Warren Roswell

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  • Warren Roswell


    A tall, intimidating figure dressed in all black with a signature bowler hat and nice suit, short hair and a unique styled moustache and sideburns. He sports a scar stretching from his eyebrow, across the bridge of his nose, to his cheek. Most people mistake him for a Government employee, until they hear his voice and feel his demeanour. He sticks to his morals and does not take kindly to disrespect and disloyalty.

    Early Life 

    Warren grew up in the unforgiving East of London. Born in 1861, he was quick to learn of the harsh methods needed to survive during the Victorian era of Industrial Revolution. Unhappy with the prospect of working in a factory for the rest of his life, Warren took to the streets in search of money and food, acquiring it any way he saw fit. He fashioned a small, flintlock-style pistol out of pipe, wood and scavenged gunpowder from factories and began robbing people at gunpoint. His first real brush with fortune came when he held up an upper class factory owner exiting his office which he had broken into the night before. He acquired the man's watch, jewellery and bowler hat, the former two of which he pawned for a relatively large amount of cash. The hat however, he wore with pride as a sign of himself moving up in the world of crime. It didn't take long however for his escapades to become known to the local Law Enforcement. Sent on the run, he commandeered a cargo carriage heading to Bristol and boarded a ship heading to the New World. After 3 long months at sea, he finally arrived in the city of Norfolk, Virginia and slowly made his way West.

    Present Life 

    Before the hurricane rolled through, Warren was a wealthy man. Having met and formed The Grimms with brothers Lukasz and Cedric, as well as his wife Lucy, they stormed through every store in New Alexandria taking whatever they could get and robbing, kidnapping or killing anyone who got in their way. However, after returning from a trip back to London after the hurricane, his old gang members were nowhere to be found. Startled and upset by this, Warren tried to go back to his old ways. Acquiring anything he needed in any way he thought fit. After about a month back in state, one day he walked into the Blackwater Saloon and met Vincenzo Bennetti, the head of The Bennetti Family. Their first interactions did not go well, as Warren demanded information about local gangs and high value individuals, before storming away and perceiving that this new world was not meant for him.

    A few days later, Warren ran into several other members of The Bennetti Family in Blackwater. After thinking over his previous actions, he offered a sincere apology to the members as well as the head of the family, Mr. Bennetti. This apology was later accepted by Mr. Bennetti himself and after some heartfelt conversations and long nights of drinking, Warren decided to join The Bennetti Family, as he no longer had one of his own. He now resides mostly between Valentine and Blackwater, acting as a soldier and bodyguard for The Bennetti Family, hoping that he may one day be able to reconnect with his old gang members and his wife, but his loyalty now lied with his new family.

    Some time later, the Blackwater Family came to blows with each other, with the leader Vincenzo betraying his own family for his own gains. Warren was caught in the crossfire and tried to defend whoever he could, but was injured. After the dust had settled, Warren realised that this life was going to catch up to him soon if he didn't stop. He now considers himself retired from crime.

    After returning to London for some time, he realised that he was bored of retirement and travelled back to New Alexandria in search of a new purpose. He read a bulletin that the Department of Prisons was hiring new guards and he signed up, passing his training and becoming a Watch Guard for Sisika Penitentiary. Although this new job breathed a breath of fresh air for Warren, he is still uncertain of his future. He still thinks back to his days as a crime enforcer with some nostalgia, but knows deep down he needs to stay clean and begin winding down into a real retirement, maybe looking after animals or something.


    The Grimms
    The Blackwater Family
    McCoy's Ranch

    Rosewood Ranch
    Department of Prisons


    • "I'm gettin' old."
    • "It's been a looooong time."
    • *scoffs*
    • "Do one ya cunt."
    • "London's a shithole mate, don't go there."
    • *smokes cigarette menacingly*


    • He owns many bowler hats now, but nobody knows just how many.
    • He carries a signature Schofield revolver nicknamed, "Delilah". He got it in New York City.
    • He blames almost everything, good and bad, on his age.

    Warren Roswell













    7th May 1851


    London, England



    Marital Status:





    Bodyguard, Thief, Enforcer


    Mr. Rossi

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Grimms, The Blackwater Family