Mercy Lopez

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  • Mercedes "Mercy" Lopez


    Mercedes is one of many things, she comes off naive and lost for majority of the time, though at heart she is a young girl trying to find herself in life after being sheltered for most of it. While she does give people the better of the doubt and isn't likely to judge people or be aggressive, like most sweet souls within the state, she'll likely change. Mercy tends to be quite oblivious to things or more so doesn't understand some aspects of life. When she experienced her first death as a recruit she seemed to not really understand the gravity of the situation or what a life really meant. Which tends to bring some concern about her emotions and her lack of ability to really.. show emotion in those situations, whereas she shows happiness, fear and other normal emotions when faced with severe situations she seems to go blank.

    Early Life 

    Mercedes doesn't really know much prior to being adopted but she was originally born to a woman who had a fling with a rich man which resulted in a pregnancy she didn't want, her mother would then leave her up for adoption where a Spanish couple would later adopt her as they could no longer produce children after their eldest but the pair still wanted children and when they learnt about Mercedes situation they took her in. She was given a Spanish name but Mercedes ended up shortening it to "Mercy" as she felt it was a bit too fancy and she was.. the odd one in the family. She could never pick up on learning Spanish and struggled with the language to the point where they just told her they were proud for her attempts but ended up speaking mostly English at home. This made Mercy feel.. like a black sheep but she loved her family regardless. She learnt very basic traditions from her mother and father but as they got older and was put into school, she ended up seeing less and less of them and she was often left alone with her brother who would also disappear as he enlisted into the military.

    Left alone she mostly focused on her studies and making friends and when she was a young teenager she met an older woman named Kayleigh Rockford who seemed to take the younger girl under their wing and mentored them, helping them learn basic aspects of life and how to do things her parents didn't exactly teach. Shortly after Mercy became an adult, Kayleigh moved to New Alexandria to become a deputy and with a few letters here and there, Mercy eventually joined them and travelled there with the help of her brother.

    Present Life 

    Having been in New Alexandria for not too long she hasn't really learnt the struggles or the dangers of the state and seems to have quite the naive mindset. She would apply to the sheriff's office to join Kayleigh in the department, though she doesn't really understand it all fully but accepts that it could be dangerous. She has been taking horse riding lessons from McCoy's ranch and was scammed when someone sold her a "rare, long earred, dwarf Thoroughbred" which in reality is just a mule. But she refuses to accept such.


    New Alexandria Sheriffs Office




    - Has a Mule named "Jerry" that she was told was a "Rare, Long Earred, Dwarf Thoroughbred" which due to embarrassment of not knowing horse breeds and what not, stands firm with it. But in reality knows its a Mule.

    Mercedes Lopez











    Weighs nothing, like a feather.




    Unknown, Michigan



    Marital Status:

    Single, Wouldn't know what a relationship is




    LEO Recruit



    Faction Affiliations: