Lorenzo Roussan

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    Lorenzo Roussan is currently the Sheriff of the West with the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department. Roussan has been in the Department since October of 1899. . Lorenzo Roussan can be a very nice, and caring man; but he also has a side to him that doesn't play too nice. Usually the only people that see this side of him, are criminals that really irritate him.

    Early Life 

    <Will be filled once character story has been concluded>

    Present Life 

    <Roussan moved to New Alexandria after the incident back in Texas as a way to escape from his past. He was originally supposed to stay back in Denton, Texas and become a Deputy Sheriff for the Denton County Sheriff's Department, however the incident left him feeling that there was no choice but to flee home. Once he turned 19, he finally rode into the state of New Alexandria... he went around & tried to see what he could make out of this new state, what jobs would be available to him to have. As he was riding through Blackwater, he noticed a poster from a man known as Undersheriff Jack Burton. The poster stated that the Sheriff's Department was looking for New LEO's to hire & train to become Deputies of the State of New Alexandria. The subject was slightly confusing at first, as back home in Texas; being a Deputy meant you had jurisdiction over the town you were a deputy for. However in New Alexandria, it seemed that Deputies had power & jurisdiction across the whole state at the time of reading the poster. Roussan took the poster, and kept along the trail; wondering if he should apply or go down a different path.

    Roussan became a Recruit Deputy in September of 1899, becoming a full fledged Deputy by October 1899. He worked his way through the department and was promoted to Senior Deputy mid November of 1899, and Detective by March 1900. Throughout the rest of the fall & the upcoming winter, a gang known as "The Faceless" began to show presence around New Alexandria. The Faceless were high profile outlaws lead by Soleil Delgato, Antonio Delgato's biological brother. The Faceless were not your everyday criminals, they were "professionals" within their time as criminals in the state of New Alexandria. Roussan dealt with the Faceless from November of 1899 to Mid Summer of 1900. Dealing with The Faceless definitely had a toll on Roussans mental state although he seems to be able to control himself nicely. However, he may have times where when faced with criminals of the same degree of "crazy" - he might get a little aggressive, to say the least.

    In early July, Lorenzo Roussan was patrolling alone in Valentine. He walked to the general store & encountered 2 ladies. One of them being Rue Bennett & the other being "Darya". Ms. Bennett pulled Roussan aside & asked Roussan to assist providing fashion advice to her friend, Darya. Roussan oblidged & began to assist them. Once they were all wrapped up, Roussan was buying cheese & Rue made a sly cute comment about how cheese scientifically "sweats". Roussan & Rue shared a couple of good laughs that night in the saloon & store but ended up saying goodnight as Roussan had to resume patrol. Roussan then sent Rue Bennett a letter later on in the week, this started a series of letters being sent back & forth between the two. Finally, Roussan asked Rue if he could show her around the state as she was not familiar with the Central/East sections of the state. Roussan took Rue to Wapiti Lands/Mountains, Big Valley & other places in between. Though it was not an "official" date, both Roussan & Rue later mutually agreed that it was a definitely a date. Roussan & Rue stopped sending eachother letters as they started hanging out almost daily together, there was no more point in sending eachother letters as they talked about everything together when they were around eachother. Later on Roussan & Rue were hanging with eachother, and Rue brought up the fact that she still stays in the hotel in Valentine; Roussan offered Rue to stay at his place as a "roommate" to help her save her funds from nightly stays at the hotel due to not having a home. During the time of Roussan & Rue living together, the two became extremely close. A couple of weeks pass and Roussan & Rue became officially romatically linked together after many dates & fun times hanging around eachother. Months pass & Roussan finally musters enough courage to propose to Rue. Rue happily accepts & the two are currently married as of January 7th, 1901.


    New Alexandria Sheriff's Department


    "Right, Right, Right, Right.."

    "God Damn."

    "As a Detective, I'm detecting bullshit."

    "Damn straight I'm that Detective with a sawed off!"

    "I'll do as I see fit."


    Roussan has a horse named Gallow (A Black & White Missouri Fox Trotter- This was passed on to his wife, Rue Roussan. Lorenzo currently owns a Brindle Fox Trotter)

    Roussan is a Sheriff with the NASD.

    Art of Roussan & Rue


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    ( All Art is made by Scout Sterling / Brayces )

    A birthday gift from Rue to Lorenzo (Gold Ring)

    & Rue's Ring to Match Roussans given to her by Roussan (Black Ring)


    Lorenzo Roussan







    21 Years Old




    182 lbs


    October, 2nd


    Denton, Texas



    Marital Status:


    Mr.Roussan [Father - Presumed Alive]
    Mrs.Roussan [Mother - Unknown]
    Agosto Roussan [Brother - Deceased]


    Sheriff with the NASD



    Faction Affiliations:

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