Spring 1904 Election Information

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Robert Barlow

Democracy Manifest
State Representative
Aug 12, 2021
Wichita, KS
(Flyers containing this information have been distributed to all notice boards and government buildings in New Alexandria.)


We are holding our Spring Election of 1904 for the offices of State Representative, and for Governor.

The State Representative election will be open pool, where the top 3 candidates during the election will obtain the position of State Representative. The Governor election will be separate in a 'runoff' style, where a candidate must achieve a 50%+1 vote or else another round of voting between the top 2 candidates will take place.

State Representatives are responsible for drafting and passing State Laws, Acts, Edicts, Procedures, Resolutions, Criminal Punishment, Confirming Executive Appointments, and and maintaining checks and balances on the Executive and Judicial branches.

Representatives shall have a 4-month term, April 14-August 11, 1904.

*Parties interested in registering for Representative should sign up here.*

The Governor is responsible for keeping communication between the branches of government healthy, productive, and positive; hosting State Sponsored Events; Holding meetings that are relevant to the Office, Signing Bills passed by the Legislature into Law; Nominating Cabinet and Judicial appointments; Suppressing Treason and Secessionist movements; Addressing Native American Affairs; keeping and enforcing law, order, and maintaining tranquility among all citizens and bringing outlaws and criminals to justice on behalf of the victims. Experience in high office is recommended, but not required, as the internal workings of government are fairly complex and may be daunting.

The Governor will have a 4-month term, April 14-August 11, 1904.

*Parties interested in registering for Governor should sign up here.*

If you are considering running for either public office, remember that you must be responsible and mature as you will be representing the State Government and its People.

Candidate Registration Requirements:

No felonious charges on record for 4 months, or has otherwise gone through the Clean Slate Act (criminal record expunged).
Must be a citizen of New Alexandria for at least one (1) month.
(OOC: Active member of the community, and must not have a ban for at least 3 months.)
Have filled out the proper registration forms.

Registration: Friday, March 14, 1904 - Friday, March 21st, 1904.

Campaign: Friday, March 21st at 8 PM EST - Friday, April 4th at 8 PM EST.

Voting: Friday, April 4th at 8 PM EST to Monday, April 7 at 8 PM EST.


Campaigning is entirely IC and via IC mediums, such as in server or the Campaign Posters Discord channel. No campaigning is permitted OOC.
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