Porter Austin

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  • Porter Austin


    Porter Austin is a character role-played by Reaushambeaux

    Early Life 

    Porter Jacob Austin was born on May 25th, 1864, the first child of Miranda Austin (née Williams) and a Confederate Soldier named Jacob Austin during the ending years of the American Civil War. After the war, his father found work as a sharecropper. Over time he was able to raise enough money to buy his own ranch. When Porter reached 7 years of age, he began to help around the ranch. A few years later, they were joined by his two brothers Tyler and Matthias. While his sisters, Abigail and Eleanor, helped their mother around the house with his newborn sister Abigail. When not working on the Ranch, Porter was often found hunting or playing stick pull with his brothers. The "Austin Boys" as their neighbors often referred to them, made extra profit by selling leftover meat not used by the family.

    A deeply religious family, Porter spent his childhood attending a local Methodist congregation. He developed a fascination on the stories, lessons, and overall life of Jesus Christ. Due to their fathers rule on not working the Ranch on Sunday, Porter used the extra time devoted to studying the Bible. It was through Church that Porter found a fascination in Education and prioritized it in his life. Spending time outside of work learning to read and write from a family friend. From her, he developed an appreciation of English Literature, including Shakespeare and Arthurian Legend

    Porter lived a relatively normal childhood, until he turned 16 when tragedy struck. With permission from their father, Porter and his brothers departed for a week long hunting trip. It was determined that the three of them would harvest any meat and skins they could carry, and turn it for profit. One night, a cougar had come within the vicinity of their campsite in search for food. Porter had alerted his brothers as he had taken the first shift that night. While they were successful in critically wounding the cougar, Tyler died from blood loss the following night. This event would shake Porter to the core, who blamed himself for the death of his brother. From then on began to devote extra time to learn to more effectively handle a firearm.

    Porter continued to work the Ranch with his surviving brother until their father contracted Malaria and died as a result. Now the Patriarch of the Austin Family, Porter decided to move his family North to Oklahoma Territory.

    Porter and his family arrived to the border of Indian Territory on April 20th, 1889. In two days time, the border would open up and there would be land for grabs. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to allow their family a new life, Porter and Matthias quickly got to planning. At High Noon on the 22nd, Porter and Matthias were among the first people to set foot into Oklahoma Territory, quickly grabbing up the maximum land allowed. From there, Porter and Matthias once again took up hunting. Trading meat and skins for wood, tools, and seeds to build a home and provide for their family. They soon acquired some livestock and built a barn and stables on their homestead to provide shelter for their animals.

    For years, Porter and Matthias worked the farm in shifts. On his downtime, Porter spent a lot of time taking over as a parental figure for his youngest sister Abigail. Teaching her to read and write, Abigail and Porter formed a unique bond. With Lillian and Eleanor now married with families of their own, Porter grew protective of Abigail. Often questioning potential suitors much to the chagrin of Abigail. He would often chase away potential suitors, people infatuated with her, or just people in general whom he didn't like.

    Porter remained at the Austin Homestead for years, when he found another opportunity calling him. He set his affairs in order and worked with Matthias to make sure his family would remain cared for. After that, Porter found himself on a train to New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    With little to his name, Porter left Oklahoma Territory with only the clothes on his back and a little pocket change. Eventually, he arrived in Saint Denis, where he would find work making Deliveries for his first job. Porter continued this life for a while to get enough money to get himself properly equipped. Finding more steady work with the short lived McManus and Westwood Company. Through Dirk Westwood, Porter relearned how to grow crops and learned about the Tobacco Market. Which enabled him to earn more. Porter continued to do freelance work, often hunting or protecting others. And when not at work, he was seen spending a good amount of time around Richard Hart, Luella Hunter, and various other people he had come into contact with.

    Today, Porter is a Deputy Recruit in the New Alexandria's Sheriff Department.


    New Alexandria Sheriff's Department


    "Well Fuck Me Right?"


    • Porter has had three horses in his time of New Alexandria. His first was a Dark Bay Andalusian named "Spirit" which he called "Dumbass" due to his tendency to kick and buck. His second was a Dun Criollo named "Guinevere" named for the wife of King Arthur. His third and current horse is a Dark Bay Turkoman named "Hamlet" gifted to him by Georgia Banks
    • Porter has four living siblings: Matthias, Eleanor, Lillian, and Abigail
    • Porter enjoys singing, some of his favorite songs include "Loch Lomond" and "Danny Boy"
    • Porter has perfect pitch
    • Although a confirmed Methodist, Porter keeps an open mind about faith and Christianity in general.
    • Porter's favorite meal is Boiled Salt Pork with carrots and potatoes.
    • Porter is an avid hunter, and can often be seen hunting on his downtime.













    May 25th, 1864


    Laredo, Texas



    Marital Status:



    Jacob Austin (Father/Deceased)
    Miranda Austin-Williams (Mother/Alive)
    Tyler Austin (Sibling/Deceased)
    Matthias Austin (Sibling/Alive)
    Eleanor Austin-Bradley (Sibling/Alive)
    Lillian Austin-Richards (Sibling/Alive)
    Abigail Austin (Youngest Sibling/Alive)


    Deputy Recruit


    Austin Porter
    Austin Porter Porter Austin

    Faction Affiliations: