rugged yet beautiful town of Inverness, Scotland, in 1854, a place of misty highlands and deep, ancient lochs. His early years were shaped by the harsh realities of rural Scottish life. Raised in a small, stone-built cottage on the outskirts of town, Mac learned resilience from an early age. As a boy, Mac roamed the green hills and dense forests around Inverness, developing a strong sense of self-reliance and an affinity for nature. Like most boys his age, he was enchanted by tales of the Highland warriors and the battles that shaped Scotland’s past, stories told by the elderly villagers and preserved in local Folklore. The spirit of the Highlands seemed to run in his blood, fuelling a fierce pride in his Scottish heritage and a growing desire to test his own mettle.

    In his teenage years, with limited opportunities in Inverness, he was drawn to the call for adventure and security promised by the British Army. In his early twenties, Mac left Scotland, making his way to the unfamiliar landscapes of India as part of his enlistment with the 92nd Highlanders, known for their distinguished service and loyalty. The vibrant and often tumultuous life in India was worlds apart from Inverness, exposing Mac to a different culture, climate, and a sense of British imperial duty. Life in the regiment was demanding, with rigorous training and challenging conditions, but Mac was proud to serve among the ranks of the Highlanders. He spent his mid 20s fighting in the second Afghan war for Kabul, earning himself accolades of marksmanship and bravery during the battle of Charasiab. Under the promise of going home, orders were received to make way for the Boer Republic to Natal. Mac was already pretty fed up with the weather but pressed on fighting.

    1881 saw Mac toss his regiments colours aside. During the battle of Majuba Hill, he and his fellow soldiers fought a desperate last stand against long range gunfire. Supressed and nowhere to go, they were defeated and driven from the hills. Mac ran as far as he could before eventually collapsing. He was never found by the enemy, nor by friendlies. He managed to get away to safety only to find that the remainder of British forces were in retreat, called by the English generals.

    Mac followed them, wounded. Though when he found out it was an ordered retreat and the bastion at Majuba was left to it's own devices, he assaulted one of the colonel's at the docks. Soldiers subdued Mac by smashing a rifle into his face, splitting his nose which would leave a permanent scar to this day. He was tossed into the ships brig and rather than be taken back to Britain, was dropped off at Gibraltar under charges of mutiny and attempted murder of a Senior Officer. In 1882 after almost a year of forced labour at the dockyards. Mac was finally able to enact a plan. He stowed away on a ship bound for New York. The tattered scraps of his highlander kilt thrown into the sea. He kept what was left of his own kilt to remind himself of his heritage and secretly vowed never to serve the queen again.

    Once Mac reached New York in 1882, he found himself in a vast, bustling city unlike anything he’d ever seen. New York's energy and towering buildings were a stark contrast to the highlands and the Indian landscapes he once knew. Nearly penniless and wary of authorities due to his desertion, he initially found shelter in a crowded tenement in the Lower East Side, where many immigrant workers and former soldiers scraped by. Mac quickly sought out manual work on the docks. His experience in Gibraltar's dockyards proved useful, and he was able to get day jobs loading and unloading ships. The physicality of the work kept him sharp, though he remained constantly on edge, always fearing that his past might catch up with him. The camaraderie among dockworkers was comforting but risky, so Mac kept mostly to himself but he was known as a hard worker and a loyal ally when others were in need.

    After several months, Mac heard about opportunities further west, particularly in Ohio, where factories and railroads offered steady work away from the watchful eyes of those who might recognize him. Using a combination of his meagre savings and a few favours owed to him by fellow workers, he hopped onto a series of trains heading west. By the time he reached Ohio, Mac was more confident, his Scottish brogue softened enough to avoid easy detection. In 1883, Mac eventually got into the good books of the Carter family. They ran a steam engine company but still preferred horses on their land for getting around. Eve Carter was a very friendly outgoing woman and enjoyed Mac's company. Particularly when David Carter was on business trips. Their friendship was not a lovers one. Mac had a huge respect for Eve for helping him with sustainable work. David Carter was a different side of that coin. Mac harboured a deep resentment for the man as he seemed to enamoured in his fortunes to remember to take care of his family. Alex Carter was Eve's daughter, only 2 years old at this point and rarely saw her father.

    1887, Mac purchases his first steed. A well bred Mustang which he aptly named Sandy as her golden mane reminded him of the sandy shores of Cromarty which he visited as a child.

    1893. Alex Carter sees her father for the last time. Mac was over for a family dinner. Eve seemed wary and David was drunk as usual. Business had gone downhill over the last couple of years and he wasn't able to afford his fancy boat trips anymore. After the dinner while Mac was taking his leave, he decided to linger in the courtyard to make sure everything was okay. After a several minutes however, he heard screaming. Mac ran to the door, grabbing a hammer from the porch used to nail the boards earlier in the day. He kicked it down and ran into the main room, Alex was under the table crying. He found David, stood over Eve, her body limp. David clutched a freshly bloodied carving knife in his hand. Mac didn't give him time to speak as he turned to face him and rushed him, a scuffle ensued and for a moment, David had the upper hand and had Mac in a headlock, he tried to cut his throat but Mac managed to break free albeit without injury, The knife cut a deep score in Mac's forehead just below his scalp. Gritting his teeth, Mac pulled David over his head and slammed him to the ground, proceeding to mercilessly bash David's skull in with the hammer. Once the ordeal was over, Mac wiped blood from his eyes, the wound on his forehead bleeding over his face. He turned to the Eve, she was somehow still alive but the wound in her gut was fatal. Her final request for Mac was to look after Alex. Mac took heed and grabbed as many supplies as he could before taking Alex with him.

    They fled the town, Mac used the alias of Raven when referring to Alex which stuck as she had a fondness of Corvus birds. Particularly Crows and Ravens. Her mother believed they brought good luck and always kept a feather in Alex's hair. She still has the feather and Mac has broken many a nose of those that would try and take it from her. They travelled southwest, Living lives of secrecy trying to gather as much as they could, in whatever way they could. They ended up as a criminal duo and within 10 years of fighting for themselves across the US. Landed in a new state in early 1903. One that promised them the freedom they believed they deserved. New Alexandria.


    Present Life 

    Criminal, Seducer of nobody and everyone simultaneously. Mac is currently a member of The Ashen gang. Often referred to as the Old Man/ Grandpa. Mac enjoys the company of the members even though he's almost twice their age. He's happily taken his role in hand and often tries not to overstep. However his military experience and general lack of empathy can often times lead him to interesting encounters.


    The Ashen.
    92nd Regiment Highlanders


    "Once you go Mac you never go back"


    Mac's middle name is Fergus. Nobody else knows this that currently live.

    Joseph "Mac" Macintosh













    10th July 1854


    Inverness, Scotland



    Marital Status:



    Deceased or irrelevant


    Full time Grandpa


    Mac, Grandpa

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Ashen