Apollo Alovich

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  • Apollo Alovich
    Never Ending WIP


    Pictured right, Apollo Alovich in St. Denis, 1904.
    An older man with greying hair and greying, waxed moustache to pair, Apollo is of a more athletic, though still average, build, with a slightly toned physique.
    Usually donning a simple white overshirt; darker beige, suit pants; worn out dark brown leather boots with subtle patterning, typically paired with gaiters. A lighter beige, scarf-like neckerchief wrapped around his neck. A worn out darker brown hat and, dark beige vest and matching coloured frock coat.
    Around his waist, a gunbelt hangs accompanied with an extra ammo belt beneath the vest, normally host to a canteen, lasso, and any sort trinkets on him.
    A black Raven's feather sits in his hair, the trinket is well cared for.
    A rabbit's foot hangs around the side of his gun belt, appearing well-cared for, with a small carving of the initials "M.K" therein.
    A canteen hangs on the left side of his gun belt. There is what looks like faded writing on one side of the canteen.
    The remains of a partially healed twisting, sprawling scar rest just beneath the moustache across his chin and up to the left corner of his mouth.
    Normally having his sleeves rolled back, an odd looking scar curls from underneath the sleeve down towards his forearm on his left arm.
    A small scar streaks across his right cheekbone.

    Early Life 

    Rosey Childhood
    Born to Russian peasantry and a resentful mother in Saint Petersburg, Apollo Alovich crawled into the world on the 4th of August, 1843. Along with his twin brother: Andrei Abraham Alovich.
    Apollo and Andrei were thieves from birth. Having first stolen away their mother's independence (According to Arina's own words, anyway). Their father was seldom mentioned unless it was to scorn. The scant details known of Apollo and Andrei's father being that Apollo and Andrei bore an unsettling resemblance to him, and that he was Prussian.
    They made a small living pilfering goods from the local market place, particularly at their mother's behest. Stealing apples, blankets and whatever else they could get their hands on - so long as it meant avoiding being beaten by their mother, or freezing or starving to death. Along the way, Apollo and Andrei were joined by a small boy: Dima Malenkov. The three of them becoming friends through their small career as petty thieves.

    Marching Drums
    Arina was known to have some sort of relation to a man named Konstantine Angeloff, around 1857. Konstantine was mildly well off; a man with a decent pay leftover from his time serving as a Lieutenant in the Russian Army. A Veteran of the Crimean War, Konstantine regularly displayed his medals and still wearing his worn out military boots. Apollo, Andrei and Dima listened to Konstantine's ramblings of the great Tsars of Russia and the oversaturated verbal ooze that was Konstantine's pride for his home land and the pillars that upheld it. This may have been why the boys later signed on for the precise same fate as Konstantine.
    With Arina well-off with Konstantine, Apollo, Andrei and Dima signed on for military service in December, 1860. The three of them would see a lengthy spanning military career - of which would slowly chip away at the three.

    Russo-Turkish War
    Apollo's own military career would last for 18 years. Although, only rising through the ranks to become what would be the equivalent of a Sergeant. Apollo's primary reptoire of stories stems from his time in the Balkans, and supposedly when Tsarina Alexandrovna blew him a kiss, even though his fellow men would insist otherwise. Being deployed particularly in Poland and in the Balkans, Apollo's primary service saw him in the Russo-Turkish War (1877 - 1878). The three would continue to serve together throughout the conflict, seeing events such as the Battle of Simnitza where the Russians crossed the Danube, the capitulation of the Ottoman garrison at the Battle of Nikopol and the gruelling Siege of Plevna.

    At the close of the Russo-Turkish War, Apollo returned to the Angeloff Household in Saint Petersburg with wide eyes and dark streaming lines beneath them. Dima returned with a perpetual limp to his left leg and his left forearm missing. Andrei was nowhere to be found.

    When the two knocked, their was no reply. Trying the door, they found the knob turned effortlessly; and the sweet scent of rot and decay that slithered out to meet them when they opened it. The stench of death stemmed from a green, blackish bundle of decomposing skin found slumped in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. A pile that wore the clothes of Arina Alovich. Konstantine was nowhere to be found. A mortician later determined the cause of death to be a broken neck; and that for the body to reach this state of decomposition, she'd been dead for approximately a month.
    Arina's journal later revealed that Konstatine had been attacked and killed in a mugging gone wrong in December of 1877.

    Rotten Remembrance
    Apollo and Dima continued to live in the now desolate house for the remaining years to come. Dima slowly succumbed to an infection that he hid from Apollo - and when Apollo did become aware, the doctor they managed to get to treat Dima only botched the surgery, leading Dima to die in his sleep one chilling night in December, 1880. Apollo was left to fester in the Angeloff Household for perhaps two or so months.
    The same Doctor that botched Dima's surgery was found dead in his home on the 28th February, 1881. The doctor's head was found crushed beneath a small cabinet of drawers in his living room, with blood smeared at the edge, along with the remains of an eyeball.

    During his time with sleepless nights and creeping sense of isolation in the creaking walls and howling wind, Apollo's mind wandered.
    It wandered back to his rose-tinted time as a teenager - when a word fluttered in the back of his slowly rotting brain. Through the dry rot and cobwebbs, he could hear it rustling. A memory slowly dredged to the surface from beneath the mouldy floorboards: remembered talking to a merchant. He couldn't remember their name, but their words rematerialized. The name of a place the merchant had said.
    Somewhere where the "roads paved with gold".
    That there were "opportunities for all those in life".
    That there was such "a place of hope and where anybody's dreams of success can come true".
    For three days, Apollo's hands groped blindly through the decay of his memory, trying to remember this places name. In the sour, decomposing corner of his brain, he found it.

    When the Angeloff Household's address came up in the investigation into the Doctor's death, the Authorities eventually came knocking.
    Although, Apollo was nowhere to be found.

    "When Mr. Levinsky did not answer the door, we forced our way through into the property. We found no sign of any tenants or personal belongings. What we presumed to be Mr. Levinsky's bedroom was found to have multiple scribblings on the wall. Much of it seemed to be some kind of gibberish. What was legible were ramblings about how Mr. Levinsky was being haunted. The only thing we found that might've been of any significance was the word "America" which was circled."
    -St. Petersburg Police Report, 16th March, 1881.

    Present Life 

    Having long since left the life he lead in Russia behind him one frigid Wednesday in early 1881, Apollo travelled the gruelling seasons across Europe, gradually making his way across the countries, in a venture west to the place that the nameless merchant spoke of by the Neva River. Despite the claims of the merchant that frozen winter's morning so long ago, Apollo found that the streets were not paved with gold. But, at that point, he'd half-expected that to be the merchant overexaggerating anyway.

    Rather, they were paved with cobblestone and the mud of Lemoyne - and any horseshit that was not scraped up. Now residing in the Western area of the city of St. Denis, Lemoyne County, with his wife Evaline Alovich, Apollo strives to live a relatively calm and peaceful life, despite everything that New Alexandria challenges its citizens with. Spending his days in the company of near and dear friends, and mornings sipping coffee overlooking the Kamassa River from his bedroom window.
    It's the closest he's felt to happiness in a long, long time.


    Harrison Adminstration
    (Active: January 1904 - )

    Sisika Penitentiary
    (Former: September 1901 - January 1904)
    Being the concrete eyesore just off the south eastern coast of St. Denis, Sisika Penitentiary needs little introduction. Overseen by the smaller Department of Prisons, and overseen by a revolving door of Wardens that differ from term to term.
    Apollo originally joined up with the Department of Prisons in September, 1901, after seeing it being advertised in the Valentine Post Office. Apollo's sentiment towards a good few inmates was largely negative - with him having a particular inclination to bully torturers, and had a knack for being a thorn in their side.
    This overall aggressive sentiment would gradually erode with the joining of Evaline Alovich to the Department of Prisons, whom, at the time, was just a friend of Apollo's. It was originally Evaline who encouraged him to be a little more humane when considering Inmates, and this has since been an approach he's adopted.
    Though, despite the humane approach that he has chosen to take, Apollo still abides by the saying "Have hope for those who want it, don't waste hope on people who don't". A saying that was cemented by a conversation he had with former lifer Inmate Ash Larsen, while she was doing medical on him following the January 1903 Prison Raid.
    Furthermore, while Apollo tries to not let things become personal, he has a very nasty tendency of being flat out hostile to inmates who have done things Apollo deems "personal".

    After nearly two years and three months of service to the Department of Prisons, Watch Captain Apollo Alovich resigned from the employ of the Department on the 4th of January, 1904, in order to pursue a the position of Surgeon General within the cabinet of then Governor, Imogene Harrison.

    King's Cross General Practice
    (Former: August 1902 - November 1902)
    At one point one of the largest medical companies in-state, founded by Frank Landmark and later taken over by Jacob Loveday (Formerly Jacob Stark), Apollo showed very little interest operating as part of a company, instead largely choosing to remain as an independent practitioner after the Ironwood Medical Company closed its doors in late 1901. Eventually being persuaded by Jacob Loveday into joining, Apollo became a part of King's Cross General Practice, but very rarely ever used its name.
    In the gradual growing quietness from the company, Apollo would eventually move on from King's Cross General Practice by November of 1902.

    The Vault
    (Former: September 1901 - January 1902)
    A speakeasy club that hosted a dance-off and fighting competition, The Vault was an invite-only establishment, hosted in a location just south of Manzanita. For his time while The Vault operated, Apollo was the announcer and commentator of the fighting competition. It was at The Vault that he worked alongside his now current wife, Evaline Alovich, who would stand-in when Apollo himself was participating in the fighting.
    Apollo continued to work as the announcer and commentator for the fighting competitions at The Vault until it closed its doors in January, 1902.

    The Commune
    (Former: May 1901 - August 1901)
    A mismatched group of misfits that could moreso be called a "group" than a "gang", Apollo was one of the ones who would later join onto group referred to as the "Sullen Epitaph". From there, The Commune would slowly become a strange entity all on its own - and its own host of problems with it. From members baring their teeth at each other and in-fighting amidst it, The Commune, along with its original members from the Sullen Epitaph, would slowly splinter and break off. Some disappeared; others left state; a few were shot down.
    By December of 1901, only a handful of members remained and their affiliation with this peculiar little group is seldom talked about.

    Ironwood Medical Company
    (Former: February 1901 - October 1901)
    A decently sized medical company, founded and led by Malachi Pike, the company served as Apollo's introduction to medical work in New Alexandria. It also served as the beginning of the absolute rabbit hole that he'd be plunging down for his remainder of his time in New Alexandria.
    Leading practical demonstrations and lectures surrounding first aid, Ironwood Medical was not only Apollo's introduction to medicine, but also sparked in him his want to become an infection specialist.
    The company quietly became less and less active with fewer and fewer members. In October, 1901, the company closed its doors. But, to this day, still holds a place in Apollo's dusty old heart.

    The Vanguard
    (Former: January 1901 - February 1901)
    Inspired by the idea and spirit of The Minutemen, The Vanguard was a more well organized group that was, as one of its members put, "was dead in the water". Apollo's poor decision making, combined with the betrayal of one of The Vanguard's members caused the group's efforts to effectively fail before they had even begun. Members of The Vanguard could've been identified by a coin they carried, depicting a sword and an eye.

    The Minutemen
    (Former: December 1900 - January 1901)
    For all intents and purposes, a poorly managed vigilante group. The group largely comprised of civilians who wanted to actively take the fight to various gangs around the state in late 1900, in particular, the likes of the Levi-Williams Gang. Though, it seemed as though their cause was largely frivolous, as the group didn't do much in the end.. The Minutemen became inactive in December of 1900, and would disband completely by January of 1901.
    Alas, at the end of it all, The Minutemen did not take much action past a rogue shoot-out that happened in Armadillo started by Daniel Maddison after the group became inactive - a shootout that Apollo wasn't even present for.

    Holmes Private Detective Agency
    (Former: December 1900 - June 1901)
    After a relatively awkward first interaction in the streets of St. Denis, Apollo soon found himself to be a friend of the Holmes Private Detective Agency.
    Largely only lending an unofficial helping hand when asked to. Apollo became friendly with Duncan Albani, and well acquainted with Foster Holmes. He held a decent relationship with the rest of the staff, and a very strained relationship with the bartender.
    As the Holmes Private Detective Agency slowly lost members and its owner disappeared throughout 1901, Apollo seldom speaks of them much anymore.
    Save for Duncan Albani and their misadventures with Italian food.

    Imperial Russian Army
    (Former: December, 1860 - June, 1878)
    All of Apollo's step-relatives themselves were veterans of the Crimean War (1853-1856) and thus it came as no surprise when Apollo signed onto become a soldier in late 1860. Konstantine's encouragement only moved to spur him on, and as did the words of Peter. Although, Alexander's promises of purpose and vaguely worded warnings did linger, and stirred a quiet worry that would prove to be rightly placed later on.

    By the time his military career came to an end on the 1st of June, 1878, Apollo held the rank of "Отдельный унтер-офицер ("Otdel'nyy unter-ofitser)" or, "Individual Non-Commissioned Officer" and largely worked with and as an Infantryman, having maintained a very boots on the ground attitude all throughout his career. Following the death of his brother at the Battle of Sofia by which he was fatally and gruesomely wounded by Ottomon Artillery, and the grizzly injuries sustained to long-time friend Dima, a medical officer found Apollo unfit for service after noting changes in his demeanour and attitude. The medical officer remarked that he'd heard stories of Americans dealing with similar symptoms who fought between 1860 and 1864 - and Apollo was swiftly honourably discharged.

    In his time serving with the Imperial Russian Army in the Russian Empire, Apollo took part in various campaigns and conflicts, and only earned a handful of medals for his efforts. Of them, Apollo saw combat in the January Uprising (1863-1864) and the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878).


    "Be Well."
    "Somebody has to."
    "I'll live. I always do."
    "It's okay - I hate me, too."
    "Get your foot outta my ass."
    "I'm alive, that's what matters."
    "Have faith in those that want it. Don't waste it on people who don't."
    "If the Turks, Poles, Dutch and Brits couldn't kill me? I doubt they can, either."
    "Men are terrible, smelly creatures with hair on their faces. Women are beautiful mysteries that I can't make any fucking sense of."


    Alias Origins

    Старик - Used affectionately by his wife Evaline, this word derives from the Russian word "старый" - meaning "old". Moreover, "cтарик" can derive a number of meanings, such as just "old man", "old timer" and even can mean "greybeard". Amusingly, in some instances, the word even refers to the elderly husband of a woman!

    Mothball - Given to him by Kiwi McMalish, at Kiwi's own jokey insistence that he smells of mothballs and cheese. A claim that she herself has denounced in-private, but will never admit to denouncing while in public. While Apollo will always insist otherwise and take mock offense, the name brings a smile to his face when hearing it.

    Vati - Used affectionately by Katarina Kane to refer to Apollo by, it being the informal German word for "Dad". Never ceases to make him smile upon hearing it, considering how he has indeed met Katarina's biological father, and, to this day, wonders how he ever held a candle to being comparable to Thomas Kane.

    Grandvati - Used by the adopted son of Katarina Kane, James Jane, to refer to Apollo. It largely being a fun play on "Granddad", and it's once again another nickname that never ceases to either make him chuckle or smile upon hearing it.

    Catgut - Name given to him by members of The Commune just before it was officially formed. The name was given to him on account of the fact that he used catgut for external sutures - a personal preference of Apollo's when he began his medical training, and still occasionally uses it to this very day, on account of him having a fondness for the name's outlandish nature when lacking in proper context.

    God of The Sun - Given to him by Dell Hallock, on account of him sharing the name of the Greek God of the sun.

    Shaun Love (Formerly) - Name adopted by Apollo in his early days in-state while he was working with The Minutemen. The name was adopted on account of Apollo's uncanny ability to mimic other accents, with varying degrees of success. He no longer uses this alias for any reason.

    Leopald Levinsky (Formerly) - The name's origin came from Apollo's time in the old country, where this was the name he adopted in order to remain anonymous. A name that he's only ever used once in-state while conversing with a violent gang member outside of Flatneck Station who Apollo knew to be threatening Charlotte Lane. The moniker has not been used by Apollo since.

    Past Prominent Figures
    Arina Alovich
    7th August, 1812 - January 30th, 1878
    Apollo's Mother. A resentful Russian Washer Woman who waited hand and foot on the far more wealthy Angeloff Household. Catering to their every whim, desire, want and ask, Arina was a stoic, silent woman with a neutral expression. Peering at the world through a pair of dark brown, lightless eyes. The warmer browns irises, speckled with gold, were rarely seen. The handful of moments where Arina thought she would eventually be spirited away by the young Prussian Military Officer whom she was to bear the child of.
    In a confrontation in the main hall of the Angeloff Estate in December, 1842, Arina cursed the young Prussian's name, and said that his name would suffer as she wanted him to.
    Whether or not Apollo and Andrei's appearance added to her satisfaction or horror is not known, but Arina's unrelenting brutality and cruelty towards her sons went on to define their childhoods. Whatever the case, Arina's anger and attitudes towards her sons mellowed as she grew more grey and her sons grew into men. By the age of 15, the beatings had stopped after the intervention of Konstantine Angeloff.

    In her later years, Arina would regard Apollo and Andrei with the same lightless eyes. As she saw them grow older and the dark lines begin to stream beneath their own, Arina's lightless eyes slowly began to twinkle with fear.
    As, by 1866, Apollo was starting to look at her the same way she looked at him, despite him never laying a finger on Arina.

    Come her death after falling down a long flight of stairs in 1878, she was little other than sinew and bone, having little appetite. Her passing hit Apollo harder than he would have liked. To this day, he calls his mother a variety of names and, if complimented about his name, will say "don't give my mother too much credit".

    Andrei Abraham Alovich
    4th August, 1843 - January 3rd, 1878
    Apollo's identical twin brother. A man with a wolfish grin, matching hair style and moustache and a horrible sense of humour, Andrei Alovich was Apollo's closest friend, and most trusted comrade. Watching the world with a pair of inquisitive, warm brown eyes, speckled with gold. In his younger years as a petty thief stealing loaves of bread from the market place near the Neva River with Apollo, Andrei was quick on his feet, and as he grew older, even better with a knife. It was originally Andrei's idea to turn to robbing people at knife point in 1851 that lead Apollo, Andrei and Dima to start shaking down whatever poor fool they came across first.

    Andrei and Apollo normally got along, but were very prone to roughhousing. Neither one could seemingly get a leg up on the other - with a lot of their fights ending with them calling it a draw. Whether this was because they were twins or not is unclear - but Apollo prefers to think so. Furthermore, Andrei and Apollo very commonly would call each other "Еж" - Hedgehog. Deriving from the Russian phrase of "И ежу понятно" - "It's understandable to a Hedgehog", implying the other to be stupid. This particular insult has always stayed between the pair.

    Andrei would accompany Arina to the first Angeloff Estate in 1852, carrying his brother, following a heinous injury that would leave Apollo unable to do much with his left arm, and nearly lead to it being crippled. What caused this injury, Andrei would not say - but he stood there and witnessed it, unable to intervene, lest the same thing would happen to him, too.
    Andrei took to this new life of relative luxury with glee. Unable to continue being a petty thief on the streets of St. Petersburg, Andrei took to boxing under the supervision of Konstantine, and when Apollo recovered, as did he. The pair would regularly spar, with a majority of their fights being close, with a few draws.

    Come December 1860, Andrei would go with Apollo and Dima to sign onto the Russian Imperial Army, where they would see a gruelling 18 years of military service. Come January of 1863, the Russian Imperial Army had been continuing to root out insurrectionists to the Russian occupation of the Kingdom of Poland since January of the same year. During a counterattack, Apollo was ambushed by a Polish Insurrectionist. Smashing a glass bottle over Apollo's head, the shards cut deeply into the front left of Apollo's face, splitting his lip. Falling to the ground with the glass cutting deeply, Andrei jumped the insurrectionist. Battering them to death with the Insurrectionist's own pistol, Dima rushed to aid Andrei's twin. Apollo spent the next week recovering, and was eventually sent on leave in early 1864.
    Thankfully, the scars left by this injury remain hidden beneath Apollo's moustache - a fact that both Andrei and Apollo took joy in, knowing you still couldn't tell them apart at a glance.

    Like Apollo, Andrei continued to rise through the ranks. Coming to the rank of Individual Non-Commissioned Officer in 1870, this would be the same rank he bore when the Russians moved into the Balkans in 1877 to begin a long campaign against the Ottoman Empire. Seeing many battles through with Apollo and Dima, the three broached January of 1878 with all the tired vigor they could muster. But - just three days into the new year, Andrei was killed at the battle of Sofia.

    "He wasn't the same after January of '78. Andrei got cut in two by artillery, and Apollo stayed with him until he died. Kept telling him he was - going to be alright. He got very quiet after that, didn't say a word for about two days."
    -Ефрейтор Sergei Sidorov, February, 1878.

    Dima Malenkov
    30th June, 1846 - 30th December, 1880
    Best friend to Apollo and Andrei. A grinning man whose spirits very rarely could ever be dampened, squinting at the world through a pair of dark blue eyes. Dima was picked up by a young Apollo and Andrei during an escape with a stolen loaf of bread. Having distracted the authorities in order to aid the boys in their escape, Dima quickly became a dear friend to Apollo and Andrei. The three boys would continue to be close allies and then friends, carving a career for themselves as pick pockets, petty thieves and knife-point robbers.

    After Apollo's near crippling injury in 1853 and his taking into the Angeloff household, Dima was invited not long after in 1854 to join them by Apollo. No longer having to live a life of petty thievery, Dima joined his comrades in this relatively comfortable life. Eventually, come December 1860, Dima would sign onto the Russian Imperial Army along with Apollo and Andrei. With the backing of the Angeloff name, the three would remain together through their extensive years of service to the Tsar - until Dima's gruelling injuries he sustained in the Russo-Turkish War made him unable to fight any longer. With one leg crippled and one forearm missing, Dima resigned himself to a quiet life in the second Angeloff Estate when only he and Apollo came home from the Russo-Turkish War.

    In 1879, Dima would unknowingly contract an infection in his crippled leg that slowly began to turn to sepsis. Largely hiding this from Apollo beneath his socks, boots and overall cheerful demeanour, the infection slowly began to eat away at Dima's crippled leg. Only when his skin had gradually began to turn yellow, suffering from cold sweats and fainting spells, did Dima confess. A doctor was found - only to botch the entire surgery.
    Dima died in his sleep from sepsis three days after his surgery in early December, 1880.

