Morty Detwiler

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  • Morty Detwiler


    Early Life 

    During most of his childhood Morty used to live on a ranch very close to Rhodes. Morty's family was absent during most of his day to day activities and If they weren't stuff wouldn't be to great neither. Morty never knew his dad, probably cause his mom used to be a painted lady and had men coming in and out of the house throughout the day. Morty's life didn't mean much to her. To her his only real purpose was to take care of the household and make sure everything was in order. Apart from that she just saw him as another mouth to feed, a mouth that she didn't really want to feed. So for most of Morty's childhood his life was small and as his own mother used to tell him "insignificant, poor people like us don't have a place in this world".

    From his mother's perspective Morty was just property. A byproduct of a mistake that happened whilst at work. To her Morty was only something extra to help around on the farm so she wouldn't have to. Especially seeing she didn't have a husband or.. well, at least not anymore. Somebody had to do it and she for sure wasn't. Morty was just the right Person for the job. He wasn't a son to her and never deserved any of her love "Just do your damn job" is what he mostly heard. And well as a result of how his mother treated him Morty absolutely despised her. Honestly despised her is an understatement, he hated her. Everything she stood for everything she did everything she forced him to do. He absolutely hated her. So, one day he snapped, he got into a very big fight at home. Things happened which I'll leave for people to find out IC. But in the end the last few weeks of living with his mom became too much to the poing that he just packed everything he could and walked away. He just took a horse from the stable, put everything he owned onto that horse and walked away to never ever return home.

    Present Life 

    Morty's story started off with him being a criminal kid living on the streets of Saint Denis causing trouble left and right without any concern for others. He had nothing, no home, no friends, no family and no people to rely on. This all changed after he met Chester Rottweiler and Evelyn Hurst. Chester and Evelyn took Morty into their circle of friends and first introduced him to the Saint Denis street gang called the Monarchy. The Monarchy existed of dozens of people from all around the UK and at the time they controlled the vast majority of Saint Denis. One of the people high up in the ranks of the Monarchy was a lady called Kit Detwiler, Kit was like a mother to both Chester and Evelyn. Together Chester and Evelyn introduced Kit to Morty and after a while she also became a mother to him. A few weeks later he and Chester were adopted by Kit and moved to Saint Denis to live with the Flanagan's and be apart of their organization.

    In the months after his adoption Morty was kidnapped and tortured on numerous occasions by groups to send a message to others. For most of these occasions Morty actually didn't do anything, just bad people, doing bad things and needing somebody to hurt for their games. Due to this happening repeatedly he changed drastically, he was scared, unable to leave his "safe spaces" and if anybody got near he'd point a gun at them. The pain and fear of what was happening to him got worse and one point he sank so deep into a depression that he started using Heroin to keep on going. In a fragile and mostly high state of mind Chester and Morty both slowly became apart of Slimey Guavera's gang and separated themselves from the Monarchy. The family tried to keep both Chester and Morty away from Slimey because they knew what kind of person he was but Chester and Morty didn't listen.

    Slimey was a manipulative person who exploited Chester and Morty's feelings and used them to make Chester and Morty do what he wanted them to do. He cared for them, helped them and made them believe that no matter what he would have their backs and keep them safe from any harm. With his manipulation he managed to get Chester and Morty to work with him and go on robbing, plundering and killing on his behalf. With Slimey's manipulative voice in his head day in day out Morty became ignorant towards the warning signs and kept on going thinking this was the only way. All of this ended the day that Slimey took it too far by taking them on trip to rob and hurt their own family, this is where they drew the line. This was the moment that both Chester and Morty finally realized that their family was right and that they were being manipulated. They agreed to do the execute the plan by having the group of 4 split up into 2 groups of 2 once they arrived in Saint Denis. Morty would take one person in to they alleyways with him whilst Chester would take the other with him. Upon getting close to the building this is where the two of them both made their move and knocked out the other gang members. Morty knocked out gang member nr1 when he was trying to rob his niece, And Chester knocked out Slimey when getting close to the building. Slimey and the 2nd person in the gang were both handed over to the Monarchy and later on thrown out of town. This was one of the last times that they ever dealt with Slimey as they stuck around their family and worked on their own plans.

    When the Monarchy legalized their business and rebranded to the Flanagan's Morty slowly stepped away from crime and went on to be a doctor to learn how to treat people. Once the Flanagan's got into the Government and started controlling the state Morty had his eyes set on being a powerful player in Saint Denis just like his mother Kit. Since Addison Flanagan's first period as Governor he's been living in wealth and utilizing state building as his main residence. Once Jaena Shaw became Governor he was allowed to live in the Governor's Mansion and this carried on to when Zurgadai Baghatur became governor. Currently Sam Holt is the new governor and he has been trying to get back into the building that he now calls home. Nowadays Morty travels around as a Doctor helping people where he can but he knows that it isn't what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Morty, wants to control Saint Denis like how it once was and be just like Kit, knowledgeable, powerful and most importantly respected and feared for his control of the city.


    Gangs / Organizations:
    The Monarchy / The Flanagan's
    Slimey Guavera's Crew
    The Yellow Belly Bandits

    Extended Family:
    Addison Flanagan
    Jaena Shaw
    Adelaide Joyce
    Lucas Joyce
    Calliope Underwood
    Marcus Underwood
    Reese MacManus
    Sean McCarthy
    Whip Underwood
    Bobby Leflame



    Morty's original/real name isn't Morty but it's actually Mort Tea.
    Morty always wears something blue on him.

    Character Theme song

    (Spotify) Nederwiet ~ Doe Maar
    (Youtube) Nederwiet ~ Doe Maar

    Morty Detwiler














    Rhodes, New Alexandria



    Marital Status:


    Mom & Dad:
    Kit Detwiler & Paddy Cox

    Brothers & Sisters:
    Chester Detwiler
    Barry Winchester
    Wesley Eli Lee
    Dallas Clancy


    Mountain Medical Employee


    "Morty" & "Mort Tea"

    Faction Affiliations: