Roland Cyril

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  • Description 

    Cyril is a drifter in every way. They stand at an average height dressed in stitched up-ragged clothes admittedly pulled from bins and bargained for. An eclectic mix but always uniformed by a heavy backpack that never leaves his side. Their face is often covered by a bandana painted with a skull, but even still what skin is visible is covered in heavy scars, dirt, and marks. On his left eye he wears a shattered eyeglass but still retains both dull brown eyes. Personality wise they are generally very sweet and seemingly naive or perhaps just mad. But even still possess a good sense of survival despite their occupation which they use to justify both their actions and the actions of those around them. Giving a darker tone to the hunter.
    Cyril often refers to themselves in third person- a habit he’s trying to break out of.

    Early Life 

    Cyril was born Roberto Guster in Mississippi to Rose and Ned Guster, the former of who died a few years after his birth, leaving Cyril a drifter at a very young age, a stowaway at 7 Cyril headed out through Louisiana into Arkansas, wanting to escape from his birthplace whereby he met two people who would raise and shape the young hunter. Cyril Huxley and Hannah Kelley. A medium and an alchemist. The three of them would travel through Arkansas in pursuit of the paranormal and selling their services in exorcism and contacting the other side. A spectacle that lead them to Oklahoma. Their trade served them well until a demonstration of possession went wrong and lead to the death of an audience member, causing the trio to flea into Texas

    Hereby the three met with two other people of similar occupation. Roland Rudolph, a trapper on the search of rumours and Louie Carpenter, a Priest seeking the hellish. They soon joined up with the trio and together formed the Order of the Fallen Swallow. A group dedicated to the investigation and eradication of the supernatural with investigations into the occult. They travelled from town to town upon hearing rumours and hunted those deemed inhuman, especially in the territory of the undead and paranormal. During this time Hannah fell pregnant but died in childbirth, starting a rift within the group that'd lead to riskier decisions and ultimately their downfall in the event of an ambush in 1900

    Orchestrated by a neighbouring outlaw gang of a supposed vampire the group had murdered, the Order was descended upon and taken. Roland, Louie and Roberto were snatched by the gang and tortured. With Roland dying and Louie escaping. After weeks of the torment Roberta escaped with the help of Louie and Cyril. Cyril dying in the process

    Present Life 

    From what Cyril says they came in to NA from Texas, being just a wanderer moving across America hunting monsters to keep people safe.
    News of his father, Ned, lead him to New Alexandria but the friends he's made keeps bringing him back even after finding out the truth in a court case.


    Cyril believes himself to be a monster hunter and dedicates a lot of their time to hunting these supposed creatures down, going as far as hunting down real people under the often manipulated belief that they aren’t human. A few people have used this seeming delusion to sway Cyril into hurting others, even still he maintains that he would never hurt a human and is purely a hunter of monsters. Although this belief has been challenged and has shifted since becoming a Bounty Hunter
    LarkGiant 10ft beast with wings the length of a horse that may have learned how to use gunsMost likely a heavily exaggerated Condor
    Ground LarkSmall shapeshifters that do the bidding of the LarksAny small creature Cyril doesn’t like
    DemonHuman look-alike that is inherently malicious and dangerous, only lives to hurtHuman
    DevilTakes the form of a human but it’s end goal is cause harm, typically attractive and often disguised as a deputyDeputies
    AngelUnfathomable creature in the rough skin of a human, sings loudly and apparently never stops, they’re not malicious but accidentally hurt peopleHumans
    VampireHuman-like entities that feed off of blood and are generally maliciousHumans
    WerewolfAny human-like entity that can shift either willingly or not into a canine, may not even realise they’re doing itFluffy humans and sometimes dogs/coyotes
    GhostVisible detached spirit of a deceased, not often maliciousSuperstition
    UndeadCorpse possessed by the spirit of the original body
    SpiritsInvisible detached spirit of the deceasedSuperstition
    GhoulsCorpse possessed by the spirit of another body

    Order of the Fallen Swallow

    The order was a group formed of 6 different hunters, Alchemists, and investigators of the paranormal and supernatural trying to uncover the secret to immortality and provide services in the eradication and identification of inhuman entities. They were short lived but Cyril keeps their work alive through the continuation of their studies into immortality and the creation of a monster to assist in the eradication of them. The monster consists of various animal parts and the heart of Fenna Lasky taken from her corpse.

    Bounty Hunting

    After the death of his Step-Mother Fenna Lasky Cyril found himself frightened for the future and dying at the hands of his occupation. With winter approaching he made the decision to not survive via criminal means but take up legal work to see him through the harsh winter of 1903. At first joining a security company but ultimately becoming a bounty hunter after a friendship with the Hunter who bought him in was formed. Cyril found himself enjoying the company of some hunters and despite many second-thoughts and questioning his morals decided to dedicate the winter to becoming a decent hunter. Though enjoying the elements of the job, in particular helping deputies and de-escalating situations, they often find themselves at odds with deputies, and other Hunter's for their morals and affinity with violence, but Cyril's resolve remains firm. He’s managed to stand his ground in regards to his morals when hunting (for the most part) and considers himself an ‘assistant Bounty Hunter’ whereby he mainly uses his role to assist in active situations and search and recovery to try and get all parties back safely. Caring a lot more for lives than money.

    Security Work

    On occasion Cyril takes up Security contracts. Due to his former experience as a hunter, and current experience with being a bounty hunter, he found Security work suited him, with his ability to negotiate coming in handy to defuse a situation. Despite his disagreements with the Raven’s Security Company he enjoys their company and stays with them occasionally, being known to travel into NA just to see the group. It also offers a far more steady pay than Hunting, either criminals or the supernatural.


    Order of the Fallen Swallow (Deceased)


    • Luca Santino (Former)
    • Huey Lewis (Former)
    • Miki
    • Sylvan Eyre (Debatable)
    • The Tumbleweed
    • Vicky Merryweather

    • Ned Guster
    • Fenna Lasky (Deceased)
    • Lou Leblanc
    • Dell Hallock
    • Charlotte Hallock
    • Eden Hallock
    • Wyatt Hallock

    Notable Friends
    • Hallock Family
    One of the first groups Cyril met and liked were the Hallock family. Coming into contact with Dell upon her search of teeth and finding a kinship with the other members of the family and a deep found respect that has only strengthened overtime. Cyril came to know them as his kin after discovering the bond between Fenna and Dell and similarities between himself and the members, an understanding. He accepted them as his extended family that he stands by where possible.
    • Leone Family (Former)
    On one of his trips into New Alexandria, and on a quest for a drink after some tough news Cyril found their way to the Black Fin Casino. A not so successful business populated by only three people. Cyril quickly befriended those two and found his way into a romantic relationship with one of the higher members of the family, assisting them with a couple of criminal activities and general friendship among the members whilst establishing himself as a business partner. This would eventually come to an end with Cyril seeing the direction the family was heading and deciding to no longer wish to affiliate with their actions. Cutting ties peacefully to move on.
    • Raven's Security
    During the winter of 1903 Cyril decided to try and survive a winter through legal means, joining up with a private security firm known as Raven's Security. His employment there was short-lived due to disagreements with the way things were ran underneath the right-hand man but a long-lived friendship was sparked as they came to Cyril's support and Cyril to theirs multiple times throughout the winter period… he’s back with them again
    • Bounty Hunters
    For someone so insistent on never hurting people it may seem like an odd choice Cyril choose to join up with the bounty hunters but a lot set this in motion. Cyril spent a lot of his time in New Alexandria riding with hunter's searching for outlaws or searching for missing people with the deputies, discovering a surprising way with negotiation but also a love of the company the law provided. The occupation provided a possible alternative for the life it seemed Cyril was destined for and a massive turning point for the hunter. Later on she requested to become a Bounty Hunter Representative to further help other Hunters and Deputies in the preservation alike. A role he was granted on the 22nd of February 1904


    ‘Self Esteem Check’
    ’Do you hear the singing?'
    'Yes Yes'
    'Cyril is Cyril not Sybil or Cereal but Cyril, Cyril is Cyril'
    'You did your best and that's the best you can do!'


    He was only supposed to live for three days but I had too much fun playing him
    Has a maggot in a jar affectionately named Steven
    Refers to themselves in third person as a habit and still people mispronunce their name
    Cyril is an addict and relies on substances to survive
    Cyril doesn't live in New Alexandria but travels in and passes through
    Often sends any money back to his wife and step-child in Arkansas
    Cyril identifies as neither male nor female but something beyond, using all pronouns happily, they're often referred to as just 'the Cyril'
    Cyril claims to often communicate with angels
    The bones on Cyril's gloves are those of Cyril Huxley's

    OOC- The player is English and cannot do an American accent to save their life
    OOC- Cyril's face reference is Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks- a show that was a massive inspiration for their creation
    OOC- When drawing Cyril, they're often depicted with bright orange eyes signifying that a scene or situation is presented through their eyes
    OOC- Mato Kawewe and Inya Nordskov were a big inspirations when designing Cyril and having the confidence to play them


    Cyril's one and only horse is a white and brown mustang called 'Ducky' who was gifted to them by Fenna Lasky and remains his loyal steed. Notably having a disdain for law and disapproval of Cyril's job. Ducky most often wears a mask with a lock of Fenna's hair braided to the side.


    Shelby LordGodShelby first introduced himself as ‘God’
    Arthur FowlerKing Arthur
    Elijah KingsmanKingSelf explanatory
    Dell HallockSwamp MaidenBelieve Dell to be a swamp monster (affectionately)
    AlSophieSophie was less intimidating than Al apparently
    Ryker DawsonRatsThat's a long story
    Luca SantinoCapo DarlingAn affectionate name given to Luca for his romantic nature
    (Amazing Cyril edit done by the wonderful Kiwi McMalish)

    Fenna Cyril


















    Marital Status:

    Married To Constance Guster
    Married To Ollie Hemlock (Deceased)


    Ned Guster (Father)
    Ross Guster (Mother) (Deceased)
    Fenna Lasky (Step-Mother) (Deceased)
    Dell Hallock (Aunt)
    Charlotte Hallock (Cousin)
    Wyatt Hallock (Cousin)
    Eden Hallock (Cousin)

    Jeremiah Guster (Step Son)


    Monster Hunter/Bounty Hunter Representative


    Roberto Guster
    Noland Sybil
    Little Hound
    Fenna Hallock
    Fenna Cyril

    Faction Affiliations:

    Order of the Fallen Swallow
    NA Bounty Hunters
    Texas Bounty Hunters
