The Wiseguys

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  • "The Wiseguys”


    The Wiseguys. This is the name Henry Luciano and Tommy Clay created on the 7th of June 1902, after robbing the sheriff station in Valentine. The group consists of the two, including Vito Clay, Tommy and Vito being brothers and Henry along with his little brother: Frank Luciano, being their cousins. The family went around the state of New Alexendria doing various robberies and hitting up just about every store there is in the state. After many successful store robberies, they decided to start robbing people for whatever valuable items or money they had on them, this includes deputies. Strolling into the station, all clad in black and masked up, they take whatever catches their attention from the deputies, which consists of mostly guns, which they either keep, or sell to the highest bidder. Henry is the ringleader of the group, giving the orders on what to do and how they do it. He calls the shots on who they shoot, what they rob, and what the getaway plan is. Tommy and Vito both add on what's best or what they could do better, in a way both of them are the ones that keep Henry thinking. They have kidnapped deputies, robbed them, shot at them, stole their horses, and much more. The trio do not like cops due to their conflicting history, and don't care much about what happens to them, but there are some that they respect. A few consist of Jean Claude, Aiden Breen and a select few others who have been able to earn The Wiseguys' respect. On the 10th of June, they were all finally caught and brought to justice. Tommy Clay and Henry Luciano both got 1623 months and are now awaiting career criminal court. Until they get out and do it all over again, the cops are safe.......For now.



    The Wiseguys come from a town in Sicily called Corleone. When they were 18 years old, Henry, Frank, Vito, and Tommy all went to different places, exploring the world and it's opportunities.

    Henry is a thinker, when he does any sort of crime, he tries not to be recognized easily, he thinks and plans his moves carefully to ensure that whatever job he does goes as cleanly as possible. His Father was the Don of the Luciano Crime Family, doing various deeds that all mobsters did at that time, but as everyone does he got old, and then Henry decided to move to New York, he was gambling, doing some crime here and there, until he made a mistake that forced him out of New York. Henry was the first of his family to move to New Alexandria, he noticed the opportunities that this state had to offer and immediately contacted his cousins to move there. Henry and his cousins all moved to New Alexandria for new things to do and new people to meet, and definitely crime.

    Tommy and Vito are brothers, but more than that, they are twins. A pair that want to be gangster princes in the state they want to conquer.

    Tommy is a wisecracker, always the first one to talk in a conversation, but he tries to be a good listener, he keeps his mouth shut when necessary, doesn't respond so quickly, and makes sure he listens before he talks. No matter what the situation was, if it was a sit down with other guys, or a business deal, or he was negotiating with law enforcement, he always listens very carefully to what the other person has to say before he responds, he gains information, he understands where the other person is coming from, what their character is like, what they really want, and what he really wants. Tommy never likes to get a "no" answer on anything, before he asks a question, he's pretty sure that he knows what the answer is going to be. If he has to go into a business deal or he has to know something, before he applies or before he gets in there, he will give himself the best shot of getting a "yes", and if he doesn't think that he can get that, he probably won't go for it. In other words, he will make an offer that people can't refuse, before he gets into something, he will be well prepared to the point where he knows he will get the answer or response that he wants. Tommy has done everything he can in life to avoid being careless, he's seen a lot of guys in the same line of work that he is in who got careless and most of them ended up killed. With this mentality, Tommy always was made sure to know his steps in life, the people he surrounded himself with as carelessness in these things are dangerous. Tommy moved to America with his brother and cousin in 1896 when they were 17 years old. When he was 18, Tommy separated from Henry and Vito and moved to Chicago to see what opportunities were available to him there. He instantly noticed the guys on the street, guys who acted above the law, guys who had more respect than the President. Tommy knew that that was the life he wanted to get into. He started doing small time jobs like hold ups or store robberies to make money. Unfortunately, despite all his best efforts, Tommy had a hard time gaining the attention from the criminals in the city. Finally, when Tommy was 23, he came into contact with his cousin, Henry, who convinced him to move to New Alexandria. This gave Tommy the perfect opportunity to get the life he always wanted and live like a prince.

    Vito is a smart mouth. But unlike his brother, Vito isn't known to listen before he speaks. He never hesitates to give his two cents on a pitched idea given by either Henry or Tommy. After he had separated from his brother and cousin, Vito tried to make a name for himself in Boston. For the first year of his new life, he was very poor. Making lousy paychecks whilst breaking his back lifting heavy crates at the docks. This wasn't the life he was striving for. When he finally decided to turn his back on the dock work, Vito started a business of his own: robbing small-time jewelry stores. After going down this path, Vito found a certain enjoyment out of stealing. Eventually that enjoyment lead to complacency, which in turn lead to him taking chances that are way too risky. Eventually, those risks caught up with Vito, landing him a 10 year sentence in federal prison. Fortunately, the union boss that hired him to work at the docks, took notice of Vito's talents and penchant for thievery. Within a month, Vito was released from prison and was immediately taken under the wing of the boss that got him out. Now under the protection of this union boss, Vito took note of what he did wrong to get himself locked up and now doesn't take such high risks on his own. He needed a crew, people he can trust to watch his back if he watched theirs. When Vito was 23, he got a telegram from Henry saying that he and Tommy had moved out to New Alexandria. Overjoyed to see his family again and catch up with them, Vito did not hesitate to head on over and start his new life of luxury.


    Vito has a crush on Merilee Holland
    Vito normally wears casual clothing, his favorite is his light brown leather jacket
    Tommy likes to dress very formal, often wears a tie
    Vito and Tommy are twins, sound and look very much alike. Biggest facial difference, Vito has a scar on his chin.


    The Castillos

    The Wiseguys




    Date Founded:



    Henry Luciano, Tommy Clay, Vito Clay, Frank Luciano


    Gabriel Aether