Wenna Loveday

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  • Wenna "Poppy" Loveday


    Wenna stands at about 5 foot 5 inches, of an average build, with bigger legs and behind from her lifetime of riding horses. Her long curly red hair can be a beast to tame in the mornings and if she doesn't get it under control it is even worse, Her bedhead is a thing to be feared. Her emerald green eyes always complimented her hair so nicely and is most of the reason why green is now her favourite colour along with the many years of her mother putting her in green clothes as she always said it matched her eyes and complimented her hair so nicely. Her face is covered in soft brown freckles that come out more in the summer due to the hot sun.

    Early Life 

    Wenna comes from a peaceful household in the middle of nowhere in Cornwall, she lives on a small farm with her mother [Caja (daisy) 40] and her father [Cadan (battle) 45]. For most of Wenna's childhood, her father was away as he was a part of the army, and so he was off at the other end of the country most of the time, and they rarely received letters of communication from him.

    Wenna spent most days from the age of 6 working on the farm, from picking the crops as they grew each season and working with the chickens and pigs they had for food. Caja was a sweet and loving mother, trying to keep them both in high spirits with her father being away for so long. But a few weeks before Wenna's 12th birthday, she and her mother were out at the market when wenna spotted a horse in a small pasture at the back of the market. Wenna slowly walked over to the small wooden gate and watched the horse, it seemed a little scared but slowly approached her at the gate and let her pet its nose. Wenna called out to her mother and she came walking over and smiled. Watching Wenna and the horse interact made Caja smile with memories from her own childhood. Caja knew they didn't have anywhere near the money to be able to buy the horse, but she wanted to give wenna some hope in the world since they had been having some poor harvests.

    It came towards the end of the evening, and Caja had to pry wenna from the gate to get her home. Wenna was sad and would mop around the house for weeks on end before one-day caja returned to the farm with a horse in tow. Wenna ran out of the house and was over the moon excited to finally see the horse with her forever. Wenna ran over and hugged the horse tightly before leading her out to a small field. Wenna then spent weeks building a small stable in the barn to keep her new horse in. She spent many weeks bonding and learning with the horse, until after a few months she managed to get the horse to let her ride on her back.

    Wenna learnt with her horse and named it Gellik. Which means ‘little brown one’ in Cornish, since it was a short more's pony in a brown/bay colouring with light brown mane and tail. She kept Gellik fed and watered and put her to work around the farm, and it made everything so much easier for them. On the day of Wenna's 13th birthday,, her father returned home for good, and from then until she turned 19 they were a happy family of three.

    Wenna left home a few days after her 19th birthday after she got a job offer at a ranch from a ranch in the States. She had to leave Gellike at home since she was getting older and journey to America, Wenna took a wagon from her small town up to London where she got on a large boat and took it over to America, and then managed to catch a few different trains and wagons to the state where the ranch was. She worked at that ranch in Texas for a year before she left and took a beautiful Belgian draft called "blondie" and travelled over to New Alexandria, where she began her life again with farming and making herself some money after losing it all after a rough patch on her travel from Texas to New Alexandria.

    She was grabbed and robbed of all her belongings along a roadside, and she was badly beaten until she almost passed away, but she pulled through thanks to a few kind women who found her along the road, and took her to a nearby women's hospital and treated her until she was better and able to keep going, she had been out of state for another year and got into New Alexandria around her 21st birthday.

    Present Life 


    Found Family:
    Maddox Loveday - Adopted Son
    Mack Hughes - Best Friend
    Otis Balfour - Close Friend
    Flynn Delaney - Brother
    Arthur Thompson - Brother
    Jackson Murphy - Brother
    Juniper Mercer - Sister

    Currant Employment:
    Whispering Oaks Ranch - Owner and Operator
    Stitch and Smile Tailor shop - Owner and operator
    Bucking Bronco Firearms - Assistant
    The Sentinel Watch - Watchman
    The Devil's Bow-tie - Hairdresser


    "She be right"


    Wenna "Poppy" Loveday









    5 foot 5 inches






    Truro, Cornwall


    Cornish, English

    Marital Status:



    Mother: Caja tior - [Cornish Meaning] Daisy Thatcher
    Farther: Cadan Loveday - [Cornish Meaning] Battle Loveday


    Doctor, Tailor, Ranch owner, Committee of Business Member, New Alexandria Livestock Agent


    Faction Affiliations:

    Whispering Oaks Ranch, Stitch and Smile Tailor Shop, Bucking Bronc Firearms, Sentinel Watch, The Devil's Bow-tie