Blue Hunt

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    Theme Song


    A young girl with no educational background whatsoever, she tries her best to understand what anyone is on about. She has long brown hair which is all over the place and mainly maintained by her 'fisher' hat. Her eyes are grey with brown speckles in them. She is a bright bubbly girl but is easily intimidated.

    Early Life 

    An unwanted child, she was used as a house maiden and never had the privilege of going to school due to the complete hatred her mother and father had for Blue. To them, she was just another mouth to feed. Whilst her brother, Christopher, received proper meals and warm clothes; Blue was left with torn-up hand-me-downs which were expected to last her for a few years even if she couldn't fit into them. As for food, she would receive the scraps that her mother, father or brother didn't finish.
    A task that her mother and father made was 'X' marks in the dust. In hidden locations, expecting Blue to find them. If she didn't clean properly and an 'X' was found - Blue would receive harsh lashings. The more 'X''s that were found, the more the lashings lasted longer.
    When it came down to it, the money her father saved from not spending it on his 'beloved' daughter - went to alcohol. And the alcohol made him into a rageful drunk. Soon enough, the psychotic drunk beatings, as well as the 'disciplinary' beatings, were enough for Blue to run away from her home.
    She spent months running away. Her shoes fell apart to a point where she unthreaded her clothes to keep them sewn together for a little longer. She soon became a pickpocketer. However she only took what she needed and nothing else, she maintained a humble attitude as much as she starved. Bread and water kept her going.
    On her journey from Vermont to wherever she was to arrive, she stumbled upon an abandoned green hat; the green hat was soon decorated with different lures she found on the sides of rivers she travelled in different states - and eventually became the only proper thing she could call her own.
    Blue eventually stopped when she walked to a shore, looking like a beach. She had unknowingly hit New Alexandria. She remained there for her months to come by, homeless and stealing bread from the general store when the shop keeper was busy. Sleeping in alleyways and broken-down buildings.

    Present Life 

    Spending three months finding shelter in alleyways and abandoned architecture, she eventually came out of her ‘hidey hole’ in the plan of pickpocketing anyone she may stumble across without getting in trouble. Instead, her plans blossomed into much more. She met many people with compassionate energy to help her; offering food and shelter - one by the name of Fred bought her a scrawny nag whom she named Bob. Bob was in the same state as Blue: skinny, bones showing, unloved and close to death. Clueless on how to ride him, she would walk with him from town to town until she was taught. The two things Blue owned was Bob and her trusty hat pierced with lures.
    Some of these people she met were under the name, ‘The Colts’. Sat beside a fire by her lonesome self with Bob through a stormy blizzard, they approached her with questions on why she was alone. Explaining she was a runaway kid who was basically homeless made them invite her. Soon enough relations started to blossom with them and Blue; finding trust and friendship - even family. The family maintained that her health and wellbeing was a priority. Soon enough Blue found herself a family called ‘The Colts’ who were no longer just friends. She was being adopted by Alex Mercer and Scarlet Prescott where they gave her the legal ability to change her name. They taught her basic skills such as riding a horse, shooting a gun, cooking, fend for herself and understand not everyone was willing to be her friend.


    The Colts: 6th January 1900 - Present
    Bluegoo: February 1900 - Present


    - “Okie Dokie Smokey!”
    - "What da heck!?"
    - "Hi! I'm Blue!"
    - "Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleeeeeeh!" to Nicholas 'NikNak' Carter
    - "I don't fish! I found this hat on the side of the road and stuck these dangly things in them!"
    - "Alex is going to be so mad..."
    - "See ya later alligator!"
    - "Cannibblelism..."
    - "Edjimication."
    - "Is that an oofanism?"

    "I get asked why I call myself Blue. it doesn't just mean my favourite colour.
    Blue is the colour of the water that the fishes swim in.
    Blue is the colour of the sky the birds fly in
    They are free.
    I'm called Blue because I'm now free..."


    - Her trusty hat is actually a hat she found on the side of the road before sticking different lures through it for more colours,
    - Owns a Scrawny Nag called Bob who she simply adores and is aiding back to health. It turns out that Bob was a foal, who wasn't male. Bob was a female horse that had reached outside of her adolescent years to adult - she was cared for by a Veterinarian who classed her as a 'Red Arabian' when aided back to health.
    - Currently owns a horse named Berry and a carriage horse named Waffle.
    - Her favourite colour is blue as she believes it symbolises freedom.
    - Only pickpockets people when she has no food but never takes any more than she needs.
    - Cannot say 'mechanism' for the love of it.
    - Is basically a bottomless pit for food and will somewhere or another find her eating.
    - Loves to draw or write in her (art)book.
    - Has a small crush on Xander Steele (M.I.A) and Bishop John Seed (Deceased - Murdered).

    - Alex Mercer gave her, her first gun on 4th January 1900.
    - Harley Freeman gave her, her first-ever handmade meal on 5th January 1900.
    - Ruby Colt taught her how to properly ride a horse on 6th January 1900.
    - Owned her own bedroom for the first time on 6th January 1900 due to the Colts.
    - Got shot for the first time in the arm on 7th January 1900.
    - Accidentally robbed a store and bank when trying to help get help for Rachel Reaper by getting the tellers to ring the alarm for deputies to come quicker on 7th January 1900.
    - Went to another country, Guarma, for the first time in her whole life with The Colts on 7th January 1900.
    - First time bitten properly by a venomous snake 7th January 1900.
    - Received her first properly made hot chocolate by Alex Mercer on 9th January 1900.
    - First time randomly attacked by a man named Billy for simply sticking up for herself 10th January 1900.
    - Opened her bank account with Nicholas Carter and learned how to spell her first name due to it on 11th January 1900.
    - Shot her first-ever people to protect Dee Dee, NikNak and Reigar on the 13th January 1900.
    - Had about 22 people participate in the Blue Squad on the 15th January 1900.
    - Paying for her adoption papers by Alex Mercer and Scarlet Prescott. Blue used the money she's been given by others to finalise this on 16th January 1900.
    - Legally adopted to Scarlet and Alex on the 17th of January 1900.
    - Undergone surgery for internal bleeding after two horse kicks cause trauma to the large intestine on the 17th January 1900.
    - She was officially adopted as Blue Chariot Prescott on the 17th January 1900.
    - She spends her time looking after Alex Mercer (her father) who suffered another fatal injury. She nurses him until he is back to health and currently remains there on the 30th of January.
    - Spends her time nursing Alex back to full health. Spending the majority of the month learning how to read and write.

    - Tries looking for Alex and Scarlet, along with the rest of the Colts. Unable to properly find them apart from new members, she ends up getting shot in the abdomen with a double-action-revolver on the 6th March.
    - Was taken for a reversed robbery which only triggered internal conflicts in Blue. She ends up holding up Harley Freeman by gunpoint in the middle of Valentine as he was one of the perpetrators in the situation and didn't show signs of consideration when he sees her again. This occurred on the 12th Match.



    Blue Chariot Prescott









    5ft 2 (157cm)


    53Kg (116 lbs)


    10th July 1883


    Vermont, United States


    Marital Status:

    Not Looking


    John Hunt [Father]
    Melody Hunt [Mother]
    Christopher Hunt [Big Brother]

    Scarlet Prescott [Adoptive Mother]
    Alex Mercer [Adoptive Father]
    Jackson Mercer [Adoptive Uncle]
    Nicholas Carter [Adopted Big Brother]


    Sweet Extraordinaire


    Lil' Shit

    Faction Affiliations:
