One Year

  • Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!

Augustus Phelgood

Silver Supporter
Jul 24, 2020
I am fairly late to the early game, but as soon as I found out about WWRP and the talented RP community you have here, I said, "I want in!" When D&D came back into my life like a long lost love a couple of years ago, I nearly wept with joy. Now with D&D, my newly adopted fur baby, and Wild West RP in my life, I've been happier and more at peace for the last two months than I have been in a very long time. Thank you all for this creative and supportive community!
Oh! And Happy Birthday! Here's to the next trip around the sun being even better than the last!

Milo Reines

Longest John
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
Mar 28, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I lightly mentioned this elsewhere, but truly, have been through some fucking SHIT this year (as I'm sure many others have with everything going on) and having this community to be able to just start hanging out with a ton of my friends whenever I wanted truly carried me through the dark times. I'll never forget what WWRP has done for me and I love each and every one of you. Particularly Hayes and the other devs/management/admins/staff old and new, for creating and maintaining such an amazing community <3

Bjorn Fields

Silver Supporter
Apr 27, 2020
was it was a pure accidently i found the server when watching a random streamer i absolute this 1 year i spendt on this server and with the community of course there has been some stuff that isnt the best thing that has happen but for me and this community has done me good as i love everyone in here and greatly believe this new year will be even better if of course there will be some small changes to few things :D


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