O'Shea Family

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  • The O'Shea Family


    An outlaw group with Irish descent, Normally wear dark colours and a flat cap. If punishment needs to be served the family's choice is kneecapping with a double barrelled shotgun. They normally target deputies and only use civilians as hostages when they need to gain something. The gang is notorious for owning the O'Doyle's pub in Saint Denis which they renamed to Paddy's Irish Pub. The family crest is 'Moccus' he is the boar or swine-god of the continental Celtic tribe of Lingones. The boar is an emblem of fertility, fearlessness, and strength, but also stubbornness, war, and chaos.


    Paddy O'Shea grew up in Dublin, Ireland. He was a street level petty criminal from a young age. As he built more and more of a reputation, he became the leader of his own street gang which mostly comprised his younger brothers and cousins. The name 'O'Shea' became a feared and respected name, on the streets of Dublin and beyond. He took his gang from carrying out small robberies on the street corners, to robbing banks, trains and kidnapping and ransoming important people. He met and married Patsy O'Shea and they had 8 sons and 4 daughters. Paddy Jnr, Jimmy, Jonny, James, Roy, Ray, Mick, Matty and Patsy, Paula, Pammy and Prinny. All the sons upon reaching 14 were introduced to their fathers business, which quickly became the 'family' business. They took bank robbing, protection racketeering and Kidnapping to a never before seen, professional level.

    After a bank robbery went wrong and 4 local policemen where killed, the sons fled Dublin for Various different destinations. They all carried the 'family' business going wherever they settled. Before leaving their Mother and Father In Dublin behind, they swore a family blood oath to their Father, that they would upon getting settled, they would raise their own children with the goal of reuniting the whole Family in 'the new world', and carrying on the family business as one. Each Son and daughter had their own children, who have swore to honour their parents blood oath to their grandfather and have all set sail to New Alexandria, with the aim to unite with each other and establish their grandfathers business and make the name 'O'Shea', once more, a feared and respected name.

    Matty O'Shea fled Dublin for Liverpool, England. He became a feared doorman working on the local public drinking houses. He created a gang of 4 men who specialised in kidnapping dock security and forcing them to open the gates to steal the valuable merchandise. They became known as Violent and Intimidating if they didn’t get their own way. Stabbing, beatings and of course ‘Kneecappings’, was frequently practiced as encouragement, to get what they wanted. He met and married Pat O'Mannion, herself of Irish heritage, and they had 2 sons, Harley and Cormac and 2 daughters Ciara and Octivia.

    Harley O’Shea was born a big heavy brute and carried on growing to over 6'4". Harley was always in trouble for fighting and taking whatever he wanted. He has a massive issue with being told ‘No’ and often goes to extreme lengths, to get his way. He joined his fathers business at a young age, starting as a simple ‘Heavy’, obeying orders at first. He quickly to a more vocal and Leadership Role. After an ‘Encouragement’ of a dock security worker went wrong and he was murdered, by Harley, for refusing to cooperate, Harley was informed that 1 of his Fathers friends ‘Ratted’ to receive a Marginal sentence. This installed a slight Paranoia and excessive reactions against anyone he believes to be a Snitch. He has sailed from Liverpool, England to evade the Police and has arrived at New Alexandria to meet up with his cousins, to fulfil his family oath. He leaves behind a Son from a previous relationship, named Harry.

    Mick O'Shea went on to the lovely city o' Galway, on the western shores of Ireland. He lived a merry life there, havin' his way with many a wench, which had him end up with a bunch o' bastards he initially wanted nothin' to do with. Years went on by, when the day came he ran into a redheaded lad by the name of Finley, who turned out to be one of those bastards he'd had. Mick was shocked by how much his bastard son looked like him, and decided to take him along with him, teachin' Finley all sorts o' the family's practices. When Finley was told about his other family members, he immediately departed for New Alexandria, to make up for the time he didn't get to spend with them.

    Rory O'Shea was born in a brothel to a lass who'd once had the displeasure of gettin' shagged by ol' Roy O'Shea. Rory never cried when he was a kid, and never quite talked a lot either. Growing up he'd get in all sorts of trouble with the other children in the neighborhood, but as he was already quite big for his age, he made sure to make that stop rather quickly. Once Roy O'Shea got word of his bastard, he welcomed him into the family with open arms. Rory spent most of these years as a 'bodyguard' type of lad, knockin' aside any troublemakers without too much of a hassle. He stayed in that line of work for a while after Roy's passing, but when he got word of a bunch of O'Sheas stirring up some trouble in New Alexandria he saw it as an opportunity to face some more difficult odds, instead of the constant supply of drunkards back in Glasgow.

    Patrick O'Shea Jr, The youngest son and runt of the litter. Wee Paddy, having bore the name of his Grandfather and being the youngest of the Patsy O'Shea line, he always felt he had something to live up to and something to prove. He admired his Grandfather and the stories that came with his legacy, so much in fact he choose to live with his Grandfather and head of The O'Shea clan, further driving his interest in the underworld. Dude to his size, he'd encountered teasing and dismissal due to the protective nature of family. Beyond that, he'd find scorn from outsiders due to the destructive nature of The O'Shea's and being the smallest, obviously he became the prime target. This twisted Paddy and over time he grew violent and vicious, finding comfort in such things as guns or knives. Simply put, he grew very unstable to the point of madness. He'd act alone, rashly, remorselessly and due to the savagery of his actions grew to be feared in his own right as the fearless runt. With his brothers and cousins immigration, Paddy grew more unstable, and without eyes to monitor his actions, his violent outbursts turned murderous. Even as an O'Shea his actions were... animal. A warrant for Wee Paddy was issued when he'd stabbed a local Dublin policeman 27 times in the chest, yet could never be found as his mother in a frantic state pushed him towards immigration to reunite with his kin, hoping they could tame the vicious runt of the family. The grandfather agreed of course, happy to see his legacy sprout and further the union of his bloodline. Patsy put $100 in his pocket and sent him before the law caught and executed him. Paddy with his heads fixation on the aspects of a wild west grew excited at the prospect of legend, filling his fantasies with ideals of gun fights and being notorious.

    Jimmy Sr fled Dublin after the bank robbery and landed himself in London, he then married Sheila Smith and they had many children, 8 boys: Amon, Barrey, Bradey, Coyle, Declan, Jimmy, Keeffe, Kieran and 1 girl, Caoimhe. Jimmy Jr was the oldest at 36 years old so he took leadership of the O'Shea gang in London once Jimmy Sr retired from the family business, they robbed banks and shops for many years until a hold up in a pub went wrong, Jimmy ended up killing the barman including 4 other people, during the fight Jimmy got glassed in the face which resulted in a big scar down the left side of his face. The O'Shea's managed to escape with minimal injuries and then fled London after finding out that they were at the top of Scotland Yard's most wanted list. Jimmy was the only one that fled the country to New Alexandria but he sent word back home that their were more O'Shea's over in the new world hoping that more of his brothers would follow.

    Harry O'Shea, the bastard son of Harley O'shea and a immigrant, Harry was born in the bustling port city on Liverpool, his father was young when he had him and his mother was unused to life in England and got by by doing odd jobs for local companies, Harry quickly found the best way for him to make money was by crime, from a young age he pickpocketed, stole, and was well known around the Liverpool docks for being swindling and thieving. He was able to handle himself, taking part in many fights and getting into trouble often. Unfortunately the life of crime caught up with him, and he was about to be sent to a juvenile jail system, before his kindly mother used her connections to send him across to find his father in New Alexandria, because of his skill set and his life style preference she knew he would be better there, than staying where he was.

    James O'Shea fled Dublin, Ireland for New York City, he was another member of the O'Shea Family to enjoy his booze a little to much, nearly as much as he liked his women. James O'Shea immediately used his previous life experiences to get himself involved with the local Irish Mob in New York City. His violent temper immediately earned him a reputation as an underworld Enforcer. He was arrested and given Life imprisonment for the underworld execution of a known snitch. James O'Shea's had a bastard son with one of his many dalliances, he named him Johnny. James adored his only child and took the young boy everywhere with him. Johnny was introduced to all his fathers colleagues and shown the inner workings of Mob life. James O'Shea told his son of all his past tales back home, of all the family his son had out there and most importantly, the oath he had made to his grandfather to unite the family. Johnny from his early teens, started running errands for his Father and his companions and slowly but surely, proved his capabilities. As he earned their trust he was given permission to run his own schemes and scams and proved he had a knack for them. Not a particularly violent man at first, he had to learn to deal in violence as the conflicts between gangs began increasing, he then abandoned the games of politics when he realized, violence got things taken care of faster, more easily too. As conflicts grew more heated and the law got involved he became a bit of a loose cannon and his reputation and past deeds, forced him into trying to lay low, but had drawn too much heat to himself by this point. He was arrested for his crimes as he posed as some sort of snake oil salesman and sent to jail for life, but a fortunate little mishap during transportation, as a rival gang tried to kill him but inadvertently allowed him to break free and he managed to escape as bullets flew around him. He had heard rumours there was more family in New Alexandria, and wanting a fresh new start, he took the first boat leading there in search of his Cousins and to fulfil his fathers oath.

    While her older brother Harley took after their father not only in height, business and attitude, Ciara took after her mother Pat O'Mannion. 5'6" light on her feet but always had a knack for getting herself into trouble. Her mother tried to teach her the "lady" way of things but Ciara had a fighting spirit and her mother struggled to get her to sit long enough. All she wanted to do was see what Harley was doing. Looking up to him and their father. In her teen years she tried to join the family business but her mother had none of it, going to the extent to send her away to a "finishing school" This just made her more determined. Running from the school and making her own way in life. Taught herself how to hunt to practice her shooting. Doing small jobs such as robbing stores or people to build her confidence up and making herself into a woman not many dared to mess with. She did her best to stay in contact with Harley but over time due to the nature of both their lives they lost contact for a short time. In her early 20's she got a letter from her brother once more. Putting her in contact with him again. Soon as she found out he had travelled to New Alexandria she was packing and getting on a boat to meet with him and the family. She was an O'Shea. Her fathers daughter and fuck anyone who dared try to tell her otherwise.

    After Paula's brothers fled Dublin Paula put herself first before her family, she wanted a new life away from all the crime that'd she felt was the past, moving to Wexford, southern Ireland. Paula met a man named Henry one day in the open market, they got to know each other and soon after lived together in a house couple miles west from Wexford. 9 months later Thomas came into the world, Paula & Henry were planning on getting married but six months after the birth of Thomas, his father Henry was shot and killed after trying to stop a thug attempting to rob a older lady. Paula felt she couldn't reach out to her family since she felt she had failed her parents and lost her family. Thomas was picking up an order of sorts of vegetables for his mother, Thomas walked in and ask for an order for O'Shea, instantly the old shopkeepers eyes lit up. He asked Thomas if he knew who his family is, Tommy stood there confused and replied "me mom?" The shopkeeper shook his head "Your Grandfather." Thomas now intrigued knowing no knowledge of his Family beside his mother. The shopkeeper sat down Thomas and explained how he used to hear the wildest stories of Thomas's Grandfather Paddy O'Shea and the family of controlled chaos, robbing banks in snap the shopkeeper snapped his fingers and Thomas was instantly fascinated with his family's story.
    Tommy carried the groceries home and right away he said to his mother "You didn't tell me our family were notorious criminals" a worried look grew on Paula's face, she knew this would lead to something with this boy." After taking out some old photographs and letters from the family's past Thomas was loaded with questions but his mother refused to answer them. Once Paula found out that her family was back at it she knew that Thomas would ask about it, Paula refused that he goes and tries to find them. That very week Thomas planned an escape all the way to America, hopping a long a cargo ship early in the morning with nothing but sack full of bread, canteen of water and the clothes on his back, he headed to New Alexandria.

