Miles Family

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    The father of the current siblings and leader of the family Lionel Miles, was leading his children, Lois, Brock, Jackie, and Clyde through Cheaha Mountains of Alabama on May 10th, 1900. Along for the ride were Don Wright, a hired gun. Wallace Nielsen, a rusty old train robber who was with the group for the action, and Alexander Olson, a man whom none of them really knew much about. There had been an argument earlier that day about the Miles' family ideals.

    How is the group to make money if they are picky about who they rob?

    The argument came up earlier in their travels as well but was quickly pushed aside. The family and their posse were riding through the mountains, supposedly meeting up with two other posses of allies on the other side, however far away that was. On the night of May 10th, as their horses pushed past thick brush and the group stopped for water and herbs, the three outsider guns turned against the Miles family and a gunfight ensued. The family was quickly split as they all went off in different directions. Each sibling eventually found their way to New Alexandria. Whilst licking their wounds and gathering what they could, they found a spot to call their own and started to enact what some would call their 'Robin Hood' ideology in order to help the people of New Alexandria.


    The Miles family is known to the state of Alabama as a menace to the Government, but a family for the people. Those that think they are superior often got a visit from the Miles Gang. When everything of value was taken and the point was put across, the Miles would leave their victim's humiliated and defeated. The message would be clear. Take your keep. Don't be greedy.


    For the People.

    • We take what we need. We are not greedy. Need a rifle? Rob someone for a rifle, and just that. Need money? Rob the bank, take what is needed, and give it back to the people.
    • We do not hurt those that do not deserve it. An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand. Blood for blood, that is it. Anything we procure that we do not need, we give to the less fortunate. Businesses, travellers, families.
    • We can be hired guns, for the right price. We will not overcharge, we will not ask for more than we need. We will defend the innocent if they are attacked for reasons we don't agree with. If you are going to help someone, make sure they need help for the right reason.
    • We are not assassins, mercenaries, smugglers. We do not take hostages for banks, unless they're a part of a rival gang or causing trouble. We kidnap with a purpose.

    For Ourselves.
    • Everyone has a say. We must all agree with something. If we do not agree, we do not move forward with the plan, or we come up with a compromise. If you act on your own, prepare to be alone until the job is done. There is no singular leader, though... the oldest is usually the wisest.
    • We do not lie. We are a family. There is no need to lie to family. Prepare to pay the consequences if your lie costs us. Our honor and integrity is everything. This goes within the family, and when we are on a job.
    • Family helps family. Hear something of interest? Tell the others. One of us gets hurt? Blood for blood. One of us has allies with a group? Honor that agreement.

      When we shed blood, it runs for Miles.



    The Miles Family





    Date Founded:



    Lionel Miles, Clyde Miles [Deceased], Lois Miles, Jackie Miles, Brock Miles


    Constance Burke, Luella Crystal, Tessa Zachariah

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