Krueger Stroolinger

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  • Krueger Stroolinger


    Muscular, hairy, tall Russian man

    Early Life 

    Through living in poverty and only having a mother that was a prostitute; Krueger struggled to survive in a caravan town somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. After learning the how to steal and survive by crime Krueger got by and did what he had to do for his mom. As Krueger grew older he grew broader and built for his age so his thievery had to turn to charm and he would normally distract merchants as his friends stole food. Krueger would take manual labor jobs that made him stronger and a good fighter when the traveling fighter caravan came through. After a night of too much of fun Krueger's mom died by a group of traders. They tried to cover it up and pay off Krueger to forget the whole thing, saying she was only a whore, Krueger tracked them all down only to find them all dead with a signature throwing knife through their skulls. After reaching the last one he catches their killer, causing Krueger to be enraged for taking his revenge and shooting him. The man was shot fatal and turned out to be his father as he explained that he was getting revenge on the men who raped the woman he impregnated in a shanty town that Krueger was from. This confused Krueger emotionally, but out of respect buried his mother and father together. After his quest for revenge was finished he saw no reason to stay in the shanty town he once called home and went West for bigger prospers.

    After making it to New Alexandria, Krueger began a mercenary who worked out of the boundaries of the law in secret. He would quickly find like minded people who he could call his friends. At the time there was a large organization ran by the Heyworth family mostly involving moonshine and the saloon in Rhodes. This business made Rhodes a very popular town to be in. The special whiskey and songs of Hank Heyworth would bring people all across the state to him and when Krueger and his friends witnessed this they wanted to learn the trade. After weeks of searching and speaking with people who knew the trade of moonshine. Two of his closest friends Paxton Harris and Issac Halloway figured out their own recipe and gave it their official name that Krueger would sell to then end of his days called "White Lightning". After forming this recipe and spreading their product around. Krueger, Paxton, Leon Travis and Issac formed their own group called "The Forsaken" due the dangers of pushing moonshine at that time in New Alexandria. He would bring some of his closest friends into this group including Grey "Jesus" Grimm, and Colt Bane being one of the strongest groups that worked in the shadows of New Alexandria. They would quickly form an alliance with The Freeman Boys led by Denzel Freeman who Krueger would form such a close bond with that Denzel would blood him into the Freemans regardless of being in another group. They would preform many bank. general store, and road side robberies together.

    Krueger take his first life in New Alexandria one drunken night in Valentine. A saddened man stumbled into the bar down on his luck seeking to join Krueger and his companions for drinks. He claimed to one to go out with a bang and challenged anyone who would dare accept a duel him. All stayed quiet but Krueger so they all walked to the streets and prepared for their duel. When the countdown began and ended, both parties fired a fury of bullets and as the smoke cleared Krueger was the one standing. They buried the man in the graveyard by Valentine. A few days would pass and Krueger would meet his first love in New Alexandria Benton Nakamura who he would have multiple kids with later down the the road.

    The Forsaken members decided to test their luck at bare knuckle boxing, but Krueger was quite poor at it. He would be trained by his best companions Paxton and Issac helping him be one of the best fighters in the state. Krueger would be known as one of the best fighters in the state for some time before many other champions would rise in fame. They all were known as good fighters among the fighting associations and some even had some controversy behind how skilled they were.

    Krueger would form a close friendship with a couple named Nicholas O'Brian and Minnie O'Brian. They would marry a few weeks after that for which Krueger was the flowerman for. Time had passed and Krueger would stay in close contact with the family for some business and their friendship. One day after a trip from Guarma a member of the Freeman Boys named Thomas Freeman would stab Nicholas in the throat. The Forsaken and Freemans would catch on to hear about a plea deal where Thomas would tell the Sheriff's everything about the groups. Krueger managed to lure Thomas out and take him to the swamps where he shot him dead and fed him to the alligators keeping both the groups save.

    Krueger would meet Gimsu Kray one day in Rhodes and tell one another stories of the many crimes they had done and would form a friendship with one another. A month had passed and Krueger had met Jen Walters and Adrian White. The three would go down to Armadillo after the Cholera outbreak there had been cleared and start opening up the bar. Many stories would be formed here and after some time they all decided on a name recommended by Lincoln McCormick who was the grandson of another close friend of Krueger named Boots Henry. They named the bar Outlaw's Rest welcoming all those who lived a life out of the bounds of the law offering protection, drinks and stories. Many people would come through this bar including lawmen who seek to serve warrants, many failed, but some were successful including the killing and capture of the Anne Bonny.

    Present Life 


    The Freeman Boys, The Krays, The Forsaken, The Syndicate


    "Drink be merry, dasvidaniya!"
    "Ride hard! kill Harder!"


    Krueger was going to fight a grizzly bear at the state fair, but due to fear of others being harmed the Government would not allow it.

    Krueger Stroolinger











    250 lbs







    Marital Status:

    Married to Lily Stroolinger


    Lily Stroolinger (Wife)
    Peyotr Stroolinger (Brother)
    Jayjay Stroolinger (Son)
    Krieg (Son)
    Nikolia Stroolinger (Son)
    Katiana Stroolinger (Daughter)


    Outlaw, Delivery Driver, Illegal Bar Owner


    Bobby Stroolinger Kray
    Krueger Freeman
    Krueger Kray

    Faction Affiliations:

    His Family