Charlie Hagen

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    Magpie is a young and extremely cheeky pickpocket, swindler and con-artist. He's easily recognisable by his long, unkept ginger hair and common, youthful English accent. His apparel has always been decidedly "street youth", though has evolved over time as he's matured and accumulated additional income.

    He would've previously been seen in typical Saint Denis street clothes, comprising of an old flatcap, filthy undershirt, jeans with the legs rolled up and laced boots. Over time, he's gradually updated his wardrobe to better reflect his own taste and preferences. He now wears clothes that, when new, might've looked fairly expensive, though he prefers to buy them from the second hand bins - finding old clothes to be more comfortable and familiar.


    Early Life 


    Born out of wedlock to Brian Finch and Hannah Clarke in the slums of London, young Charlie Finch (later Magpie) grew up in extreme poverty. His father was a petty criminal and an abusive drunk, while his mother was unemployed and only allowed to leave the shared house to pick up necessities from the market. Failure to pay rent meant Magpie and his family were forced to move on a regular basis, never once having a permanent place to call home.

    Magpie was uneducated, though allowed considerably more freedom than his mother. As such, he spent as much time away from the house as possible. Rarely ever staying in one area long enough to make meaningful friendships, young Magpie always found it easier to befriend the stray dogs than other children. It's here on the streets that he taught himself to pick pockets and play the role of helpless child for additional income. What little he could scrounge would typically be spent on sweets or simple toys, though, any toys or trinkets brought home and found by his father would be destroyed in a fit of drunken rage.

    By eight years old, he'd had enough. Tired of living under his fathers tyranny and his mothers apparent indifference, Magpie plotted to run away for good. Afraid he'd eventually be caught by his father and that he'd suffer the consequences if he remained in London, Magpie dreamt big. He wished to put an entire ocean between him and everything he dreamt of leaving behind. And so, on an ordinary day like any other and without saying goodbye, Magpie left home for the last time in search of a brighter future.


    Saint Denis

    The journey to America was mostly uneventful, only as exciting as you'd expect for a young stowaway. The conditions were rough, though he did receive little help from a sympathetic crew member. Magpie wasn't sure where in America he'd end up when embarking on this journey, but eventually found himself in the city of Saint Denis.

    Free from the chains of neglect put in place by his abusive father and empty shell of a mother, he could feel the weight of his past slip away with each step further from the Saint Denis shipyard. For the first time, he was looking forward to what the future may bring.

    Having lived in poverty back in London, Magpie had an optimistic outlook going forward. "Things can't get any worse than they were!" It wouldn't be long before he had familiarised himself with the city landscape, Saint Denis being considerably smaller than London and lacking the intricate "rat-maze" alleyways he'd spent his childhood navigating with ease. Comfortable in his new environment, Magpie would settle on a particular spot in the market distract behind a locked gate which provided ample cover from the elements. He would call this spot home for the next eight years, turning it into his own little haven complete with comfy blankets and plenty of places to hide his loot.

    For a short while, Magpie fell in with a group of similarly aged miscreants. The ragtag group was not formed out of a sense of friendship or loyalty, but only for the mutual benefits allowed by safety in numbers. Arguments and thievery amongst the group were commonplace, but ultimately they had each others backs. The group gradually dissolved as many "grew up" and moved away from the troublesome lifestyle.

    By his own low standards, he had thrived in this new environment. In Saint Denis, the wealthy and the impoverished live packed together like sardines in a tin. There's never a shortage of wealthy whales to pick apart or easily distracted store owners to swipe from. He was still relatively poor, but he was finally content.


    Present Life 


    Scout and Wulf Company Limited

    Shortly after his 16th birthday, Magpie wound up in a deliberately heated argument with a wealthy resident he was attempting to steal from. As a chance encounter, Scout Stonebrook (now Scout Sterling), a stranger to Magpie at the time, found herself in the vicinity of the unfolding situation and immediately recognised it as the setup for a pickpocket attempt. Seizing the opportunity, Scout manoeuvred her way into the argument and provided the perfect distraction story to allow Magpie a successful pickpocket. After extracting a small bill fold and some sweets, Magpie and Scout scurried away from the scene to share the spoils. They've been best friends ever since.

    Not long after their friendship started, Scout introduced Magpie to the members of Wulf Company Limited - an import/export business established in Saint Denis by William Wulf. Mr. Wulf, alongside colleagues Sid Sands and James Harrison, had an initially rocky relationship with Magpie over his loud mouth and lack of tact. Nevertheless, the group would put up with Magpie's presence as he and Scout had become close friends.

    Despite being based in Saint Denis, the members of Wulf Company Limited would frequently travel across the state on business and leisure, offering to bring Magpie and Scout along with them. Having never left the city, Magpie was curious to see what else the state had to offer. This would mark the next major turning point in his life.


    Catching Feelings

    After some time and constant teasing from friends and strangers alike, Magpie began to realise that perhaps he liked Scout more than as just a friend. Having never cared for another person in his entire life, muddling through these feelings were both confusing and frustrating for him. Eventually, Magpie had a heart-to-heart conversation with his new friend Rose Miller (Rose Avery), where she talked him through his thoughts and feelings. It's from this encounter he'd been convinced to tell Scout how he feels, even though he hadn't quite understood it himself.

    The next day, on New Years Eve, he pulled Scout aside to try explaining his feelings. Not wanting to ruin their friendship if she didn't feel the same way, he specifically didn't intend to "ask her out". Instead, he fumbled his words for over 10 minutes before rushing to the telegram office, demanding help from Rose. Humoured by his struggle, she agreed on the condition that her boyfriend, Felix Avery, could tag along to laugh at his struggles too.

    Once he finally found the words, Scout complaisantly responded with "Well, yeah! We're like a pair of shoes. You can't have one without the other!" Having no idea what she meant, Magpie took her happy disposition to mean that she wasn't put off by his feelings and that they were still best friends. They'd later agree to go on a date, though struggled to see how it was any different to all the other times they've spent time together.


    A Robbery Gone Wrong

    Magpie was leaving Saint Denis to travel to Valentine alongside Scout and his Danish friend and fellow street youth, Olaf Winter. This would be the first time they'd attempt to venture beyond Saint Denis without the transport provided by older company. Only Scout had a horse, so they decided to seize a wagon or cart passing over the bridge. Traffic was slow this day, so when a single seated buggy crossed over, they decided this would be the one.

    Used to leading situations, Magpie drew his Cattleman revolver and pulled up his bandana as the buggy drew closer. After crossing the bridge, Magpie rushed out from his hiding place, climbed onto the buggy and threw the man to the ground - shouting "Sorry mister! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" the entire time. Quicker than he'd managed to climb on, the man they'd yanked off the buggy drew his repeater and was a blink away from shooting Magpie at near point-blank range. It's at this exact moment that Winter attempted to tackle the man, but it was too late. Reactively, though inexperienced, Magpie had lined up an approximate shot and pulled the trigger - hitting the man in the head and killing him instantly. Freaked out, Scout and Winter jumped onto her horse and Magpie rode off with the buggy.

    They only made it so far as the next bridge towards the swamps when Magpie hastily pulled to the side and collapsed to his knees, taking deep, panicked breaths over what had just happened. Themselves freaked out, Scout and Winter attempted to calm him down, justifying what he'd done as a "you or him" situation. But to Magpie, it didn't matter. He was in the wrong and had needlessly cost a man his life. And for what? A temporary, more convenient way to Valentine. Eventually, he'd manage to compose himself and the group would head off once more to their destination.

    Magpie would silently struggle for a long time with what he'd done, but confided in no one.


    Reverend Al Simmons

    Just a few days after the buggy incident, Magpie was making rounds in Valentine in an attempt to make sales through Magpie's Magnifisint Imporium of Well Good Goods. While there, a large crowd had amassed by the church steps. Sensing the opportunity to make a quick buck and generally curious about the unusual location for a group to congregate, he wiggled his way through the crowd to get a better look.

