Marric Warkan stands at just over six feet tall, often wearing loosely buttoned shirts with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of chaps. He is noticeable by his dirty blonde hair, often kept short up top but also his beard; one grown as the losing wager of a bet with a holy man. Though the beard was only supposed to last for one month, Marric grew fond of it and decided it should stay. Other features that cause him to stand out are the cluster of scars adorning his right cheek, half-covered by his beard but present from the ridge of his cheekbone and down.
If close enough, one might also notice scars lining the top of Marric's left forearm; consistent with a near full set of teeth from a wolf bite and drags from the upper incisors. A small, odd shape protrudes at the base of his left wrist beneath the skin, a permanent fixture left to help a once broken wrist heal. A long scar also crosses half his back, its origin the back of his left shoulder and trailing down to the right.
Marric's attire is one expected of a rancher. Loose shirts, cracked vests, ranch pants and chaps. Though with time, friends have helped him expand his wardrobe and he just might own a fancy outfit or two. But they are only worn on very special occasions. Most other days, in the words of Genevieve Green, he simply dresses "rugged and handsome."
Early Life
Marric was born the lone child of Archibald "Archie" Warkan, and his wife, Sara. Their life as a family began on the western border of Wisconsin, where Archie was employed at a sawmill and Sara was a tailor. Life was fine and steady until 1881, when a serious labor disturbance took place at Archie's sawmill, resulting in rioting and injury. Several families affiliated with the sawmill banded together and decided to move West, the Warkans included, to pursue greener pastures.
On the trail, Sara became gravely ill. At just four years old, Marric lost his mother to cholera. Sara was buried along a river in northeast Colorado. Beside himself, Archie decided to travel no further and fell in with a ranch nearby, called Prairie Hills Ranch. It was a fine ranch, rather isolated but in a fruitful locale that the residents and employees were able to find enough to fend for themselves with the help of some distant neighbors. For near two decades, Archie and Marric were inseparable. Archie was Marric's idol, teaching him almost everything that he knew. From his father, and living on the ranch, Marric learned how to rope, shoot, hunt, scrap and brawl. Though tough as those cowboys were at Prairie Hills, by nature of their isolation and hard work, they did all look out for each other and from that, Marric learned the value of trust and empathy.
Such was life until early 1902. Early February, Archie and Marric went out on a hunting trip to gather meat and supply the bunkhouse. The cold and snow required them to setup a camp away from home, weather taking an unexpected turn. As they slept, wolves gathered - hungry and desperate from the passing winter. Archie and Marric awoke to their snarls, but not before the wolves had taken advantage. Archie was pounced upon, desperately fighting with nothing but the knife on his hip. Marric rolled to a gun, striking the wolf atop his father but the damage had been done. Marric's mare came loose and bolted in the commotion, leaving only Prince - Archie's horse - available to ride. Realizing Archie's grave condition, Marric quickly hoisted him onto Prince and rode for the ranch as quick as he could. Struggling through the cold, Marric arrived too late, realizing his father had succumbed to injury.
His father was laid to rest as a courtesy of the ranch, however he was soon notified their work contract was nullified in death. Rather than pressing the issue, Marric packed what few belongings he had and decided to travel away, following in his parents' footsteps so long ago.
Present Life
Marric once danced for a whole saloon for $100.
His preferred drink is bourbon, but whiskey will do just fine.
Marric Warkan
July 31, 1876
United States
Marital Status:
Significant Other: Kitty Sawyer
Livestock Agent
Ranch Owner
Hunk of the West
Faction Affiliations:
Dead Crow Ranch
New Alexandria Livestock Commission