    Michael O’Shea being the 2nd born and youngest son, Matt O'Shea being the Oldest. Prinny O'Shea fled Dublin for Newcastle and settled down with a local gangland criminal. Matt and Mick O'Shea lost their father at a young age in a gangland execution and this event caused his mother to have a mental breakdown. Matt and Mick O'Shea where taken from their mother and put into a Catholic Home for young boys. After too many years at various different Catholic Homes, Matt and Mick O'Shea ran away and took to living on the streets as this was preferable to the abuse that had been carried out against them. Mick and Matt O’Shea lost touch after Matt was caught during a Petty street crime and sent to Borstal. Mick ended up being taken in as a young boy by a group of travelling gypsies. after a few years of going from place to place, Micky ended up joining the British army, he got sent off to Sudan along with the 4th infantry battalion. A few months in country Micky suffered shrapnel wounds to his chest and face, after being sent home he decided this second chance of life was given to him so he could reconnect with his family, after his wounds healed he travelled around England asking, he got word they were in new Alexandria when he arrived in new Alexandria he got word that one of the friends he travelled with got robbed by a group of people using his biological family name.

    Tyler or Ty was born in London to a woman named Samantha Dalton who on a trip to Glasgow, met Roy O'Shea and they were both pissed and ended up in a bed with each other. The next morning Samantha left and never saw him again. Ty's upbringing was rough he got into some crime like robbing the small local shops for a bit of extra money for him and his mother. His mother never told him who his father was until she was on her death bed, she said the name Roy and told him he had a half brother named Rory. Ty tried to find his biological father and brother but could never locate them. Ty met a kindred spirit in a lad called Micky O’Shea, who he instantly felt a bond that could not be explained, as if he was family somehow. On Ty's 23rd birthday he decided to come to New Alexandria with his friend Micky, to help him search for his family. Ty got robbed by a family called the O'Shea's whilst alone but they ended up not taking anything and giving him money instead to get him started in the new state. This chance meeting and the fact the robbery turned into a reverse robbery, again showed there was an unknown bond between Ty and the O’Shea bloodline but he still could not explain it. Ty's friend Micky found his long lost family and introduced Ty to them, They were the O'Shea family. After a few days of getting to know each other Ty mentioned he had a father called Roy and a half brother called Rory, that he had never met. Turns out there was a Roy O'Shea who himself had a bastard called Rory, both originating from Glasgow. Though too late to meet his half brother Rory, who had already passed away, he found out he had another half brother in Rick and has now found his long lost family.

    While her older brother and sister, Harley and Ciara took to New Alexandria, Octivia stayed with her parents. not willing to lose her last child, Pat O'Mannion decided to keep a close eye on Octivia, Making it impossible for her to do anythin without her mother knowing. This however did not stop Octivia from trying. Whenever her mother looked away, Octivia would try to sneak off. Jumping on a wagon passing by, running. Anything to feel free. Matty O'Shea saw this, he could tell that Octivia had the O'Shea fire burning in her. One night while Pat was asleep, he snuck into Octivia's room. Gently he woke her and told her to go, "Find your brother and sisters, Make me proud Tia". With those words, the two shared one last hug before Octivia sat out to find her family, she would stop at nothing to make her father proud.

