Celeste Ward

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    With Raven hair, and dark grey eyes, you can often find her to a side, listening intently to the goings on. She has several scars from encounters with animals at this point, most notably the one across her face. Though some may hide it, she has come to look at as a reminder of who she is. She wears her heart on her sleeve, wanting to see the best for others.

    Early Life 

    Celeste was born to well enough off parents. She was not given much freedoms as a child, kept in home most of the time, with private tutors as her parents saw her as frail and weak. She never resented this treatment, but always longed for more. She spent countless hours across countless nights sitting in her windows watching the stars, studying them. She often longed for more, to study astronomy in earnest. This was not something her parents wanted for her, and tried their best to persuade her away from. But when she turned 18, she took the opportunity for independence as an apprenticeship under a long standing astronomer, and family friend. She spent the next 5 years working for him. As time went on he began to have her do more and more work, but always taking credit, citing it was his observatory, that he would be to receive credit. It wasn't long after that he began to make passes at Celeste, insinuating that should she do more for him he might give her credit. Celeste thought she had gained freedom but it took her 5 years to realize this was just another cage. After one too many fights, she stole away in the night. The stars taking her to New Alexandria to forge her own path.

    Present Life 

    Starting to a rough start in the state Celeste saw the sour side state from the beginning, and it didn't improve quickly. She didn't want to think she would have to fight out of situations, but she found that she would have to take hold of the reigns of her life. She started taking self defense classes. Lana's encouragement and being the first person to truly give Celeste control over her own life. From there she grew close with the Molotov family. As she graduated self defense she was recruited on board as a trainer to pass on the empowerment she was given, but also running the newly founded Peace of Mind Scholarship Fund. In time she found herself as a campaign manager for the reelection of Addison Flanagan, Adelaide Joyce (then Halloway), and Ramona Ryder. After the successful campaign, she was asked to serve as Secretary of State. Celeste is far from where she was prepared to be when she came to the state. But she's in a best place she's been her entire life. Friends and family like never before, exploring new frontiers that are unlike any other.

    Following her term serving as Secretary of State Celeste Ran for Governor, she led a quiet but personal campaign, rather than hosting any sort of large scale. She went around with Hannah Westbrook acting as her security, meeting people. She met a number of people during this time, and although she did not get elected, that time instilled in her a care for bringing forth change for people of all sorts.

    She's now working on her own goals. Creating a system to help people with a criminal past pull themselves past that. Not believing that anyone is truly evil, and anyone who desires to grow beyond their past can. Even seeing firsthand the acts of atrocity by people, she doesn't wish for death, but for redemption.

    She wants to do something proactive to bring forth comfort to people, and she plans to do whatever she can to see to that.


    (Currently) Unaffiliated

    (Previously) Government


    "I'm sorry to Disappoint" -said whenever comes across her thinking she's anyone but herself.


    She has named all her horses she has had after constellations.

    After multiple sour encounters with wolves and cougars has a paralyzing fear, however she is working on having bravery in the face of that fear.

    Celeste has since dealt with her fears of wolves, and has come to terms with how to handle herself when it comes to wild animals. Wolves in particular she has come to respect and even admire.

    She's been called Mrs. Ward on multiple occasions despite her being unmarried.

    Celeste Ward











    190 lbs




    Greensboro, NC



    Marital Status:

    in a relationship with Hannah Westbrook


    Parents Living in North Carolina


    Secretary of State


    Faction Affiliations:
