Marcus Baker

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  • Marcus Baker


    Once a filthy criminal, now a proud and confident deputy.

    Early Life 

    Marcus Baker, a man who has seen it all and dealt with it all. He was born from a native mother and an Italian American Father. When he was 4 years old, his mother brought him into the Lenni Lenape tribe of Morristown, New Jersey, a newly formed town, where the tribe lived in the forests nearby. He was partially raised and taught many things of native culture until he was 8 years old. The townsfolk were very scared of the tribe as it was a large tribe that would defend their land when disrespected and if violence is committed against them they would fight back with two times the might. This very thing happened, someone had been disrespecting and provoking the tribe and the tribe burnt him almost to death to teach a lesson and sent him on their way. The week after this had happened the cavalry had been called by the governor and they had mounted up and rode out to the reservation and told them: "Vacate the area or there will be consequences!" no one was going to move or leave their only home. So the cavalry went to wat with the tribe. The tribe had been basically wiped out except Marcus and his Mother. His mother took him away during the battle and back to her other "home."

    This home was a controlling husband that would use his mother and treat her horribly. His mother up until he was 15, lived miserably with his father and then that day his father was done with her and sold her off to someone who was buying "ladies of the night". The man known as his father was interested and paid well and off he took his beloved mother, Marcus tried to fight the men off but they hit him hard with butt of a rifle knocking him out and he never saw his mother again. He was completely distraught and couldn't deal with the fact that his own father sold off his own mother. The next day, he picked up his fathers own Navy colt in the gun cabinet and shot down his father. Marcus was happy and smiled soon after, he was free he thought and he got what he deserved. Marcus searched for his mother but never found her and got mixed up in his fathers gang that he wanted to lead in place of his father but got shut down as one of the other big heads took lead. Marcus followed his instructions and he got deeply mixed in. He was robbing, killing who needs killing, and causing chaos, he was doing deeds of the devil, but there were limits he wouldn't stoop to, eventually there was none. He worked for 13 years inside of the gang and it finally got too much, there were too many other gangs closing in and he hated doing the things he did, but sometimes getting the urge to hurt and rob, it really wore on his mental state. Three of the largest rival gangs made a plan to raid the compound in the large town of Morristown.

    One Hundred and forty three men came storming in and took out the One Hundred men of the Baker gang inside, except for Marcus, and his friends Gene and Tommy. It was a hell of a fight and a hell of a standoff but there was nothing the Baker Gang could do. Room by room getting overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and the sheer manpower and firepower. Dynamite was used after the fight to completely crumble the empire that was the Baker Gang and leave them forgotten in a physical aspect but will never be in the mental aspect. Marcus was devastated as many of them were family, he lost a lot, and he couldn't take it, even although he was planning on leaving anyways to a newly formed state. He took the remaining 3 months and spent time with Gene and Tommy, it was all he got, and he appreciated it, they did small crime to get by and only took food and mostly other supplies and some money, he became a petty thief, right back to where he originally started. He kept hearing rumors of this new founded state, and his friends were interested as well. One night, in March 25th, 1898, three men from the Arioachi Gang stormed the place they were staying. Gene had been gunned down, and got a shot off on one of the guys, he tried to run and Tommy gunned the first down while being gunned down by the next that had a shotgun, blowing a hole into his chest immediately killing him. Marcus had two guys to deal with, he ran upstairs broke out a window and crawled out and onto the roof. The men searched and searched all over and couldn't find Marcus, they left the place and Marcus with a Repeater, gunned down the two men with such speed and anger and grief. Marcus cried, he yelled in anger as he held his dead friends. He took a rag and a empty wine bottle, he took out his lighter, lit the rag, shoved it in the bottle and threw it into the place and walked away. He never forgot that day, as he recognized that one of them as a good friend to a general store owner that Marcus robbed. He swore he would stop doing what he did, but, there were still temptation in him, he packed his bags and set off for New Alexandria, maybe start a new life, we'll see won't we?

    Present Life 

    Baker started off with a man named Ryker Lundale, he met him almost right off the bat and Baker had the urge, the absolute urge for robbery and chaos. Ryker made him into robbing machine, he robbed almost anyone with elaborate schemes. Robbed a few men here and there. He enjoyed it but he also felt bad after and started to realize what he's being turned into again. He also meet a woman by the name of Jaquilline and he take a liking to her and starts to trust and become more of a sister figure to him. They both wanted out from Ryker and wanted to do their own thing. One day Jaq and Marcus wanted to rob the Blackwater general store and they needed a hostage, guess who was there, a state rep candidate. They kidnapped him and took him upstairs, the till was empty and they needed something else. They were out of ideas and needed to get rid of a man who knows who they ware and their names. He tried making deals but Marcus didn't want to buy in, but then, he offered a great deal, work for him and he wont tell a thing about that night and his kidnapping. They took the deal and spared him and worked for him. It worked well but Ryker wasn't happy about it and was suspicious when he found out. Baker became attached and to his other friends he met and wanted out of the game. He got out and was punished for it and almost died that day, luckily someone found Marcus and was alive and put into a coma to a shot to his skull that was super luckily bounced off his skull from a cattleman. He woke up and was shocked he was alive after what he was told what happened to him. His best friend Malachi nursed him back to health like usual and Marcus left state to avoid his life being taken. He left to montanna without a word, secretly. Met a woman he wanted to marry but she had been killed. He came back and put in a application to the Sheriffs Department. It got accepted, he was proud and very excited, he went in for an interview, they accepted him as a recruit. Attended orientation and learned the ways of the law. He learned quick and well and became a Deputy on September 21st, 1899, he felt accomplished and relieved. He met a woman that he loves dearly, Vivian Vale. They married after a couple months of dating and getting to know each other, they were almost complete opposites but were a couple to be trifled with. He now serves the law day after day and loving every minute with his second family. Lets see where it ends....It Ends, with Marcus on a monday night seeing a telegram from an old enemy of his...he met his demise from a shotgun blast at point blank range after meeting the person. He left his wife, two kids and many others behind with his death. He had the urges, after not being seen to or having a stable job anymore. he died laughing and wanting to kill, back to his original state. He lived in New Alexandria for the last year of his life, and he lived it to the fullest.


    New Alexandria Sheriffs Department



    "Get Fucked!"
    "You Best Relax Sir."


    Baker hates it when criminals run away from him
    A member of the Light Patrol
    Wants to work his way up to eventually knock out Antonio Delgato one day

    Marcus Baker













    November 12th, 1871

    Death Date:

    April 22nd, 1900


    Morristown, New Jersey


    Half Native American and American

    Marital Status:

    Married to Vivian Vale


    Jemson "Achetawey" Baker - (Mother - Missing)

    Henry Baker - (Father - Deceased)

    Vivian Vale (Wife -

    Wyatt Baker (Son -

    Malcolm Ashbrook (Adopted Son -




    "Moony Moon"

    Faction Affiliations:

    New Alexandria Sheriffs Department