    Jonny O'Shea a man who seemed like a gentlemen despite the horror the O'Shea name brought. Even though his somewhat kind persona, he had no mercy in regards of the respect to his family name. Jonny travelled to Birmingham on family business and after taking care of business, Jonny took a trip to a nearby pub. There, he met Percy's mother Elise. Working as a prostitute. After one night, they fell in love and gave her a child. A few months later, he had to travel back so he only left behind some money, his watch and a letter to the child. Only to be opened when the child was older. Then Percy was born. Mother Elise called him Christian Berg to hide his last name from the public, since O'Shea was a feared name among the streets. Percy grew up to work as a cleaner boy and as a shoeshine boy for most of childhood, not to speak too much unless necessary. As he got older, he started to clean around the local hospital, where he used to spy on the study rooms and surgery halls. Learning how to do surgeries. From there, he used that to his advantage. Scamming people by treating the poor and charge them higher prices. And through that, he learned the true meaning of his family's last name. Rumours, yet the truth. The rumours became so much, that his mother confessed who his true father were. An O'Shea. When he turned 24 years old, his mother became very ill and were on the deathbed. It was only then, she gave him the letter from his biological father. A letter containing his whereabouts in New Alexandria and the meaning of the O'Shea's name. After her death, he packed his things and decided to travel to this new state. In a hope if he can find his biological father, and his true family.

    March 1900
    The O'Sheas begin to enter the state of the New Alexandria with Harley leading the way and Connor, Callum and Jammy joining him soon after. The three O'Sheas managed to make hundreds by kidnapping, ransoming and robbing banks. Multiple groups of vigilantes were formed all with the same goal of hunting down O'Sheas. All of them failed. Manuel Del La Cruz was kidnapped and tortured. The family decided to claim the O'Doyle's pub in Saint Denis and renamed it to Paddy's Pub named after Grandad. Finley decided to snitch on the family and in return he got his lower right leg removed with a shotgun by Harley. Jammy and Callum were soon killed by a vigilante group led by Manuel Del La Cruz. The family made roughly $2000 this month from robbing banks and ransoming people.

    April 1900
    Conor was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and he decided that he wanted to make as much money as possible, leave state and retire to a farm somewhere out west. This is when most of the current O'Sheas decide to come over to the state. Ismay Ellison was becoming quite a nuisance so Conor and Harley decided to torture her and managed to get a $250 ransom paid. When the family robbed the Rhodes bank they came across a mouthy hostage going by the name 'Shields' Harley decided to find him after the job, kidnap and then shoot him in the woods. For a week in April Harley and Jimmy work with Bruno Mendoza and his gang of Mexican bandits. Harrison Lee was kept hostage for 3 days while multiple banks were robbed and deputies were shot down. Harley and Jimmy were paid $200 to do this. When the family were robbing a bank Danny decided to have some fun and cut the ear off a hostage. The family's best escape was when they ran through St. Denis right after robbing a bank and hiding in the art gallery until it got to night time, everyone escaped with the $300. During a bank robbery gone wrong a deputy shot and killed Rory during a breach.

    May 1900
    The family started the month off by robbing the Saint Denis bank, Danny got caught but the others got away successfully. Jared Vos was kidnapped by the family after dragging Jimmy through town, he was tortured and robbed with a 'J' carved into his right palm. Paddy Jnr and Snr come to state and try to take charge. They robbed a few banks and gained a few sheriff keys. Lloyd Conway and his group of vigilantes were confronted after Lloyd wanted $500 from Harley, after some persuasion he no longer wanted the $500. The Paddys decided they wanted to storm the Valentine sheriff's office and after some disagreement at Bacchus station they were put down by Harry O'Shea. A few of the family met with Manuel and Tiny at Aurora Basin and after a while they were killed by Harry and Harley. The family were wrongly arrested in Rhodes by Jean Holt and after a long talk they decided to gun the deputies down starting with Jean Holt, Jimmy then had his leg removed by one of the deputies using a Sawn Off Shotgun during the shootout. The family then went on a spree of robbing banks and taking hostages. After a while the family were confronted in Valentine by 6 deputies and once the family realised negotiations were going nowhere they decided to shoot the deputies and escape. 5 Vigilantes decided to try and confront the family and it didn't go well for them as they were all shot down in Annesburg. Grandad Paddy and Micky robbed the store in Saint Denis but Micky got caught, Jimmy and Tommy decided to break him out because he was facing a lengthy sentence, two deputies were shot down in the process and Micky was released. The family ended the month with a friendly fight night against The Krays. The O'Sheas won 4 out of 5 fights with Micky O'Shea winning the entire tournament, at the end of the tournament they had a friendly brawl with everyone and Tommy was the last one standing. The family kidnapped Leonard Grey because he kept threatening the family and try to extort $500 out of Harley, Lenny ended the night with two gunshots to his arse and a shot glass carved into his back, a few days pass and Jimmy was caught by deputies after trying to break Snakeface and his group out of a cell, he manages to escape the deputies but while he is was on the run he was captured by Lenny and Ashley Grey, taken to the Annesburg mines and after some discussion he was blown up with dynamite.

    June 1900
    A few members of the family met a man going by the name Hardey Freeman and they decided to work together for a few weeks, they kidnapped and tortured Charlie Magpie in the oil fields. Olive Young was shot down after trying to confront the family about the previous situation. Grandad Paddy continues his streak of robbing stores without getting caught, he thinks he is too smart for the deputies to handle. Roy O'Shea comes to state and ends up robbing a bank with Paddy, they manage to escape after shooting down Aaron Hunter and outrunning the other 3 deputies. The Krays decided to turn on the family and try to force them to pay $200 every week obviously the family did not agree with that and war was declared. The most famous battle during the war was the battle for the bastille The Krays were occupied in Valentine so the O'Sheas decided to put out a telegram saying the Bastille in Saint Denis was under new management and after about 15 minutes the Krays decided to try and take it back which resulted in all of them getting gunned down. A few weeks passed and a peace treaty was finally signed, The Krays asked O'Sheas to not commit and crimes in Valentine and O'Sheas would control the entire city of Saint Denis. The family continue to kidnap Arthur "Bear" Reigns and Ashley Grey to try and get to the bottom of Jimmy's disappearance and they continue to tell the family that they weren't involved in the situation.

    July 1900
    By the month of July the family had built up big warrants with deputies trying to serve those warrants every day. The family went on to rob multiple banks and rob deputies gaining hundreds of dollars in the process, they also gained a reputation of shooting down every deputy that got in their way. The month was relatively quiet compared to the previous ones due to most of the family looking at years and years in Sisika. The family noticed that Jack took a disliking to Micky and threatened him many of times, the family decided to talk to Jack about this and he revealed he was never an O'Shea and tried to take the family down from the start, he was then on the receiving end of an O'Shea firing squad and his body was fed to the alligators of Lemoyne. After spending 35 years in Sisika for two murder charges that were never proven Ciara was released and re-joined the family in their activities. The family decided to concentrate on running Patsy's Pub in Saint Denis so they all agreed to no longer rob regular civilians and only focus on deputies and people who took a disliking to the family. By the end of the month most of the family still have very big warrants due to the Deputies trying to storm the pub and getting shot down every time.

