Fly Wilson

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  • Fly Wilson


    Don't let her small stature, bug blue eyes and long blonde hair fool you, Fly is no innocent child. Battling constantly with her fear of being forgotten and her determination to never feel powerless she often appears as if she is a psychopath let loose. Whilst she may not feel remorse for any of those unfortunate enough to be her victims those closest to her will tell you that very deep down she does have a heart. Even if it never shows.

    Early Life 

    Story Version

    Fly was born to unknown parents in Colorado, USA.
    When she was 6yrs old a gang called the “Wilson Brothers” burned down her family home after she accidentally snitched on them to some deputies in a nearby town.
    Her mother and father perished in the fire and she was taken in by Jayce the leader of the gang. He taught her everything about crime and robbing people. Jayce alongside the Wilson brothers became her family as she grew up. However, on her 11th birthday a bank robbery gone wrong split them up and she was left behind with no leads to follow.

    She eventually fled the town and got on a train heading to Durango County. It was on this train that she met Amadues Krump, a peacher of the church of lamb. Longing for a family she joined the cult and became a devout memeber. Recruiting new memebers and even killing and torturing those deemed not worthy. She soon had the idea that if she gained a bounty poster the "Wilson Brothers" may see it and know where to find her. She started off small to no avail and by the time she gained a poster she was chased out of the county.
    After leaving the cult due to personal reasons (helping murder the leader) she moved to Silverton County alongside her new best friend, Mirabella. Here she continued her goal of obtaining a bounty and fame to gain notice of her old gang. Along with Mirabella though she soon became a part of a new gang they had no name but were led by Victor Church. Other members included, Sawyer Valentine, Shayne Valentine, Pheobe Blackwood, Jack Evans and ''Old Man''. Church was perhaps the only person in her entire life that could truly control Fly, he knew how to convince her to not attack and knew just when to let her go wild.

    Fly got to work quickly in this new county attempting once again to obtain a bounty, she befriended children of sheriffs, deputies and anyone she could eventually kidnapping them and ransoming them back to their parents. She kidnapped a young girl and kept her in her house, however after some time when her parents hasn't come looking for her Fly had an idea. She started to convince the girl that no one cared about her and that she was better off with Fly, however she warned the girl of the repercussions if she ever tried to leave. After some time a bounty hunter came by and the young girl screamed alerting him that Fly had her hostage. Fly took the young girls pet goat and stabbed it in front of her, cooking it up into a dish in which she fed the girl as punishment. Victor Church however found out what she had dont and forced her to return the young girl to her family.
    It was not long after this, alongside a few other escapades that she found the law at her door attempting to arrest her and her friends. Many gunfights ensued all of which the law lost although Fly did not go unscathed. Multiple gun shot wounds led to her reliance on opioids and nearly to her downfall.
    Fly found herself addicted and when her supplies ran low she let her guard down. She found herself surrounded by a group of lawmen outgunned and unable to run as she was too weak. They arrested her and set a trial, a trial in which if she was found guilty she was to be hung.

    The day of the trial they hatched a miraculous plan, Sawyer would dress up as Fly and go to the trial. If she was found innocent then all would be well and no one ever had to know. If she was found guilty then at least she had a head start on the law. The plan worked wonders and it was only after she was found guilty that Sawyers sister identified her and announced that they did not have Fly in custody. She finally had a huge bounty on her head but her old gang was still nowhere to be seen. She spent the next week in hiding, wearing disguises whenever she had to go in to town for supplies until finally it was too much. She couldnt hide anymore, she convinced Mirabella to ride into one of the towns with her just to do a 'quick robbery'. They were succesfull, sort of, but word of their appearance soon travelled fast. By this point Sawyer had gotten herself a sheriffs badge and was told by other towns and various bounty hunters that if she did not arrest Fly they would shoot up the town in which the gang resided and shoot every man, woman or child who tried to hide her.

    In what Fly thought was just a meeting with the gang, Sawyer and Shayne turned on her. They attempted to arrest her and when she fled they shot her, dragging her into the cells. She begged and pleaded with Sawyer to no avail. Finally she was marched up to the noose, looking up at it she realised she couldnt just give up. She would not just accept death so she ran. She heard the echoes of gunshots behind her and felt many more hit her. She somehow made it to some bushes where she hid until she was able to slowly make her way to the train station and get out of the county. She spent the next year recovering, moving from place to place never staying still too long. Eventually she found herself in the State of New Alexandria.