    Atop the steps was "Reverend" Al Simmons, an eccentric religious man seeming to improvise religious scripture to the audience. After a while, Simmons shared his desire to take the group on a "religious expedition". Uninterested, many of the crowd dispersed. Despite being non-religious, Magpie and fellow attendee Henry Stowe, a homeless alcoholic man, agreed to go with Simmons and his security guard - thinking it would be a laugh.

    Eventually, the group arrived at the mine entrance to the caves of Elysian Pool. Simmons asked if he could be given a lantern to lead the expedition through the dark, twisting passageways. Magpie agreed and handed over his lantern. Once in the caves, Simmons asked the group to confess their darkest sins. Still in shock about the accidental murder, Magpie did not want to confess. After persistent, if not a slightly aggressive insisting, Magpie divulged to the group that he's a petty pickpocket and that he feels no remorse over stealing from the wealthy.

    Disgusted, Simmons fixated on Magpie's admission and began to improvise more religious scripture. After significant rambling, Simmons directs the little group further into the caves. It's here where he extinguished the lantern and began to shout about demons and how they were coming for "the boy". Unknown to anyone, Magpie is scared of both the dark and confined spaces due to incidents of being locked in the cupboard as punishment by his father when he was a boy. Magpie panicked, so drew his revolver and started blindingly firing for moments of light from the muzzle flash. It's in these brief moments of visibility he could just about see Simmons' large figure charging towards him in the darkness. Simmons managed to tackle Magpie to the ground, knocking his revolver away before nearly beating Magpie to death.

    Much of what transpired next was unclear to Magpie as he'd been beaten unconscious during the attack. After beating him to silence, Simmons relit the lantern and screamed for help. "The boy, the boy! The demons got the boy!". Simmons' security guard and Henry the alcoholic scrambled to his location. Confused, they helped bring Magpie out of the caves and returned him to Valentine for medical assistance. He hadn't remembered much after waking up and being treated, but it wasn't difficult to figure out. Magpie refused to tell the deputies what had happened, instead wishing for a moment to serve his own justice.

    Just a few days later, his face and torso still bruised from the attack, Magpie found Simmons running another sermon for the people of Valentine. Magpie pretended to be oblivious to who had attacked him. Feeling confident he wasn't found out, Simmons asked Magpie if he'd like to go on another expedition - this time to a cliffside right outside Valentine. Magpie had hoped Simmons would take the bait. It would be much easier to enact revenge if Simmons believed leaving was his own idea.

    Once at the cliff, Magpie listened to Simmons' insane ramblings as he slowly manoeuvred himself into a favourable position. They weren't alone on this cliffside. In the days prior, Simmons had secured himself a few loyal followers who would follow him everywhere. Undeterred by his unarmed followers, Magpie brandished his revolver, grabbing Simmons from behind and holding the gun to his head. Magpie has never been violent by nature, but felt in this case that it's only fair for Simmons to be hurt the same way he hurt Magpie. He hit him over the head once with his revolver, then demanded he and his followers empty their pockets and toss over anything of value.

    Unfortunately, the group were all broke. From this, Magpie had only managed to secure Al Simmons' bible, now broken glasses, and pocket change from his few followers. It's at this time a few from the original group in Valentine made their way to the cliffside, perhaps sensing that something was off. Now with witnesses, Magpie relented and let the men go. Dissatisfied with the outcome, Magpie stormed back towards the town. A few of the people who had interrupted stayed with Simmons to tend to his injury, while the others jogged after Magpie to catch up. One of the group, it turns out, had just been accepted as a deputy recruit. They told this to Magpie, though promised not to say anything about his crime unless directly questioned about it.

    Magpie would go unpunished for his revenge, and just two days later would learn that Simmons had been killed by other people he'd hurt throughout his religious rampage.


