January 5th, 1900 and July 10th, 1900
Cattle Drive Of Tipsy Cow to Coyote Crossing
The first Cattle Drive has taken place in January 5th, 1900 . Coyote Crossing Ranch has just opened a few weeks before in December 15h, 1899, and there was a plan to raise livestock, cows and chickens down at McFarlane's Ranch. That is when they approached Tipsy Cow Trading Post where Aurore Hopefield used to work and a good friend of previous owner Charity Lawson (Grussin) . They came with a big trade involved many items, instruments, food, material and etc. The convoy has left Coyote Crossing Ranch at 2PM with no stop toward Emerald Ranch, one wagon full of the items for trade and supply of food and medical supply for the way back.
The deal was made with Tommy True who used to be owner of the Tipsy Cow Trading Post, Aurore Hopefield and Charity Grussin.
Long Term Effect(s)
It has provided Coyote Crossing Ranch more services for New Austin area, also provided a successful civilian event for everyone to join, including Staff members.
Event Type:
Cattle Drive
Time Span:
A few hours
Coyote Crossing, Emerald Ranch, Dakota River
Parties Involved
Coyote Crossing, Tipsy Cow Trading Post, Ranchers, Civilians and Doctors. (Staff members has joined as the cows)