Jaena Shaw

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  • Dr. Jaena Shaw


    A rather large and muscular woman, clearly of native heritage despite the deep twang of her way of speaking. Long black hair as soft and shiny as silk braided back out of the way settling between broad shoulders at her back. Deep emerald green eyes are set against caramel skin that has been heavily scarred by knives and wildlife. Most notable of the scars is one slash across her left eyebrow that is clearly made by a knife, and deep claw and bite wounds to the right side of her jaw and back of her neck allude to even more reminders of a rough life. Despite her imposing stature, she has clear indentations of laugh lines around her eyes in equal portion to some that mark the beginning of scowl lines.

    Early Life 

    Born and raised in Grizzlies East, Jaena spent most of her early life learning to sew and tend to her own clothing, fend for herself, and take care of her siblings. Though when pressed for more details about her past she seems more elusive in nature, she will sometimes be caught blithely remarking that anyone is better than her sister, though it would take some pressing to learn the truth of it all.

    Present Life 

    Many things have changed for Dr. Shaw over the last few years. If one would question her how her life is presently they'd find a focused and purposeful individual who has far more confidence than during her time as Surgeon General. Many paths have put themselves in front of Dr. Shaw, though now she's comfortable where she is at. Forsaking a life in Politics Dr. Shaw has moved towards her roots and a better way to forge her foundation. She is now married to Alasdi Atsisonvnv and Elena Shaw, has a loving family, and a Tribe of her own at long last. Reconnecting with her Lakota roots, Dr. Shaw was finally granted her Native name during a ceremony with the Yvwi Detlugv, the tribe for which she stands as War Chief on the council.


    War Chief and Council for Yvwi Detlugv
    Deputy for New Alexandria Sheriff's Department


    "I intend to live a long and Happy life just to piss of those who want me dead."


    • Her native name means Storm that rises.
    • Her new Kladruber is named Kelpie, and is known for kicking male horses and people alike, and for bumping people for snuggles.
    • Her Deputy horse is named Head-Empty, and fits his name.
    • Wears her fathers faded Union hat from when he served in the civil war. If you put it on your head, rumor has it she will tackle the fuck out of you.
    • Her boxer nickname is "Hackshaw"
    • Her old Andalusian;'s name was Little Brother who she raised from a foal, retired now after a bullet to the head in Big Valley.
    • Once was a skin graft donor for her son Mdewé, and said "OW" so many times those among her friends affectionately refer to her as "Dr. OW Shaw".

    "wakíŋyaŋ inážiŋ"













    February 10th


    Grizzlies East.


    Lakota Sioux & Irish

    Marital Status:

    Married to Alasdi Shaw & Elena Shaw


    Billy Shaw, Blood Brother - Alive.
    Malcolm Ashbrook, Adopted Brother - Alive
    Elizabeth Ashbrook, Niece - Alive
    Morty Detwiler, Adopted Nephew - Alive
    Jacqueline Shaw, Sister - Dead to Her.


    Deputy of New Alexandria's Sheriff Department
    Manager of Mountain Medical


    wakíŋyaŋ inážiŋ

    Faction Affiliations:

    Yvwi Detlugv, NASD.