    Present Life 

    It wasn't long before Fly made a name for herself in New Alexandria. The time she had spent in hiding with Mirabella as well as her time in recovery since fleeing had given her many ideas. One of which was her theory that you could make people taller by swithching their legs, seemed simple enough.


    Wilson Brothers

    New Haven

    Lincoln's Angels

    Formed initially just to annoy deputies, Lincoln’s Angels began as a little joke between a few mischievous kids. As time passed, mischievousness began to shift to more illicit activities as the friends became emboldened by their experiences with the law and outlaws alike. Embracing the moniker of Angels, the group presents themselves as innocent children while planning and enacting various illegal activities, often whispering about trouble.
    The gang hangs out in various towns, but people have heard them discussing about a ‘clubhouse’ near Van Horn, while other rumours suggest they like spending their time at a certain telegram office near Blackwater.
    Recently, the gang seems to have forged alliances with other outlaws with more dangerous skillsets as a result of their business ventures, while also expanding their numbers. With all of this in mind, they are certainly still only sweet and innocent angels, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
    The group was disbanded after three of its original founders (Fly Wilson, Johnny Cooke and Tucker Bordelon) were all killed.

    Lowlife-Washington Gang


    After Tucker Bordelon's death Fly withdrew into herself, feeling for the first time in a very long time guilt for her actions. She tried to continue on with her life becoming closer with Felix Avery and Rose Avery (Miller), trying to encourage them to commit crimes alongside her and Johnny Cooke.
    On the day of Johnny's death the two were estatic, they had managed to succesfully pull off a boat escape from the Van Horn General Store that they had been planning for quite some time. Not only that but Felix had agreed to rob a store with them. Before they went to Saint Denis she pulled Felix and Rose aside making them promise that if The Colts came for her that they would not get involved and would leave, protecting themselves.

    Sure enough as they were planning the store robbery, Alex Mercer and Ruby Colt arrived. As per their promise to Fly Felix and Rose left the area.
    Alex and Ruby took Fly and Johnny at gunpoint to a spot in the swamp where they tied a noose around Fly's neck and sat her on a horse. Facing her biggest fear put her in a complete meltdown and she found she was barely able to think. They, alongside GatorClaw then tortured Johnny whilst Fly watched. First carving a smile onto his face with a kife before burning it in an attempt to cauterize. They then let a gator loose on his leg biting it off before stabbing him and finally shooting him in the head with a shotgun.
    They let Fly go with only a small beating as Ruby wanted to allow her daughter Judith the chance to get her revenge on Fly.
    After Johnny's death Fly hid in the lighthouse in van Horn rarely leaving and ignoring letters and telegrams from friends as she didnt want anyone else to suffer through what Johnny had.
    She wrote a letter to Jayjay Kray explaining what happened as she knew her death would come soon and she wanted to do at least one good deed before it was too late. Eventually Jayjay convinced her to meet with him. He tried to convince her to tell the deputies but she would only talk to Jack Carter, thankfully he was on duty and Fly relived every moment as she recounted the story.

    She would commit only one more crime before her death, missing Johnny she went to Van Horn General store and attempted to rob it in the hopes of feeling closer to him but when the deputies arrived they found her sitting on the floor in tears.


    "If you'd met me you'd know me''


    • Fly had major trust issues and by the time of her death she only trusted, Johnny Cooke, Jack Carter, Jayjay Kray, Clayton Carmine, Wylie Hickcock and Snakeface
    • The only reason she went back into the saloon the day she died was to try warn and protect Mordecai
    • Most people assumed she hated The Colts due to her brother Snakeface. However it was actually because of her close relationship with Jack Carter and wanting to protect and help him.

    Fly Wilson













    May 1883

    Death Date:

    15th November 1899


    Colorado, U.S.A



    Marital Status:

    N / A


    Parents- unknown
    Adopted Father- Jayce Wilson
    Adopted Brother- Rafa Snakeface Ramirez




    Trouble, Firebug

    Faction Affiliations:

    Wilson Brothers
    New Haven
    Lincoln's Angels
    Lowlife Washington Gang