    Sisika with Winter


    On the Run




    Bank Robbery

    (Johnny O'Connor)

    Court Case

    (Eira Johnson)

    A Dark Place

    (Instability and worry)

    An Old Feud

    (The Freemans - Sean Wilde)

    An Even Older Feud

    (The Colts)

    Rock Bottom


    A Fresh Perspective


    A Price Too High

    (Felix and Rose)

    All Good Things...


    The Hagens


    (Work in progress!)






    "Look, making bad choices for good reasons still counts for something, no matter what anyone says... It's got to, right?"

    "I'd change the stars in the sky if it would make you happy, but I won't make myself a worse person."

    "Whenever there's the smallest flicker of happiness, The Colts are always right there to shit all over it..."



    • Magpie is afraid of the dark and confined spaces due to being locked in the cupboard as a child.
    • The nickname "Magpie" was coined after he and Scout saw the bird painting in the Galerie Laurent.
    • Magpie legally changed his name from Charlie Finch to Charlie Magpie in late December, 1899.
    • Until he moved on from Saint Denis, Magpie was intimidated by horses and had never learned to ride.
    • Magpie acquired the scars on his cheek while saving a friend from a cougar attack.


    • Claw scars on his right cheek
      • Acquired from a cougar attack outside Beecher's Hope
    • Claw scars across his back
      • Acquired from a bear attack outside Wallace Station
    • Jagged bullet graze across his right side
      • Shot in Valentine, then became infected and scrubbed out
    • Teeth scars around his left forearm
      • Acquired from a partially failed wolf bite outside Fort Wallace
    • Cut scar across his left palm
      • Self inflicted while forming a blood pact with Tobias Hunter
    • Friction burn across his right calf
      • Had his leg pressed against a mechanical factory belt by Woolton O'Shea
    • Cut scar by his left shoulder blade
      • Took a throwing axe to the shoulder by Woolton O'Shea
    • Cut scar up his lower back
      • Had his back sliced by an Unknown O'Shea

    Criminal Record

    • [1] Violation of Town Ordinance
    • [1] Vandalism
    • [1] Criminal Trespassing
    • [2] Failure to Obey Lawful Order
    • [14] Obstruction of Justice
    • [2] Aggravated Obstruction of Justice
    • [1] Aggravated Disturbing the Peace
    • [8] Robbery
    • [1] Armed Robbery
    • [5] Bank Robbery
    • [1] Battery
    • [5] Aggravated Assault
    • [3] Aggravated Battery
    • [4] Aggravated Kidnapping
    • [1] Aggravated Ransom
    • [5] Aggravated Attempted 2nd Degree Murder
    • [1] Accomplice to Aggravated Attempted 1st Degree Murder

    Collected Items

    Still In His Possession
    • Águila Machete
    • Schofield Revolver
    • Mauser Pistol
      • Acquired during a Guarma heist orchestrated by Silas Winchester
    • Key String Necklace
      • Unlocks his secret lockbox
    • Magpie Feather
    • Clay Bird Statuette
      • Gift from Birdie
    • Personalised Navy Colt Revolver
      • Gift from Birdie - it has a crow feather with shiny beads attached below the grip
    • Coin Collection
      • Gift from Kathleen Muldoon and stolen from her father - eight coins from different countries

    Stolen, Lost or Destroyed
    • Cattleman Revolver
    • Cattleman Revolver
    • Wooden Bird Carving
      • Gift from former Deputy, William Oakwood
        • Stolen from Lucky Sclarey's and Aaron Hunter's house by Ulf Gunnarson
    • Lance Knife
      • Gift from Jean Holt
        • Given in trade to Silas Winchester for a Mauser Pistol

    Charlie Magpie









    5'5" - 165cm


    110lbs - 50kg


    October 24th, 1883


    Whitechapel, England



    Marital Status:



    Brian Finch [Estranged]
    Hannah Clarke [Estranged]


    Bank Robber


    "Piemag" - Rose Avery
    "Maggie" - Declan O'Connell
    "John Works"

    Faction Affiliations: