Rachel Reaper

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  • Rachel Reaper
    Theme Song


    A tall and pale skinned woman, with black hair braided on the side of her shoulder and emerald green eyes. She has a large scar on her right eye from a drunk local in Valentine who slashed her across the face in a random act of violence in which she immediately responded instinctively backhanding him across the face sending him flying head first into a pole and had a brain bleed resulting in his death. She usually has a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

    Early Life 

    Rachel Reaper was born on the 2nd of August, on a dark and stormy night in a cozy little cabin in Virginia. She lived with her parents Jack and Lilah Reaper and enjoyed visits from her grandfather James when he came over from Maine, usually for Christmas. He told her of the crazy adventures he had when he was a young outlaw, robbing trains, banks, and more. She would listen with excitement as a little girl and her father would listen in too, chiming in with his own gang adventures before he settled down after Rachel was born. Her mother, Lilah, would listen although she wasn’t usually amused. As she got older, Rachel spent her days outdoors a lot usually hunting and was really good at it thanks to her father who was a master huntsman and taught her since she was little. One day however, when Rachel was still at home, her father had gone out to do some hunting but got confronted by a group of men who were jealous at all the money her father had made from hunting the finest animals over the years. They surrounded him right next to the fence surrounding their home. Rachel happened to see from a distance as her father seemed to be making a hot exchange of words between the two parties and the next thing she knew a gunshot was fired and her father fell to the ground and the men riding off in a hurry. Rachel ran to her father, falling down next to him and doing everything she could to save him, but the bullet had pierced too close to his heart, resulting in his death. Rachel had tears for countless days after, and her mother was devastated. During that next harsh winter, her mother passed away, most likely from being heartbroken and her body not as strong as it used to be. Having no family left in her life, Rachel left and headed out west to where she would find New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    Rachel arrived in New Alexandria on the 13th of October 1899. She found herself in Rhodes, and the first week there was very similar to back home, just lots of hunting, exploring, and riding on her horse Segador which she had brought along from home. The hunting helped ease her mind and being in the pretty nature around her helped heal her own heart. She heard about lots of gangs in town and she was very interested in joining one, as she wanted the exciting adventures her grandfather and father always had to share but also needed some company besides the squirrels and her dog Seggie. On the 16th of October it started out like the past days, but on this particular day, as Rachel was going to the bank as she always did after hunting to deposit her money, she stumbled upon the biggest gang in the state, The Colts, who were inside robbing the bank. Surprised and a bit nervous she asked if she could make a withdrawal and one man, who turned out to be Ethan Colt told her to go ahead, and so she did, then left the bank unharmed and her money untouched. That made an impression on her, a good one - in that they seemed to have some decency about them. She hoped to talk to them in the future. As it so happens, a few days later she was riding past The Colts on her usual hunting route, and one of them ran and stopped her and they all formally met. It was a good day and after talking some Rachel was invited along for the day, and more if she wanted. It was an absolute blast that day, decked out in costume as she and the rest of the gang immediately went and did a highway robbery dressed in ponchos and sombreros, then later helping someone in need. She learned a lot about The Colts that day, that they cared about each other and that they respected others that showed their own respect. Unlike other groups she heard about and later saw for herself, the Colts didn’t just commit crimes or go around hurting others without reason. In fact, the Colts were actually friends with some of the deputies in town. So it was that day that Rachel became a Colt. She loved it ever since and did anything to protect and help them - above all it was a family. They looked out for each other and enjoyed lots of fun whether it was sitting around the fire at the homestead, camping by the river, or sledding in the mountains during the winter. Folks are curious occasionally about her last name; she tells them its been the family name for a long time. Most people accept that as an answer, a few have questions, but no one alive can really know. Only the dead know for sure.

    With three years passing of Rachel Reaper being in New Alexandria and having done quite some adventures since first arriving with her horse Segador, Rachel decided much like her pa to settle down. She can now be found as the telegram operator where she very much enjoys sending and receiving telegrams, letters, and packages for folks - all with the same smile on her face and twinkle in her eye!


    The Colts - Present


    "Sure bout that?"
    "Get smushed."
    "Stuff your pockets with goodies"
    "Sunshine your face!"
    "I'll show you Reapercussions"


    Once wore the same clothes as Ruby Colt and confused everyone who saw them together, including Ethan Colt although he will instantly deny it.

    Sometimes makes extremely limited edition creations.

    Loves to dance, even when she's alone.

    Rachel Reaper













    August 2


    Little cabin in Virginia


    American English

    Marital Status:

    Can a Reaper find love?


    Jack Reaper [deceased]
    Lilah Reaper [deceased]
    James Reaper [deceased]


    Stealing maple syrup and making people smile... usually.



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