    August 1900
    The family started the month off with a bank job in Rhodes and after some negotiations Micky decided to had himself over to the Deputies so that the other family members could escape. After multiple breakouts most of the family were given public bounties and that started a period of time where bounty hunters would try their luck and the first one to do so was John Rifle. The family built up a plan with Raven Crowley to capture Rifle and they met up at Emerald Ranch, captured him and took him to the broken down fort just outside of Van Horn. John was then surrounded by Harley, Micky, Thomas and Lorcan McCarthy and after some talks he was killed via firing squad and unfortunately due to the shots being in the open they were heard by nearby deputies and before the family managed to dispose of the body the deputies found them and to the family's knowledge they all received murder charges and are possibly facing the firing squad. The family continued to rob banks throughout the state even though they could have murder charges gaining more money but in return more warrants. The family were confronted at the front of the pub by Wayne, Lillianah and Perzival Dagouter and after very little talks the family were then shot down using shotguns, after those members got out they decided to go to the Dagouter homestead and burn it to the ground with Aaron Hunter tied up inside, in retaliation the bastille in Saint Denis was burnt down. The family then kidnapped Perzival from Valentine and held him captive and demanded Wayne Dagouter to pay $1000 for the safe return of his son, after days of emotional and physical torture they decided to let him go after hearing nothing from Wayne. In the final week of August many deputies followed Delgato and handed their badges in, some of them decided to follow Antonio Delgato and they started to hunt O'Sheas as a group of Vigilantes, the family decided to make a rule that nobody travelled alone from this point going forward. Roy and Octivia travelled woke up in Saint Denis and decided it was best to meet with Ciara and Kayn at their farmstead at Mattock Pond but on the way they were stopped in Rhodes by Antonio Delgato, Jack John, Morty Detwiler and Perzival Dagouter. Roy and Octivia were then captured and taken to Delgato's former home east of Emerald Ranch. Due to being pregnant Octivia was knocked out whereas Roy was tied to a tree and received a firing squad, he died instantly from his injuries. Octivia managed to remember what happened so she told Harley and the family instantly went out to hunt the four people involved in the murder, it only took a day for them to find Perzival and after taking him down to the tunnels under Saint Denis they decided to slit his throat and that crossed one name off the list.

    September 1900
    Harley sent a letter to the state explaining that the state of New Alexandria had nothing more to offer and once he had ticked off the names Jack John, Morty Detwiler and Antonio Delgato from his list he will be sailing back home. The family went on a parole of the state on the first night of the month to see if they could find any of the three, they then stumble across a group of Tobi Hunter, Aaron Hunter and Benjamin Powell after a few minutes of discussion a gunfight ensued and Harley, Tommy and Lorcan were pronounced dead in the Valentine Doctor's office from gunshot wounds. Due to the deaths on the previous night Woolton woke up in a depressed mood and Ciara agreed to put him out of his misery before he harmed someone that didn't deserve it. Antonio Delgato and his firing line travelled around the state looking for any remaining O'Sheas, they stumbled across Kayn and he was given a firing squad on the edge of Flat Iron Lake and was put into a coma. The rest of the family realised the dangers of staying in state so they packed their bags and left the state.

    Family Portraits




    O'Shea Family



    Out of State

    Date Founded:

    Since Birth


    Harley O'Shea (Deceased)


    Grandad Paddy O'Shea (Out of State)
    Ciara O'Shea (Out of State)
    Percy O'Shea (Out of State)
    Octivia O'Shea (Out of State)
    Kayn Vane (Out of State)
    Johnny O'Shea (Out of State)
    Harry O'Shea (Out of State)
    Killian O'Shea (Out of State)
    Tyler O'Shea (Out of State)
    Kieran O'Shea (Out of State)
    Micky O'Shea (Out of State)
    Maria O'Shea (Out of State)
    Rick O'Shea (Out of State)
    Finley O'Shea (Out of State)
    Connor O'Shea (Deceased)
    Jack O'Shea (Deceased)
    Tommy O'Shea (Deceased)
    Thomas O'Shea (Deceased)
    Jammy O'Shea (Deceased)
    Callum O'Shea (Deceased)
    Danny O'Shea (Deceased)
    Jimmy O'Shea (Deceased)
    Rory O'Shea (Deceased)
    Roy O'Shea (Deceased)
    Paddy O'Shea Jnr (Deceased)
    Wee Paddy O'Shea (Deceased)
    Woolton O'Shea (Deceased)

    Extended Family
    Lorcán McCarthy (Deceased)
    Aiden McCarthy (Out of State)
    Declan McCarthy (Out of State)
    Liam McCarthy (Out of State)
    Niall McCarthy (Out of State)
    Saorise McCarthy (Out of State)
    Killian McCarthy (Out of State)
    Travis Hawthorne (Deceased)
    Jonathan Kimber (Deceased)