Ethan Colt

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  • Ethan Colt


    A specific trait/characteristic that Ethan expresses consistently: Confidence - overpowering the actions or words of others as a technique of taking control, establishing dominance towards others to gain an advantage through either verbal communication or an unprecedented act of aggression. Being unpredictable to both friend and foe to lure advantage towards any situation he is presented in.

    Early Life 

    Ethan was the son of an outlaw and one of the most notorious men that ever ran wild in the lawless region. His father was responsible for the brutal torture and murder of Ethan's mother, to which he witnessed at the age of 11 years old. Arthur Colt, who had been a difficult and very disturbed person who was known to be extremely violent and hot tempered, had taken Ethan's mother and tortured her with other members of his gang, for 16 continuous days, before she passed. Ethan, so young, was witness to this event and it never set well with him and he swore vengeance over this action, which he was never able to rectify, as Calleigh Crane (childhood friend) had stolen it from him when she killed his father. Ethan vowed to make sure that no woman would ever have to go through what his mother did and determined right then that his role would make damn certain that any man that did an act such as this would be met head on with lead from his revolver without question. Annie was a housewife, someone who always demonstrated compassion and understanding and a calmness not all too common to the men of the Colt family. She was beautiful, always smiling, despite bearing the burdens of her husband and the chaos he left in their world.

    Ethan and his father were close and commonly Arthur was grooming Ethan to be a new kind of outlaw and to garnish the successes of his father by helping to teach Ethan how to rob, steak, attack the railroad, steal from vaults and make lawmen back down through being an unknown threat to them that can shift at any given moment. Ethan left Tumbleweed at the age of 16 to pursue a life of crime and violence out in Colorado, where he was very successful in robbing the railroad of nearly $150,000 in over 20 years of continued violence and high risk robberies, to which he was never once captured or detained from hundreds of successful heists. His gang out in Colorado and the surrounding areas was called "Dead Eye Gang." After much success robbing banks, money transports loaded with notes and gold and earning a notorious status under the alias of Remington Stonebrook, it was time to get the hell out of the area as the law was closing in quick and the US Army was also actively seeking his capture for the purpose of killing him and his gang.

    Ethan, realizing he wasn't getting any younger, had dispatched elements of his gang, which included Wyatt West and Ryder White, to New Alexandria, to scope out the area for opportunity. After Wyatt was brutally murdered in Valentine, Ryder remained and Ethan Colt had set foot in Blackwater to have a look at the situation and make a determination on moving the gang to the area, to which it was agreed to be done after a chat with Ryder. He was filled with eagerness to do things a little bit differently, slow down from the days of his glory filled youth, to maybe find love, have children and live differently for a change and most importantly, establish a different type of gang that would challenge the status quo of anything that had been experienced before in the State.

    Present Life 

    Was happily married to the most gorgeous woman that the world has ever seen and the father to incredibly unique children and the legacy of the Colt name.

    The Colts were formed under Ethan's namesake in New Alexandria after discussion with Ryder White, the acquisition of Ruby West (Deceased), Jesse Sterling and Elias Haines (Deceased). This group grew rapidly and it did not take long at all to establish their presence to the deputies and other citizens of the state. Not long after getting everything up and running, Ethan and Ruby West married to further enrich the Colt family namesake and they adopted Judith Evans (Colt), who they found in Valentine at 16 years old and living on her own and they wanted to make sure this sweet kid had a support structure to blossom and grow into a young adult with. Not too long after all of that, they were blessed with the birth of a baby girl, who they named Ivy Rose Colt. Later on down the road and after the death of Judith Colt, Ruby became pregnant with twins and they were given the names River Colt and Dallas Colt.

    Ethan was all about glory, the value in a man's word and to settle all affairs through conversation before being content in the decision to drop them in the dirt. Despite that, he has anger issues and a back filled to the brim with burdens and loss. He was commonly found talking about going out in a blaze of glory or from swinging by the neck, but Ruby changed all of that for him and he considers himself extremely fortunate for being blessed with her in his life, as she saved him, made him see differently, gave him love, children and a future he never dared to contemplate previously.

    Now you see, The Colts are something special! It's not just about being a group of badasses, but a family first and foremost. If you are a part of the family (gang), you are expected to act like it, be honest, have integrity and risk your life for your brothers and sisters. Love is something that is forged from the bond of all who call themselves a Colt. This persistence is alarming to the State and to those who uphold it's laws, because the family, being so large, so uncommonly established and difficult to understand, makes The Colts a threatening foe to the law and other outlaw/vigilante groups across New Alexandria.

    On January 23rd 1901, he married Roslyn Eads and submitted adoption for Melody Alvarez.


    "The Colts - July 1899 to Present"
    "Dead Eye Gang - 1879 to July 1899"
    "The Hagens"



    "Stay Upright and Healthy Will You"
    "Your Time For Honoring Yourself Is Quickly Coming To A Close"
    "If I wanted to hear it, I'd buy you a bottle and ask"
    "This is DiffiColt"


    Ethan enjoys making people think about hard hitting things. He enjoys making big people feel small and has no issue presenting power over anyone who seeks an issue with him or his gang.

    Ethan Colt



    Deceased (DOD: March 4th 1901)










    September 9th, 1861

    Death Date:


    Tumbleweed, New Austin


    American English

    Marital Status:

    Married to Roslyn Colt


    Arthur Colt (Deceased), Annie Anasari-Colt (Deceased), Ivy Colt, Judith Colt (Deceased), River Colt, Dallas Colt, Scarlet Prescott, Wyatt Colt, John Colt, @Melody Alvarez




    Mr. Colt, Daddy, iiithan, Papa, Uncle Ethan

    Faction Affiliations: