William Bennet

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  • William Bennet


    Shorter in stature , long blonde hair either tied up or swept back. Glass left eye , severe scaring on left cheek / jaw.

    Early Life 

    When William was 2 his mother who had been suffering from a cold / flu died. His father Arthur was a hard man. He never wanted kids and had no idea how to be a father.

    Arthur Bennet ran his own lumber and timber company. Bennet’s Lumber was his business name. He had about 20 people under his employment. He ran the business with his Brother William (Who William Bennet was named after) Arthur would run the tree chopping portion and William would handle the other business and connections.

    William was only 4 when he first started sweeping in the shed. He was treated like an adult from the word go. If he got in the way or didn’t to something quick enough. He would either get a tongue lashing or the belt around the back of his legs and back.

    Samantha is William’s older sister by 8years. From the moment that William’s mother died. she took over the responsibility of raising and schooling William.this was all the while she had to cook for her father and William , manage the house and her own schooling. Still she managed to get William to be able to read and write to a basic degree.

    Unfortunately for William, Arthur had no need for these things in a worker. As William grew older he was given more and more jobs. His childhood becoming less and less of something that a regular child would have. He never celebrated a birthday. At the age of twelve Sam was assisting with breaking up some logs and when a splinter chipped off the log and caught him in his left eye. He was rushed to the nearest doctor by a couple of the workers. His father was notified and sent Samantha to check on William.

    William didn’t lose his eye. Instead it glassed over into a white milky look. He wasn’t able to see out of it at all. Everyone started to call him milky. Arthur never showed an ounce of care for William only distain for him having to miss time off work for his injuries. William was docked from future pay for missing this time.

    As William got older his stature remained smaller and more skinny than other boys. This was due to his father denying him food if he deemed William to not be deserving of it. William spent many a night in the stables with the horses. This was to save himself from his father’s drunkly rants and beatings. William grew to love horses. Though his riding skills
    Left a lot to be desired .

    It wasn’t much long after William turned 14 that Samantha left to pursue her schooling. She wanted to be a teacher. William was all along and the next 3 years were hell. If Williams father and uncles abuse were rough before then nothing would prepare him for this. One morning when William was 17…. He walked into his uncles office and noticed that the lockbox was left out of the vault and on the desk…

    William had never stolen anything before,however something was calling in William’s head and before he knew it he had stolen the box and was on a horse and riding down the trail. He kept riding until he reached the closest town.

    He boarded the first boat he found and didn’t care where it took him. He ended up in New York. He’d never seen anything like it before. He didn’t stay long. He heard some people talking about a place of opportunity called New Alexandria. William caught a train to Saint Denis.

    Present Life 

    Life in State before Remnants


    William arrived in Saint Denis in September 1902. He stayed around the city doing odd jobs to make money at the farms outside the city. He kept to himself for the most part.

    One evening William was in the stables of Saint Denis cleaning them out when a man approached him. The man pulled a gun on William and took him to a camp outside of the city.

    Upon arriving William was tied up and placed on the ground. The man took out some knives and set up a music box. The man introduced himself as Lotti. Lotti placed a rag over Williams face and once William had awoken in a doctors office. He was informed that the man “Lotti” had taken his kidney and carved into his chest “ Deputies look on my work come find me”

    William stayed in the hospital for a few days before he was asked to file a report. Being new to the state he complied. He did what he could to remember where he was taken.

    Upon gaining his strength William packed up his belongings and headed west. He arrived in a town of Valentine where he took up residence. He attempted to look for work around the area but didn’t have as much luck.

    One morning William was in the general store of Valentine and seen the cashier emptying a large sack of money into a safe. William thought about the money and how he was desperate to earn some.

    The next day William grabbed an old bandana he’d used for work. He put it over his face. He walked into the Valentine general store and held up the man. This would be the beginning to of his criminal career.

    Deputies arrived, William managed to escape on horse back.. he then attempted another robbery in Saint Denis. Unfortunately he was caught by the responding deputies. He was sent to Sisika penitentiary for the first of many times.

    Upon his release he looked around the state for anyone hiring in his new line of work. To which he came across a man who would change the course of Williams life.

    Carlyle Grimm, a criminal reached out to William and the two began teaming up. Grimm would fight or gambler with people and William would make sure no one interfered.

    The two began robbing people around the state and Grimm introduced William to a man who would change his life more. Nathan Burke, William knew nothing of The Remnants or Blackwater even.

    Nathan said that if William had any guns he wanted to sell he’d be happy to buy them . William headed off as grimm took a holiday. He found himself back in Saint Denis.. where he ran into Aiden Breen playing a piano in a bar, the two talked and William helped aiden escape capture briefly from pursing bounty hunter / marshals. William was separated from Breen and seen him again in two days where he was being patched up by Nathan Burke and other remnants. This is the first taste William got of the corruption in the state.

    William learnt to a degree that the Marshall’s had taken breen and tortured him. For some previous actions.

    Shortly after Breen had put a price on the Marshalls responsible for what happened to him, Grimm and William began a state wide search for the men.

    Around this time Grimm and William were riding around and Grimm had got into a verbal argument with a lady and man in Rhodes.

    William and Grimm left heading to Saint Denis to look for the Marshalls. Upon arriving in Saint Denis they were stopped at gun point by 3 people in masks.

    Grimm and William were taken out of the city to the marshes. They were then questioned about their recent actions and argument with the people in Rhodes.

    The people shot Grimm in the chest with a shotgun. They left William alone. William took Grimm to the doctors office in Saint Denis where he was treated. He then took him to a hotel where grim would rest for a long time. It would be some time before William seen Grimm again .

    A week passed with William really not doing anything, he was reached out to via telegram from a “Viper” who gave him a job. They wanted him to befriend a gang and get information.

    Around the same time he met up with Nathan Burke to sell some guns, whether it was fate or something else the leader of this gang he was meant to infiltrate was in the telegram office asking about The Remnants. Nathan wanted to take the man anyway due to prior actions.

    Nathan offered William $50 to help kidnap this man. William and Nathan took the man outside of Valentine towards Blackwater. Where they were met by 3 other riders. Nathan gave William the $50 and said he would be in touch.

    William met with Nathan in Valentine again a few days later. William hadn’t seen Grimm for a while and had been longing to belong to something for a while.

    He asked Nathan about if The Remnants needed any extra riders. Nathan talked to William about what it meant to be a remnant and invited him to hang around..


    So it began William’s life in the remnants.

    In Mid to late December 1902 William was with Nathan in Saint he was told that they were meeting the Leader of the Remnants Boone Jackson as he was released from Sisika prison. As it turns out an incident had occurred and Boone and another individual by the name of Calan Kelly were now in the Saint Denis doctors office.

    Boone was on one side of the office surrounded by remnants and friends. All of these people were silent as they watched over their leader.

    On the other side was Calan Kelly being kept alive by deputies and doctors until he finally died.

    During this time a man walked through and people began to stir. William was called outside by Nathan, he was told he would be going along with Cade , Maxim and Erik to go after a man named Archer. A deputy who had wronged cade in the past.

    William eager to prove himself followed the orders set out by Nathan and then by Cade. A woman of fierce drive and determination. A way of speaking that would both charm you and scare you to your core.

    The four set off around state looking for the man. They came across a small quiet individual known as Casper. Cade began questioning him regarding the whereabouts of archer. They took Casper along with them and made their way to Strawberry.

    After some back and forth with the law in strawberry a chase ensued and a shootout followed. Cade , William , erik and Maxim all shot down and transported to Sisika.

    Upon arriving at Sisika is when William would be Blake Waters. William and Blake hit it off and William found in her someone who to take care of to a degree or at the least someone who he thought would bring something he was lacking.

    They spent hours in prison together. Blake was in their for life with parole as she was apart of a criminal family named the Castillo’s who had recently dissolved due to internal conflict.

    Upon Williams release he was brought into the remnants as a prospect.

    His first day as a prospect, he’d seen Cade go off on her own to purse a personal vendetta. Seeing no one else react he followed her to Saint Denis to watch her back. Cade and William kidnapped Courtney and Thomas Prescott.

    Cade had a previous beef with them. But as a common factor the why didn’t matter to William. It was the fact that a remnant (family member) needed help and he would be there. The words of “ call to arms” that Nathan mentioned constantly in his mind.

    With Blake’s release from prison William and her begain a relationship. It was William’s first ever true relationship. As such it became clear to everyone around him that Blake was taking advantage of William’s position in the gang and his kinder nature.