    Konstantine Angeloff
    15th November, 1822 - 10th December, 1877
    Apollo's stepfather. A kind but uneasy Russian Military Officer with prominent German roots, and the third child of five children - Alexander, Ivan, Nicholas and Peter. Peering at the world through a pair of off-hazel eyes, where the whites had turned began to turn the faintest shade of yellow, be it from celebration or trying to sleep.
    The Angeloff Family were wealthy with Germanic roots. Their relatives in the old town of Konigsberg, Eastern Prussia, would not only exchange letters and gifts for birthdays very frequently, but would also visit each other. Their wealth afforded them a plethora of servants - who Ivan and Nicholas would bully and mistreat for their own pleasure and amusement. Their egos inflamed and arrogant, Ivan and Nicholas butted heads with their more reserved brothers; Alexander and Konstantine.

    On more than one occasion before her removal from the household at the insistence of the Matriarch of the Angeloff family in 1843, Konstantine showed great kindness to Arina. A kindness that, 10 years later in 1853, she'd take advantage of when she arrived at Konstantine's own smaller private estate, in-search of a doctor to treat a grievous injury one of her sons had. How this injury occurred, Arina would not say. She was allowed to stay at the Angeloff Estate at the insistence of Konstantine.
    The same year, Konstantine, Alexander, Ivan, Nicholas and Peter would be sent off to the Balkans and surrounding regions to participate in the Crimean War.
    Of them, only Konstantine, Alexander and Peter returned to Russia.
    Ivan being shot down in the Siege of Kars (1855).
    Nicholas being cut down by a bayonet at the Battle of Eupatoria (1855).

    When they returned, that's when Konstantine took to drink. Something that would loosen his lips and let himself smile a little more, and would very commonly take to crying fits in this time - and would be very commonly comforted by Arina. Around this time, this was when the pair fell in love - a love that left Alexander feeling uneasy. This uneasiness swelled, and Alexander offered Konstantine a second sizeable estate that had been left to Alexander in a will.
    Konstantine accepted, and moved there in 1857 with Arina.
    There, the second estate remained in good shape until Konstantine's passing in 1877 after he was stabbed in a robbery gone wrong. From there, the small estate very quickly fell into ruin, with Konstantine's money being seized by Alexander, and the small estate left to rot, with Arina being too old and frail to care for it.

    Despite his nervousness and his drink, Konstantine's kindness extended to Arina's sons. Never once did he lay a hand on Apollo and Andrei, and in his tipples before bed would he talk about his adventures in the Crimea. Normally, though, whenever he would recount these "adventures", the vodka would numb the sensory recollections that would come with the verbal retellings. The army paid well, Konstantine would never deny that - but the verbal ooze would only go onto take Andrei and Dima away from Apollo, despite Konstantine's best efforts.

    Peter Angeloff
    1st October, 1823 - December 18th, 1861
    Apollo's step uncle. A quiet man prone to colds during the long winters, being the youngest of the five siblings of the Angeloff Household, Peter very much preferred the company of books and studies than the life of a soldier. This opinion very quickly drew the ire of his two older brothers Ivan and Nicholas, who Peter would very commonly be defended from by Alexander and Konstantine.

    Following the conclusion of the Crimean War and the emergence of the second Angeloff Estate, Peter would sometimes visit Konstantine, Arina, Dima, Andrei and Apollo. Despite his weakness to opioids and his faltering will to refuse the urge to take to drink, when he was sober, Peter had a good relationship with his step sons. Instilling in them a great love for literature and studies, along with the love of expensive vodka and liquor.

    The love for expensive vodka, however, would eventually prove to be Peter's undoing. One frigid winter's night in 1861, Peter fell into the pond of the first Angeloff Estate and drowned. He was found the next morning by a distressed servant who was out to get firewood.

    Remaining Relatives
    Following April of 1903, Apollo re-established contact with one of his few remaining relatives: Alexander L. Angeloff. In the correspondence between the pair, Alexander eventually invited Apollo and Evaline to back to the old Angeloff Estate on the outskirts of the city of St. Petersburg, by which Apollo and Evaline accepted. Between the 17th of November and the --th December, Apollo and Evaline remained abroad in the frigid cold of the late year Russia.
    Much to Evaline's irritation in the face of the cold!

    Alexander Leonid Angeloff
    25th December, 1821 -
    Apollo's Stepuncle on account of him being the brother to Apollo's Stepfather. Is also Apollo's first cousin once removed, on account of him being the cousin to Apollo's missing father.
    Despite being 81 years of age, Alexander can still walk and even run unaided. Lean in physique, Being able in both body and mind, Alexander is a slightly tired looking old man, shy of just six feet tall. Snow white beard paired with a well-cared moustache and a surprisingly decent head of hair for his age, with a slightly stunted looking widow's peak hairline that appears to be slightly lopsided. Preferring thick woollen attire and thick, heavy marching boots.
    Alexander shares a large amount of interests with his Step-nephew, and even when stood side by side, there is a vague resemblance between the pair. Namely, the shape of the brow and the style of moustache that was coupled with Alexander's beard.
    Though, both he and Apollo see this as a happy accident.

    Polina Galina Angeloff
    24th June, 1874 -
    Eldest of Alexander Angeloff's granddaughters, and is the older sister to Natalya Angeloff and Larisa Angeloff.

    Natalya Helga Angeloff
    4th October, 1877
    Of the three sisters, Natalya is the middle child.

    Larisa Lyubov Angeloff
    30th November, 1879
    Between the three sisters that form up Alexander Angeloff's granddaughters, Larisa is the youngest of the three, being 24 years of age.

    General Trivia
    • Seems to have the constant aroma around him of sweet tobacco and thyme.
    • Half German - specifically, Prussian.
    • His hair would already be white if it wasn't for the presence of a jet black pigments remaining therein.
    • Despite the stereotype, Apollo adores vodka.
    • Takes his coffee black with three sugars.
    • A big lover of fried apples and croissants.
    • Prior to Austro, Apollo has little to no experience riding horses.
    • Deer make Apollo uneasy.
    • Preferred brand of tobacco is, ironically, Red Stag Tobacco.
    • Apollo's exact military rank was "Подпрапорщик" (Podpraporshchik) - and prior to 1884, was the highest NCO rank in the Imperial Russian Army.
    • Has "Hе навреди." tattoo'd on his inner right forearm, making it easy to conceal.
    • He is oddly protective of his middle name and surname.
    • Apollo's favourite quote is "Never fight with a Russian. On your every stratagem they answer unpredictable stupidity", said by Otto von Bismarck (Allegedly.)
    • Enjoys physically demanding sports such as boxing and running.
    • Kept in the study of his house, Apollo keeps a journal - incorrectly referred to as his jotter.
    • Apollo has met Tsar Nicholas II following some mischief on behalf of his wife, Evaline Alovich!
    • Has a silver Russo-Turkish War Medal, awarded to him in 1878, for being temporarily stationed at Shipka Pass and having partook in its defence. Also has a light bronze medal for "FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE POLISH RING", according to the medal itself, awarded to him in 1865.

    Apollo Alovich









    5'11 (180cm)


    204lb (92kg)


    4th August, 1843


    St. Petersburg, Russian Empire



    Marital Status:

    Evaline Alovich - Wife


    Arina Aliza Alovich - Mother
    Andrei Abraham Alovich - Brother
    Konstantine Angeloff - Stepfather
    Peter Angeloff - Step uncle
    Nicholas Angeloff - Step uncle
    Ivan Angeloff - Step uncle
    Alexander Angeloff - Step uncle
    Unknown - Father
    Unknown - Nibling


    Surgeon General
    Part-Time Lumberman
    Watch Captain (
    Infantryman (Formerly)


    God of The Sun
    Shaun Love (Formerly)
    Leopald Levinsky (

    Faction Affiliations:

    Sisikia Penitentiary (Formerly)
    King's Cross GP (
    The Vault (
    The Commune (
    Ironwood Medical (
    The Vanguard (
    The Minutemen (
    Imperial Russian Army (