The Colemans

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  • The Colemans


    The Colemans are a notorious and violent gang that call the hills of Roanoke their home, their base of operations being the town of Van Horn. Known for Bank Robberies and Kidnappings the Colemans take what they want, when they want it. A Coleman will not back down when cornered, and while they might seem amicable, and will always value conversation first over violence, they will not hesitate.

    It's rumoured that they own and operate the saloon in Van Horn as they can be frequently found in that area. After all, Van Horn is the perfect port to ferry smugglers and moonshine.


    The Colemans - Jackson

    Jackson Coleman, and several of his gang members came to New Alexandria after a train job went south in Montana. Among the original members of the gang to come to this new state include his brother Edward (Eddie) Coleman, Lester Blackwell, Cassidy Blackwell, Urist Trainswinger, Kasey Gammill, and Rowena Gardener. Soon after arriving in the state, they picked up a stray named Olivia Cabal, rather than rob her, they recruited her. After a series of successful robberies and ransoms, the group had built quite a name for themselves and several of the prolific members had found themselves with high paying bounties on their heads. They claimed their territory of Van Horn and soon people around the state would speak the Coleman name. As a group they negotiated their way out of tricky situations, and shot their way out of others.

    For 6 months all members remained free from Sisika and on the run. In early 1902, their leader Jackson Coleman decided to turn himself in and cut a deal with the law despite the protests of the other gang members. Rowena followed him to prison, and they were there for 7 years. This was the beginning of the end for Jackson, his actions since arriving in New Alexandria and now this erratic behaviour, and lack of care for his fellow gang members led to the other members wanting him to step down. A few days after Jackson’s release, Eddie, Kasey, Rowena, and Olivia confronted him in Lakay. He was given several chances but refused to accept his mistakes. Eddie asked Jackson to give over the belt buckle and this is when madness overtook him. Jackson shot the four of them down in a fit of rage, stripping them of their own buckles. Then, Jackson committed the most grievous sin of all, he not only left them for dead, but he ratted them out to the law.

    Jackson would later die from his injuries sustained during the gunfight. Eddie and Olivia, having several warrants and bounties, went to Sisika for 3 years because of Jackson. Rowena lost an eye, and the gang was left splintered. Buckles gone and morale quashed. (edited)

    The Colemans - The Aftermath

    After several years in prison it was left to the remaining members to pick up the pieces. At the wake of Jackson’s death another Coleman sibling arrived in state - Marissa. Eddie, Rowena and Olivia managed to reclaim their belt buckles from Jackson’s body and from the law. During this time their ally ship with another gang, The Ashen, had been solidified. The Ashen supported them in the past, and now granted them refuge as the remaining members tended their wounds.

    With a desire to rebuild something new and step out of Jackson's shadow, Eddie made Olivia his second in command. Together they chose a new belt buckle, one that was not stained by Jackson’s betrayal. They updated their code, and decided to forge a new path forward, refusing to let Jackson win even in death. During this time one of their long term members, Rowena, chose to leave the Colemans and join The Ashen.

    The Colemans - A New Era

    With Eddie and Olivia at the helm of the Coleman gang they led their people to many new nefarious ventures. With the help of their allies The Ashen, The Colemans became one of the first gangs to successfully rob banks in the state. No bank nor person was safe from the Coleman grasp, and each time, The Colemans always escaped the law successfully. Not only were these Outlaws running rampant across the state, they were also starting some new business ventures in their town of Van Horn.

    The Old Light saloon finally had new owners, and they are a lot more dangerous than the last ones. Responding to an inconspicuous anonymous telegram seeking a bartender, Tadhg Cameron “Cam” found himself answering to notorious gang member, Olivia Cabal. He was hired to run the saloon, and the Old Light was lively once again, rich with patrons who provided coin, and information. As time went on some new and interesting prospects piqued the curiosity of the Colemans. One of the patrons to the Old Light saloon, a young thief named “George” gained both Eddie and Olivia’s interest, his skill set and eagerness found their place in the Coleman shadow. Another, an Aiden Breen. Piano player by day, graverobber by night, intrigued the Colemans, and soon he too found himself among the fold.

    After a string of robberies and kidnappings, Eddie and Olivia once again found themselves with heavy prices on their heads. The tension with the law was high and deputies soon confronted them in the Van Horn saloon. Shame they came unprepared, because the Old Light would be stained with deputy blood. Colemans are not so easily caught. The Colemans are not without their losses however. Alongside the Ashen they had a run in with deputies in Big Valley. Gunpowder and blood among the trees and Jethro, Razor, and Olivia were bleeding out at the hands of the law. The three were brought to Valentine to be processed, and unfortunately for the deputies, Colemans do not leave each other behind. Eddie, George, Kasey and Aiden led a successful breakout for Olivia and no Coleman went to Sisika that day.

    Work in Progress



    The Ashen - Allies

    The Colemans




    Date Founded:

    July 1901


    Edward Coleman
    Olivia Cabal
    Jackson Coleman


    August Dune aka 'George'
    Brioney Jordan
    Tadhg Cameron
    Aiden Breen
    Kasey Gammill
    Marissa Coleman
    William Stockburn
    Lester Blackwell
    Cassidy Blackwell
    Urist Trainswinger
    Rowena Gardener