    William’s criminal life grew and grew as he proved his loyalty to the remnants. He and Cade developed a Bond of a mother and son. She took him in and began to care for him. She was very protective over William and not approving of Blake at all.

    William was beginning to see that he would have to make a choice of Blake or the remnants.

    A decision which was made for him when he was accused of being a rat by another gang “Valentine Vagabonds” a meeting was held between the remnants and vagabonds without William attending.

    In mid February 1903

    William was called to remnant Camp in thieves landing. Nathan , Boone , Rae , Maxim all questioned him on some events regarding the allegations of him being a Rat. William unsure of what the allegations were became defensive and denied any such rumours or allegations.

    The 4 took William out to a hill just overlooking thieves landing, there he was questioned further and still denied any knowledge of what was happening. Thinking that this was going to be his fate William prepared himself and confessed that he would never betray any remnant and he loved them like a family he never got to have.

    A shot rang over his head and laughter started. He was now a full remnant.

    In Williams eyes he’d found his family and he would follow Boone Jackson and Nathan Burke to whatever end. He was a solider.


    With William now being a full member this only strained his relationship with Blake more to a point that he decided to break it off as he believed she did not and never did have his best interests at heart.

    William went into March 1903 with a clear goal of being as loyal to the gang as he possibly could. He got his first bounty poster as remnant. And in the coming months committed numerous crimes with the gang.

    All the while his relationship with each member increasing in its own way.

    Thomas and Maxim and Louie he began seeing as older brother figures people he would lean on for different guidance not just relating to criminal activities.


    Nathan and Boone became more mentors and father figures. Cade becoming even more of a mother to him then before.


    Mid April 1903 Williams older Sister Samantha had arrived in state to check in on William, she arrived and was greeted into the remnant camp. She and William have managed to catch up a few times to share memories of their child hood and to spend time together.

    Around the same Aiden Breen and his group “The Hagens” began a conflict with the remnants over a disputed debt owed by aiden. This was a back and forth affair of words and meetings until early May 1903. Nathan Burke , Boone Jackson , Louie Pace and William kidnapped aiden and forced him to work off his debt at a field.

    Aiden’s partner Birdie noticed the law of this and they went out in search for the 4 Remnants. A chase ensued and a stand off happened at the burnt out town of Limpany.

    A gun fight broke out and Nathan Burke , Boone Jackson and William were all shot down. William was hit through his left cheek into his jaw permanently scaring his face. Also leaving him with a permanent change in his outlook of the world and his view of people outside the remnants.


    William was left muted with a wired jaw for a week whilst his jaw healed. During this time a war had begun between the Hagens and the Remnants over Birdies actions.

    Upon leaving Sisika William was kidnapped by Daniel Baker of the Hagens. He was shot in the stomach with a shot gun.

    The war consisted of back and forth attacks with no real end in sight for the most part as it stands in July 1903 they are technically still at war.

    “Relationship with Kiara to Current day.”


    Around the late May 1903 William Bennet and Kiara Williams began dating. Kiara having been a remnant for a long time going back to 1902. William and her share a mutual outlook on life as their upbringing’s bring them closer together. Heading into July 1903 they are still together.

    June 1903 up until Present Day

    Williams outlook and mood had shifted and he began being more openly violent towards deputies or bounty hunters or people who would cross the remnants. As he would not let any one hurt his family again.

    Through June and and July William and Kiara’s relationship only grew as did William’s ill temper and recklessness. He had began to rob and kidnap deputies alone. He had forgone wearing a mask and was giving out his name. Mid July William , Jess and Kiara were out and ambushed by law. A shootout started around window rock. William drew the fire of the deputies so Jess and Kiara could escape.

    William was caught and sent to Sisika. He spent 26years in prison.



    “Only good Hagen, is a dead Hagen”

    “God Forgives, William Bennet doesn’t”

    “I’ll follow Nathan and Boone to whatever end”

    “I’m a remnant til my last breath”


    Bennet’s outlook and personality changed dramatically after the Limpany shootout.

    William Bennet













    Maitland NSW , Australia


    White, Australian

    Marital Status:



    Father - Arthur Bennet (Alive) Age - 61

    Mother - Martha Bennet (Deceased)

    Uncle - William Bennet (Alive) Age - 58

    Sister - Samantha Bennet (Alive) Age - 28




    Thomas Howard

    Faction Affiliations:
