Kiwi McMalish

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  • Kiwi McMalish



    a woman of average height and average (ectomorph) build.
    curly ginger hair that reaches just past her shoulders when untied - often kept into a bun, secured with a bow.
    freckled, round cheeks with blemishes splattered across her face and neck. She has dimples in both cheeks when she smiles.

    Kiwi’s eyes are a pale-ish green, with brown flecks around her pupil.
    many believe her to look younger than her age (and certainly act younger).
    Kiwi has a rather prominent nose, with a very recognizable bump by her nose bridge.
    a small collection of scars, most namely a long, thin one running down her left shin - a larger indent of a scar on her left shoulder where it meets het neck, left from ripped flesh after a cougar attack - a gunshot scar further down that same shoulder - and a small circular scar on the back of her right hand, below her thumb.

    Style of Dress
    Kiwi almost exclusively wears loosely fitting clothing. Some staple pieces include overalls, wide pants, and a white blouse with loose collar.
    her favorite colors are green and yellow - and it shows, often pairing it with white and brown.
    always wears a bow in her hair. Always.
    she loves ‘eccentric’ clothing pieces - overalls, a stitched together coat, a bright patterned skirt - they make her happy!
    Kiwi often wears spurs after some advice from Apollo Alovich.

    above all else, many would say Kiwi is sweet. she has a strong, gentle heart which she has worked hard to keep.
    everything Kiwi does is done with full passion. she will absolutely kick your ass at hide and seek, she will immediately answer a medical call, and she will bake each pie with as much love as the last one.
    though often seen as kind and gentle, Kiwi is a loudmouth, and often stubborn. she has strong opinions, but often does not voice them, almost as if forgetting to.
    teasing people is Kiwi’s bread and butter. she adores poking fun of friends and acquaintances, sometimes even strangers if she feels comfortable. the closer people are, the more they’re the target of her antics.
    Kiwi often gets a little shy around authority figures. she treats everyone with respect regardless of status, but when authority figures are around, an extra dollop of manners is a must.

    Habits and Quirks
    Kiwi is a fidgeter. bouncing on the tips of her toes, picking at things, chewing the inside of her cheek, hopping around - Kiwi does not like to stand still and wait, and when she has to, she often stands observing her surroundings and taking notes of small things.
    she often smells like warm, dry hay or pie dough. It’s not unusual for her sleeves to be covered in flour.
    Kiwi seems to never have developed an ‘inside voice’.
    she thrives on 7 to 8 hours of regular sleep. she tends to stir a lot and is an absolute blanket hog, and often mumbles. She rarely has dreams or nightmares, but occasionally wakes up during the night, especially when she goes to sleep worried.
    when idle on her horse, she often makes their horse do the ‘spinny trick’, making them go in circles - especially when she’s on Clementine.
    Kiwi is a pacifist. though she has slowly grown to understand the ways of the state, she has never pulled a gun on someone and tries to generally avoid doing so. she has shot in someone’s direction only once, with no intent to hit. She has practiced with her gun, but does not like them, hating how ‘impersonal’ they are.

    Early Life 

    Present Life 


    Ongoing Affiliations
    - None with Businesses at this time.

    Past Affiliations
    The Four Horsemen Saloon: Kiwi’s first impression of state was buying a horse and then being brought to the Four Horsemen by the wonderful Isaac O’Neil.
    She mentioned looking for a job, which immediately caught the attention of one Archer Cassidy, who needed another waiter for his restaurant opening the next day. Kiwi shyly accepted, and despite being tense all night, rather enjoyed it. There she met Sonny Harris, Lip Darmon and Agatha Baumstumpf - who all seemed to take enough of a liking to her to offer her a job at The Four Horsemen Saloon. There she learned how to bartend, got to know more people, and made an array of friends. Though these days she’s rather busy with her bakery, Kiwi tries to visit the Four Horsemen when she can, occasionally working security or behind the bar if needed. They are were her first colleagues and friends, and she’ll always be thankful for that.
    ❀ Cassidy’s: waitress for a few nights, and the first job she ever had in state. Is still Was in good standing with the owner, Archer Cassidy. Employment stopped due to the shutdown of the business.


    "Hello yousin's!"
    "Alrighty then! Take care and be safe!"
    "Christ alive.."

    Other bangers
    “There is no finish line.” - Said in a conversation with Keagan Beegan, who felt lost after the loss of a friend. Kiwi told him all you can do sometimes is keep running.


    Kiwi’s favorites
    flower: daffodils and daisies
    ❀ color: mustard yellow and pine green
    ❀ meal: lamb stew and mac and cheese
    ❀ snack: scrambled eggs
    ❀ dessert: carrot cake
    ❀ weather: sunshine with a breeze
    ❀ place: her family tree by the swamp and the taxidermy house in Strawberry
    ❀ animal: highland sheep and mice

    Kiwi McMalish









    173 cm / 5ft 7in


    ~64 kg / ~141 lbs


    17th september 1879


    Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland



    Marital Status:



    Elizabeth Bovey (mother)
    William McMalish (father)
    Flora McMalish (older sister)
    Lily McMalish (younger sister)
    James, Rose, Arthur and Louis McMalish (siblings, passed at young age)


    Owner of and baker at The Bird’s Bakery


    Birdie (nickname given by her father, not used since)
    Red Robin (nickname given by Fredrik Andersen)

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Four Horsemen Saloon (former employee)
    Cassidy’s (former employee)