Lucas Joyce

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  • Lucas Joyce - Best Fighter in the State


    Brown short hair, Beard (Sometimes), Three claws marks over right side of face

    Early Life 

    Born to a knuckle boxing family from Longford, Ireland. He was amongst the youngest of the runts and as time passed he found himself as the worst fighter in his family. Seeing no future within Ireland to the vast amount of poverty and famine in the land, as time Lucas left Ireland for a new start of the the first boat he saw. He ended up in New Alexandria, finding himself moving across state to a small town called Valentine. He started out a hunter, learning as he went all he would do is sit in Valentine waiting for the new situation and just watching, all the time just watching. As time passed Lucas began spreading his wings with a certain set of people in what he was worst at, bare knuckle boxing... He met two individuals who introduced him to his new life style. Floyd Marshall and Krueger Stroolinger, towering over Lucas these individuals showed Lucas how to use his height, weight and speed to his advantage and that's how he began to change.

    Time passed and Lucas tempted his Luck at a competetion called Flanagan Fight Nights, he also saw a poster for security job working for it and as the competetion went Lucas managed to come in second with the winner being Jaena Shaw. Lucas after the event spoke to the leader of the events, Addison Flanagan leader of the then named Flanagan Clan. He spoke on a Security job where he was hired on that day aswell after proving himself in the event. First night of his job was a poker event in the gambling room called the Perch ran by Sean McCarthy. He worked that night endlessly searching people and watching for any individuals who might cause harm. Time passed and Lucas ended up working himself into the Family. Finally he had found a real family to call home.

    Present Life 

    After months of work, Lucas now runs the fights and has even met someone he has fallen in Love with, Adelaide Joyce. First met months ago after both took to heartbreak and Lucas left for two months to gather himself. Apon returning Lucas decided to take shoot his shot with Adelaide who at the time was grieving... probs not the best time thinking back. It worked out though, he is now Married to her after being Married by the Flanagans in Big Valley. He's happy now.. for now.


    The Flanagans


    "What are you looking at Bitch?" - Lucas to Ulysses Murray throwing a tomahawk at him


    - First horse was a Black Arabian named Gypsy.
    - Served months as a Deputy for the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department
    - Has a prized racing horse named Storm.
    - Finds politics boring

    Lucas Joyce









    6 ft


    70 kilos




    Longford, Ireland



    Marital Status:

    Married to Adelaide Joyce


    Anthony Joyce, Michael Joyce, Many others Unknown


    Professional Fighter, (Former) Deputy


    The Hooligan

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Flanagans